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Last active December 8, 2022 14:58
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<title>Remove Magento's orphan images web console</title>
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<h1>Delete Catalog Orphan Images <span>1.1</span></h1>
require 'app/Mage.php';
* NOTE: Set this to false if you want to actually delete files.
$dryRun = true;
$job = new OrphanImagesCleaner();
* Class OrphanImagesCleaner
* @author Jeroen Boersma <>
* @author Adriano Cataluddi <>
class OrphanImagesCleaner
* @var bool
protected $dryRun = true;
* Executes the tools
* @param bool $dryRun
public function run($dryRun = true)
$this->dryRun = $dryRun;
$duplicateCount = 0;
$duplicateTotalSize = 0;
$orphansCount = 0;
$orphansTotalSize = 0;
if (!Mage::isInstalled()) {
$this->wl('Application is not installed yet, please complete install wizard first.');
$mediaPath = $this->getRootPath() . '/media/catalog/product';
if ($this->dryRun)
$this->wl('DRY RUN mode: the script will NOT modify any file or record.');
$this->wl(' Magento release: ' . Mage::getVersion());
$this->wl(' Media path: ' . $mediaPath);
$this->wl('[Phase 1/2] Looking for duplicate products images...');
$this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));
$connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')
$sql = 'select distinct '
. 'cp.entity_id, '
. 'cpg.value_id, '
. 'cpv.value as default_value, '
. 'cpg.value '
. 'from catalog_product_entity as cp '
. 'join catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpv on cp.entity_id = cpv.entity_id '
. 'join catalog_product_entity_media_gallery as cpg on cp.entity_id = cpg.entity_id '
. 'WHERE '
. 'cpv.attribute_id in(select attribute_id from eav_attribute where frontend_input = \'media_image\') '
. 'and '
. 'cpv.value != cpg.value;';
$results = $connection->fetchAll($sql);
$this->wl(sprintf('Found %s items to process.', sizeof($results)), true);
$lastEntityId = null;
$origSums = array();
foreach ($results as $row) {
if ($row['entity_id'] != $lastEntityId) {
$lastEntityId = $row['entity_id'];
$origSums = array();
$origFile = $mediaPath . $row['default_value'];
if (!file_exists($origFile)) {
$file = $mediaPath . $row['value'];
if (file_exists($file)) {
if (!isset($origSums[$origFile])) {
$origSums[$origFile] = md5_file($origFile);
$sum = md5_file($file);
if (!in_array($sum, $origSums)) {
$origSums[$file] = $sum;
else {
$this->wl(sprintf('Deleting image "%s" (#%s)', $file, $row['entity_id']), true);
$duplicateTotalSize += filesize($file);
if (!$this->dryRun) unlink($file);
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$this->wl(sprintf('Deleting record for "%s" (#%s)', $file, $row['entity_id']), true);
$deleteSql = 'delete from catalog_product_entity_media_gallery where value_id = ' . $row['value_id'] . ';';
if (!$this->dryRun) $connection->query($deleteSql);
// Find files on filesystem which aren't listed in the database
$this->wl('[Phase 1/2] Finding files on filesystem which aren\'t listed in the database...');
$this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));
$files = glob($mediaPath . '/[A-z0-9]/*/*');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$searchFile = str_replace($mediaPath, '', $file);
// Lookup
$mediaSql = "select count(*) as records from catalog_product_entity_media_gallery where value = '{$searchFile}'";
$mediaCount = $connection->fetchOne($mediaSql);
if ($mediaCount < 1) {
$orphansTotalSize += filesize($file);
$this->wl(sprintf('Deleting image "%s"', $file), true);
if (!$this->dryRun) unlink($file);
$this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));
$this->wl(sprintf(' Total duplicate images: %s (%s)', $duplicateCount, $this->formatBytes($duplicateTotalSize)));
$this->wl(sprintf(' Total orphan images: %s (%s)', $orphansCount, $this->formatBytes($orphansTotalSize)));
$this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));
* @param boolean $dryRun
public function setDryRunEnabled($dryRun)
$this->dryRun = $dryRun;
* @return boolean
public function isDryRunEnabled()
return $this->dryRun;
* Writes a line in console.
* @param $line
* @param bool $notifyDryRun
protected function wl($line = null, $notifyDryRun = false)
($notifyDryRun && $this->dryRun && ($line !== null)) ?
$dryLabel = 'DRY RUN | ' :
$dryLabel = '';
print $dryLabel . $line . "\n";
* Returns the script root path
* @return string
protected function getRootPath()
return (dirname(__FILE__));
* Format bytes
* @author MrCaspan (
* @param $bytes
* @return string
protected function formatBytes($bytes)
$i = floor(log($bytes, 1024));
return round($bytes / pow(1024, $i), [0, 0, 2, 2, 3][$i]) . ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][$i];
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tmotyl commented Dec 11, 2020

You can also try which is a module for n98-magerun

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This is still a great script, run it on a cron every month.

