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$ make
Create version.h
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (45147) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (45149) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (45151) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (45153) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (45155) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(!!!) *** UNIMPLEMENTED [ArgumentsAsMemberParams] *** [fluxcomp.cpp:1188]
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (45157) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (45159) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
udo mv GW1NZ-1.fse GW1N-1.fse
alan@dev:/opt/Gowin/IDE/share/device/GW1N-1$ sudo mv GW1NZ-1.ini GW1N-1.ini
alan@dev:/opt/Gowin/IDE/share/device/GW1N-1$ mv GW1NZ-1.pwr GW1N-1.pwr
alan@dev:/opt/Gowin/IDE/share/device/GW1N-1$ mv
alan@dev:/opt/Gowin/IDE/share/device/GW1N-1$ cd /comum/workspace/FPGA/YosysHQ/apicula
alan@dev:/comum/workspace/FPGA/YosysHQ/apicula$ ls
apycula doc examples LICENSE
clock_experiments.ipynb Dockerfile legacy Makefile
alan@dev:/comum/workspace/FPGA/YosysHQ/apicula$ make
python3 -m apycula.dat19_h4x GW1N-1
�ABesp32_rng_initialize: Initializing RNG
esp32_bt_controller_init: BT controller compile version [a4c513b]
esp32_bt_controller_init: BT controller compile version [a4c513b]btdm_controller_mem_init]
btdm_controller_mem_init: .bss initialise [0x3ffb0000] - [0x3ffb09a8]
btdm_controller_mem_init: .bss initialise [0x3ffb09a8] - [0x3ffb1ddc]
btdm_controller_mem_init: .bss initialise [0x3ffb1ddc] - [0x3ffb2730]
btdm_controller_mem_init: .bss initialise [0x3ffb2730] - [0x3ffb6388]
btdm_controller_mem_init: .bss initialise [0x3ffb8000] - [0x3ffb9a20]
btdm_controller_mem_init: .bss initialise [0x3ffbdb28] - [0x3ffbdb5c]
esp32_bt_controller_init: Memory initialized!
hciuart_initialize: Initializing HCIUART3
hciuart_disableints: CR1 00000000 CR2 00000000
hciuart_instantiate: Instantiating HCIUART3
hciuart_configure: config 801d944
hciuart_line_configure: baud 115200
btuart_register: lower 801d944
bt_initialize: btdev 20007950
btuart_open: dev 20007950
hci_tx_kthread: started
Current status for hub 2-1 [8087:0024, USB 2.00, 8 ports]
Port 1: 0100 power
Port 2: 0100 power
Port 3: 0100 power
Port 4: 0100 power
Port 5: 0103 power enable connect [0cf3:e004]
Port 6: 0100 power
Port 7: 0100 power
Port 8: 0100 power
Current status for hub 1-1 [8087:0024, USB 2.00, 6 ports]
NuttShell (NSH)
nsh> pppd
tun fd:3
tty fd:4
ipcp init
AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 0
0x05 0x01 0x00 0x04
NuttShell (NSH)
nsh> echo "1" > /dev/modemctrl
nsh> echo "2" > /dev/modemctrl
nsh> pppd
tun fd:3
tty fd:4
ipcp init
AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 0
nsh> pppd
tun fd:3
tty fd:4
ipcp init
AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 0
0x05 0x01 0x00 0x04
nsh> pppd
tun fd:3
tty fd:4
ipcp init
AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 0
0x05 0x01 0x00 0x04
AHDLC_TX - transmit frame, protocol 0xc021, length 4 offline 1
0x05 0x02 0x00 0x04
ppp: disconnect script failed
chat: cmd 1, arg ON
chat: cmd 4, arg 30
chat: ATE1