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Created January 13, 2015 04:58
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Code sample for an image rectification algorithm in C++
// MatrixImagingLibrary.cpp [fragment] Alejandro Carrillo (July 2013)
// At the Neuro-Electronic Research Foundation in Belgium, I wrote image
// rectification software for their custom multiphoton microscope.
// The microscope functions by emitting photons and measuring the fluorescence
// of neurons in mice that have genetically encoded calcium indicators.
// In order to sweep the laser across the microscope subject at a maximally high
// frequency, the laser mirror is driven via harmonic resonance.
// The consequence, however, is that the laser sweep is sinusoidal. The following
// functions concern rectifying the sine-warped image that is generated from the
// raw datapoints.
// Note that, while the side-sweeping action of the mirror is sinusoidal in nature,
// the slower downwards sweep from one row to another is linear with time.
// ------------ VARIABLES ----------------
int *SineBinningTable; // Contains mapping from element G[i] to H[j]
int mhz; // Side-sweep scan frequency.
// ------------ FUNCTIONS ----------------
* Generates a lookup table to map sine-warped datapoints to a normalized image.
* Suppose we have pixel line G containing n raw datapoints. G[i] is remapped to
* H[j] by letting j = SineBinningTable[i]. This function generates SineBinningTable.
* dsratio: the down sampling ratio, if we want to lower the resolution of our output.
* TODO: Make this work even if user changes scan rate in the middle of experimenting.
void MatroxImagingLibrary::GenerateBinningTable(int dsratio) {
int lineWidthOut; // Width of sine-corrected image
double deltaPhase;
int nSamplesPerCycle;// Width of raw image. Equivalent to one scan period.
std::ofstream myfile; ("binning_tbl.txt"); // For debugging
if (mhz == 20) {
nSamplesPerCycle = 2308;
} else if (mhz == 80) {
nSamplesPerCycle = 9000;
} else {
printf("Failed to make binning table! Scan frequency was neither 80 MHz nor 20 MHz");
assert(dsratio == 1 || dsratio == 2 || dsratio == 4); // dsratio should be 1, 2, or 4!
switch (nSamplesPerCycle) {
case 9000: // 80 MHz
lineWidthOut = 2880/dsratio; // Chosen so no sample discarded at FOV center
case 2308: // 20 MHz
lineWidthOut = 720/dsratio;
printf("Generating Binning Table failed!");
// phase increment per sample, where nSamplesPerCycle == one period.
deltaPhase = 2.0*M_PI / nSamplesPerCycle;
SineBinningTable = new int[nSamplesPerCycle / 2]; // Integer division (OK)
// Populate binning table
double phi;//phases, incremented from 0 to pi
for (int i = 0; i < nSamplesPerCycle / 2; i++)
phi = i * deltaPhase; // current phase angle
SineBinningTable[i] = (int) ((1 - cos(phi))*(lineWidthOut-1)/2.0) + 1;
//printf("Binning Table value:\t%d\n",SineBinningTable[i]);
myfile << SineBinningTable[i];
myfile << "\n";
nBinnedWidth = lineWidthOut;
printf("Generated Binning Table.\n");
* Transforms pixels from space *src to *dest via the line mapping in SineBinningTable.
* Each raw line in *src actually contains two periods of a sine wave. This is
* because the frame grabber sweeps back and forth in a full cycle before making a
* new line in the raw output image. Thus each line must be broken into two before
* the datapoints in each line are then re-mapped according to SineBinningTable.
* Once raw pixels have been remapped to *dest, pixels that have been binned into the
* same index are averaged.
* srcHeight: Number of raw frame grabber lines in the image
* srcWidth: Total number of datapoints in the raw line, which is actually two lines in one
* *src: Source 2D array. Rows are sine-warped; columns are not.
* *dest: Output array.
void MatroxImagingLibrary::BinningTransform(int srcHeight, int srcWidth, byte *src, byte *dest) {
printf("In BinningTransform!\n");
int numInputCycles, numOutputLines;
int delay; // Inter-line delay
int nSamplesPerInputLine;
long int dest_ind1, dest_ind2;
int *pos; // A buffer cursor, with indices to the start of each row.
unsigned short count;
numInputCycles=srcHeight; // number of input cycles
numOutputLines = srcHeight * 2; // number of output lines
nSamplesPerInputLine = srcWidth/2; // Since each line of length srcWidth is actually two real image lines
pos = new int[numInputCycles];
for (int i = 0; i < numInputCycles;i++) {
pos[i] = i*srcWidth;
count = 0;
delay = 1; //TODO: Make this an adjustable paramater!
int srcval1, srcval2, destval1, destval2;
std::fill_n(dest,nBinnedWidth*numOutputLines,0); // Initialize frame buffer to all zeros
// loop over raw samples
for(int j=0;j<nSamplesPerInputLine-1;j++) {
//loop over lines
for(int i=0;i<numInputCycles;i++) {
// bin samples odd lines (left-to-right part of the sidesweep)
dest_ind1 = SineBinningTable[j]+2*nBinnedWidth*i;
srcval1 = src[pos[i]+j+delay];
dest[dest_ind1] += srcval1;
// bin samples even lines (right-to-left part of the sidesweep)
dest_ind2 = (nBinnedWidth-(SineBinningTable[j]+1))+2*i*nBinnedWidth+1+(SineBinningTable[j]*2);
srcval2 = src[pos[i] + srcWidth -1 - j];
dest[dest_ind2] += srcval2;
count = count + 1;
// compute average for each bin
if (j + 1 < nSamplesPerInputLine && SineBinningTable[j+1]>SineBinningTable[j] && count > 0)
if (count>1)
for(int i=0;i<numInputCycles;i++)
dest_ind1 = SineBinningTable[j]+2*nBinnedWidth*i;
dest_ind2 = (nBinnedWidth-(SineBinningTable[j]+1))+2*i*nBinnedWidth+1+(SineBinningTable[j]*2);
dest[dest_ind1] = dest[dest_ind1] / count;
dest[dest_ind2] = dest[dest_ind2] / count;
count = 0;
int j = nSamplesPerInputLine-1;
// Just makes sure to average the binned contents of the last column
// Not exactly sure why I needed this special case outside of the nested for loops above -- I didn't write a comment
// over the summer about this block...but the code is tested and works.
if (count>1)
for(int i=0;i<numInputCycles;i++)
dest_ind1 = SineBinningTable[j]+2*nBinnedWidth*i;
dest_ind2 = (nBinnedWidth-(SineBinningTable[j]+1))+2*i*nBinnedWidth+1+(SineBinningTable[j]*2);
dest[dest_ind1] = dest[dest_ind1] / count;
dest[dest_ind2] = dest[dest_ind2] / count;
delete [] pos;
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