Something else I was doing back on older Magento 2 versions (<2.2) was using a tool named fdupes to symlink images that were exactly the same binary wise for a further space saving, as it had a bug of creating many duplicate images.

Note if moving website between servers that when rsyncing symlinks you will want the -L modifier.
(Which was fine for 1 image per product, but if the same image was uploaded to multiple products and the main one happened to get disabled it would be a bad time thankfully this did not happen in normal usage)

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Tried to use it but it does not pass by
[Phase 1/2] Looking for duplicate products images...

My installation is:
OpenMage LTS
PHP: 7.4

I use db table prefix

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Hi @LuizSantos1,

please enable the PHP and Magento logging and check the logs. I'm sure you might get a clue of what's going on.


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I am using a similar extension now for tests, and I am getting this error:
catalog_product_entity_media_gallery doesn't exist
But I have checked the db and the table is there...
I use table prefix but I had the plugin that worked with it but now it does not work neither...

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Hi Luiz,

why don't you try modifying the following lines by appending your table prefix?

        $sql = 'select distinct '
            . 'cp.entity_id, '
            . 'cpg.value_id, '
            . 'cpv.value as default_value, '
            . 'cpg.value '
            . 'from catalog_product_entity as cp '
            . 'join catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpv on cp.entity_id = cpv.entity_id '
            . 'join catalog_product_entity_media_gallery as cpg on cp.entity_id = cpg.entity_id '
            . 'WHERE '
            . 'cpv.attribute_id in(select attribute_id from eav_attribute where frontend_input = \'media_image\') '
            . 'and '
            . 'cpv.value != cpg.value;';

If it works, you might want to make the prefix parametric. I hope it will help.


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Hi Luiz,

why don't you try modifying the following lines by appending your table prefix?

        $sql = 'select distinct '
            . 'cp.entity_id, '
            . 'cpg.value_id, '
            . 'cpv.value as default_value, '
            . 'cpg.value '
            . 'from catalog_product_entity as cp '
            . 'join catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpv on cp.entity_id = cpv.entity_id '
            . 'join catalog_product_entity_media_gallery as cpg on cp.entity_id = cpg.entity_id '
            . 'WHERE '
            . 'cpv.attribute_id in(select attribute_id from eav_attribute where frontend_input = \'media_image\') '
            . 'and '
            . 'cpv.value != cpg.value;';

If it works, you might want to make the prefix parametric. I hope it will help.


Thanks, I have tried but it did not work.
Same issue, does not pass by
"Phase 1/2] Looking for duplicate products images..."

Will try enabling system log latter on as we are still in commercial time here...

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kbpcit commented Dec 16, 2021


In my case the script didn't run as I am using a prefix for the database. Could I suggest adding that as an option? I've amended the applicable section of the code in my copy as follows:

require 'app/Mage.php';


  • NOTE: Set this to false if you want to actually delete files.
    $dryRun = true;


  • NOTE: Set here the prefix for your Magento tables
    $db_prefix = 'bgb_';

$job = new OrphanImagesCleaner();
$job->run($dryRun, $db_prefix);


  • Class OrphanImagesCleaner

  • @author Jeroen Boersma

  • @author Adriano Cataluddi
    class OrphanImagesCleaner

    • @var bool
      protected $dryRun = true;


    • Executes the tools

    • @param bool $dryRun
      public function run($dryRun = true, $db_prefix = '')
      $this->dryRun = $dryRun;
      $duplicateCount = 0;
      $duplicateTotalSize = 0;
      $orphansCount = 0;
      $orphansTotalSize = 0;
      if (!Mage::isInstalled()) {
      $this->wl('Application is not installed yet, please complete install wizard first.');


      $mediaPath = $this->getRootPath() . '/media/catalog/product';

      if ($this->dryRun)
      $this->wl('DRY RUN mode: the script will NOT modify any file or record.');

