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Created March 10, 2020 23:05
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# mp035: modified version of the registry module from the Nim standard library
# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2016 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module is experimental and its interface may change.
import winlean, os
HKEY* = uint
RRF_RT_ANY = 0x0000ffff
RRF_RT_REG_DWORD = 0x00000010
KEY_WOW64_64KEY = 0x0100
KEY_WOW64_32KEY = 0x0200
KEY_READ = 0x00020019
REG_SZ = 1
proc regOpenKeyEx(hKey: HKEY, lpSubKey: WideCString, ulOptions: int32,
samDesired: int32,
phkResult: var HKEY): int32 {.
importc: "RegOpenKeyExW", dynlib: "Advapi32.dll", stdcall.}
proc regCloseKey(hkey: HKEY): int32 {.
importc: "RegCloseKey", dynlib: "Advapi32.dll", stdcall.}
proc regGetValue(key: HKEY, lpSubKey, lpValue: WideCString;
dwFlags: int32 = RRF_RT_ANY, pdwType: ptr int32,
pvData: pointer,
pcbData: ptr int32): int32 {.
importc: "RegGetValueW", dynlib: "Advapi32.dll", stdcall.}
proc regQueryInfoKey( hKey: HKEY,
lpClass : WideCstring,
lpcchClass : ptr int32,
lpReserved : ptr int32,
lpcSubKeys : ptr int32,
lpcbMaxSubKeyLen : ptr int32,
lpcbMaxClassLen : ptr int32,
lpcValues : ptr int32,
lpcbMaxValueNameLen : ptr int32,
lpcbMaxValueLen : ptr int32,
lpcbSecurityDescriptor : ptr int32,
lpftLastWriteTime : ptr FILETIME): int32 {.
importc: "RegQueryInfoKeyW", dynlib: "Advapi32.dll", stdcall.}
proc regEnumValue( hKey: HKEY,
dwIndex : int32,
lpValueName : WideCString,
lpcchValueName : ptr int32,
lpReserved : ptr int32,
lpType : ptr int32,
lpData : pointer,
lpcbData : ptr int32): int32 {.
importc: "RegEnumValueW", dynlib: "Advapi32.dll", stdcall.}
template call(f) =
let err = f
if err != 0:
raiseOSError(err.OSErrorCode, astToStr(f))
iterator enumKeyValues*(path: string, handle: HKEY): tuple[key:string, value:string] =
var numValues : int32
let hh = newWideCString path
var newHandle: HKEY
call regOpenKeyEx(handle, hh, 0, KEY_READ or KEY_WOW64_64KEY, newHandle)
call regQueryInfoKey(newHandle, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, addr numValues, nil, nil, nil, nil)
for i in 0 ..< numValues:
var regValueSize = 0'i32
var regNameSize = 16383'i32
var regName = newWideCString("", regNameSize)
call regEnumValue(newHandle, int32(i), regName, addr regNameSize, nil, nil, nil, addr regValueSize)
var regValue = newWideCString("", regValueSize)
regNameSize += 2 # reallocate for null wchar.
call regEnumValue(newHandle, int32(i), regName, addr regNameSize, nil, nil, cast[pointer](regValue), addr regValueSize)
yield (regName $ regNameSize, regValue $ regValueSize)
call regCloseKey(newHandle)
proc getDwordValue*(path, key: string; handle: HKEY): int32 =
let hh = newWideCString path
let kk = newWideCString key
var buffsize = 4'i32
var flags: int32 = RRF_RT_REG_DWORD
call regGetValue(handle, hh, kk, flags, nil, addr result, addr buffsize)
proc getUnicodeValue*(path, key: string; handle: HKEY): string =
let hh = newWideCString path
let kk = newWideCString key
var bufsize: int32
# try a couple of different flag settings:
var flags: int32 = RRF_RT_ANY
let err = regGetValue(handle, hh, kk, flags, nil, nil, addr bufsize)
if err != 0:
var newHandle: HKEY
call regOpenKeyEx(handle, hh, 0, KEY_READ or KEY_WOW64_64KEY, newHandle)
call regGetValue(newHandle, nil, kk, flags, nil, nil, addr bufsize)
var res = newWideCString("", bufsize)
call regGetValue(newHandle, nil, kk, flags, nil, cast[pointer](res),
addr bufsize)
result = res $ bufsize
call regCloseKey(newHandle)
var res = newWideCString("", bufsize)
call regGetValue(handle, hh, kk, flags, nil, cast[pointer](res),
addr bufsize)
result = res $ bufsize
proc regSetValue(key: HKEY, lpSubKey, lpValueName: WideCString,
dwType: int32; lpData: WideCString; cbData: int32): int32 {.
importc: "RegSetKeyValueW", dynlib: "Advapi32.dll", stdcall.}
proc setUnicodeValue*(path, key, val: string; handle: HKEY) =
let hh = newWideCString path
let kk = newWideCString key
let vv = newWideCString val
call regSetValue(handle, hh, kk, REG_SZ, vv, (vv.len.int32+1)*2)
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