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Created January 26, 2018 04:43
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jan 25 23:27:40 2018
@author: acbart
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
import io
import sys
import importlib
def make_inputs(*input_list):
Helper function for creating mock user input.
input_list (list of str): The list of inputs to be returned
function (str=>str): The mock input function that is returned, which
will return the next element of input_list each
time it is called.
generator = iter(input_list)
def mock_input(prompt=''):
return next(generator)
return mock_input
class TextExternal(unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = None
def run_student(self):
Run the students' code; if it has been run before, then we reload
it instead.
if 'student' not in sys.modules:
import student
def test_student(self):
for name in ["AustinCorgiBart", "jrhead"]:
prompter = make_inputs(name)
with patch('sys.stdout', new=io.StringIO()) as captured_output:
with patch('builtins.input', prompter):
except StopIteration:
msg=("Failed to accept input for name '{}'. "
"I typed '{}' but it wasn't accepted."
student_output = captured_output.getvalue()
expected = "Welcome!\nGive me your name:\nHiya, "+name+"\n"
self.assertEqual(student_output, expected)
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