      $this->wl(' Magento release: ' . Mage::getVersion());
      $this->wl(' Media path: ' . $mediaPath);

      $this->wl('[Phase 1/2] Looking for duplicate products images...');
      $this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));

      $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')

      $sql = 'select distinct '
      . 'cp.entity_id, '
      . 'cpg.value_id, '
      . 'cpv.value as default_value, '
      . 'cpg.value '
      . 'from ' . $db_prefix . 'catalog_product_entity as cp '
      . 'join ' . $db_prefix . 'catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpv on cp.entity_id = cpv.entity_id '
      . 'join ' . $db_prefix . 'catalog_product_entity_media_gallery as cpg on cp.entity_id = cpg.entity_id '
      . 'WHERE '
      . 'cpv.attribute_id in(select attribute_id from ' . $db_prefix . 'eav_attribute where frontend_input = 'media_image') '
      . 'and '
      . 'cpv.value != cpg.value;';

      $results = $connection->fetchAll($sql);
      $this->wl(sprintf('Found %s items to process.', sizeof($results)), true);

      $lastEntityId = null;
      $origSums = array();
      foreach ($results as $row) {

       if ($row['entity_id'] != $lastEntityId) {
           $lastEntityId = $row['entity_id'];
           $origSums = array();
       $origFile = $mediaPath . $row['default_value'];
       if (!file_exists($origFile)) {
       $file = $mediaPath . $row['value'];
       if (file_exists($file)) {
           if (!isset($origSums[$origFile])) {
               $origSums[$origFile] = md5_file($origFile);
           $sum = md5_file($file);
           if (!in_array($sum, $origSums)) {
               $origSums[$file] = $sum;
           else {
               $this->wl(sprintf('Deleting image "%s" (#%s)', $file, $row['entity_id']), true);
               $duplicateTotalSize += filesize($file);
               if (!$this->dryRun) unlink($file);
       if (!file_exists($file)) {
           $this->wl(sprintf('Deleting record for "%s" (#%s)', $file, $row['entity_id']), true);
           $deleteSql = 'delete from ' . $db_prefix . 'catalog_product_entity_media_gallery where value_id = ' . $row['value_id'] . ';';
           if (!$this->dryRun) $connection->query($deleteSql);


      // Find files on filesystem which aren't listed in the database
      $this->wl('[Phase 1/2] Finding files on filesystem which aren't listed in the database...');
      $this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));

      $files = glob($mediaPath . '/[A-z0-9]//');
      foreach ($files as $file) {
      $searchFile = str_replace($mediaPath, '', $file);

       // Lookup
       $mediaSql = "select count(*) as records from " . $db_prefix . "catalog_product_entity_media_gallery where value = '{$searchFile}'";
       $mediaCount = $connection->fetchOne($mediaSql);
       if ($mediaCount < 1) {
           $orphansTotalSize += filesize($file);
           $this->wl(sprintf('Deleting image "%s"', $file), true);
           if (!$this->dryRun) unlink($file);


      $this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));
      $this->wl(sprintf(' Total duplicate images: %s (%s)', $duplicateCount, $this->formatBytes($duplicateTotalSize)));
      $this->wl(sprintf(' Total orphan images: %s (%s)', $orphansCount, $this->formatBytes($orphansTotalSize)));
      $this->wl(str_repeat('-', 80));


    • @param boolean $dryRun
      public function setDryRunEnabled($dryRun)
      $this->dryRun = $dryRun;


    • @return boolean
      public function isDryRunEnabled()
      return $this->dryRun;


    • Writes a line in console.

    • @param $line

    • @param bool $notifyDryRun
      protected function wl($line = null, $notifyDryRun = false)
      ($notifyDryRun && $this->dryRun && ($line !== null)) ?
      $dryLabel = 'DRY RUN | ' :
      $dryLabel = '';

      print $dryLabel . $line . "\n";


    • Returns the script root path
    • @return string
      protected function getRootPath()
      return (dirname(FILE));


    • Format bytes
    • @author MrCaspan (
    • @param $bytes
    • @return string
      protected function formatBytes($bytes)
      $i = floor(log($bytes, 1024));
      return round($bytes / pow(1024, $i), [0, 0, 2, 2, 3][$i]) . ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][$i];


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LuizSantos22 commented Dec 16, 2021

In case you want an alternative method which works directly from admin panel, you got this one:


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