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Created December 7, 2011 15:58
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vanilla RK4 for ODE2, written in R (07Dec2011)
# vanilla RK4 written in R (07Dec2011)
# evaluates a 2nd order ODE by splitting into 2- 1st order ODE
# and solved by Runge-Kutta Method
# Concepts and algorithm from:
# f1(t,y) : substituted function from dz(y')/dt = F(z,y,t), z = y'
# rk4(f, h, tinit, yinit, limit): main RK4 routine
# f - function defining the differential equation of
# the form dy/dt = f(t,y)
# h - interval step
# t/y/zinit - boundary values, where y(tinit) = yinit
# limit - number of iterations the algorithm is done
# TODO: fix documentation, instructions; verify using test cases
# and compare with plots using WolframAlpha
f1 <- function(z,t,y) {
value <- 3*cos(t)*z - sin(t) + exp(t)
rk4 <- function(f1 , h, tinit, yinit, zinit, limit) {
j <- c(0,0,0,0)
y <- yinit
t <- tinit
z <- zinit
tplot <- c()
yplot <- c()
zplot <- c()
while (limit > 0) {
z = z + (h/6)*(t + 2*(t + 0.5*h) + 2*(t + 0.5*h) + (t+h))
j[1] <- h*f1(z,t,y)
j[2] <- h*f1(z,t + 0.5*h, y + 0.5*j[1])
j[3] <- h*f1(z,t + 0.5*h, y + 0.5*j[2])
j[4] <- h*f1(z,t + h, y + j[3])
y = y + (1./6)*(j[1] + 2*j[2] + 2*j[3] + j[4])
t = t + h
limit <- limit - 1
tplot[limit] = t
yplot[limit] = y
zplot[limit] = z
plot(tplot,yplot) ## plots y(t) vs. t
#plot(yplot,zplot) ## plots y'(t) vs y(t)
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