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Created October 11, 2021 02:35
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Snippet to download Canvas rubric data for current assignment as a CSV file
(async function(){
const linkParser = (linkHeader)=>{
let re = /,[\s]*<(.*?)>;[\s]*rel="next"/g;
let result = re.exec(linkHeader);
if (result == null) {
return null;
return result[1];
function downloadBlob(content, filename, contentType) {
// Create a blob
var blob = new Blob([content], { type: contentType });
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Create a link to download it
var pom = document.createElement('a');
pom.href = url;
pom.setAttribute('download', filename);;
const course = ENV.context_asset_string;
const courseId = course.split("_")[1];
const api = `${base}/api/v1`;
const courseUrl = `${api}/courses/${courseId}`;
const noApiCourseUrl = `${base}/courses/${courseId}`;
const assignmentId = ENV.ASSIGNMENT_ID || prompt("What assignment ID should I use?");
// Get all the data at this endpoint
async function getAll(endpoint, data) {
if (data === undefined) {
data = {};
let all = [];
let next = courseUrl+endpoint;
do {
let response = await fetch(next);
all.push(...await response.json());
let links = response.headers.get('link');
next = linkParser(links);
} while (next != null);
return await all;
const getNearest = (goal, values) =>
values.reduce((prev, curr) => Math.abs(curr - goal) < Math.abs(prev - goal) ? curr : prev);
let users = await getAll('/users?per_page=100');
let userMap = Object.fromEntries( => [, u]));
let submissions = await getAll(`/assignments/${assignmentId}/submissions?include[]=assignment&include[]=rubric_assessment&per_page=100`);
const keeps = ['workflow_state', 'user_id', 'submitted_at',
'late', 'score', 'grade', 'grader_id',
'graded_at', 'assignment_id', 'id'];
let results = => {
if (!(submission.user_id in userMap)) {
return false;
const result = {points_possible: submission.assignment.points_possible};
keeps.forEach(keepKey => { result[keepKey] = submission[keepKey]});
const rubricMap = {};
submission.assignment.rubric.forEach(rubricItem => {
rubricMap[] = rubricItem;
if ('rubric_assessment' in submission) {
result.subscores = Object.fromEntries(
.map(([id, data]) => {
const rubricData = rubricMap[id];
ratings = Object.fromEntries( => {
return [rating.points, rating.description];
return [rubricData.description, {
name: rubricData.description,
points: data.points,
score: ratings[getNearest(data.points, Object.keys(ratings))],
comment: data.comments,
points_possible: rubricData.points
} else {
result.subscores = {};
return result;
const headers = new Set();
results.filter(Boolean).forEach(item => Object.keys(item.subscores).forEach(h => headers.add(h)));
const defaultHeaders = ["Student", "SID", "Email", "Submitted", "Late", "Grader", "Graded", "Grade", ...headers, "Comments"];
// TODO: Make sure we have at least one submission so we can get the assignment name!
const filename = submissions[0] + "_RubricScores.csv";
const csv = [defaultHeaders.join(","),
...results.filter(Boolean).map((sub => {
console.log(userMap, sub.user_id);
const user = userMap[sub.user_id];
const grader = userMap[sub.grader_id];
const comments = [];
const items = [];
headers.forEach(h => {
if (h in sub.subscores) {
if (sub.subscores[h].comment) {
comments.push(`${h}: ${sub.subscores[h].comment}`)
} else {
return [user.sortable_name, user.login_id,,
sub.submitted_at, sub.late,
grader?.sortable_name, grader?.graded_at,
sub.grade, ...items, comments.join("\n---\n")]
.map(String) // convert every value to String
.map(v => v.replaceAll('"', '""')) // escape double colons
.map(v => `"${v}"`) // quote it
.join(','); // comma-separated
downloadBlob(csv, filename, "text/csv;charset=utf-8;")
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