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Created May 23, 2013 22:54
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Landform Generation using perlin noise and systematic distortions.
import math, numpy, random
def north(matrix):
return numpy.concatenate((matrix[1:,:], matrix[:1,:]))
def east(matrix):
return numpy.concatenate((matrix[:,-1:], matrix[:,:-1]), 1)
def south(matrix):
return numpy.concatenate((matrix[-1:,:], matrix[:-1,:]))
def west(matrix):
return numpy.concatenate((matrix[:,1:], matrix[:,:1]), 1)
class TerrainChunk:
def __init__(self, position, shape=(16,16)):
self.shape = shape
self.z = numpy.zeros(shape)
self.sealevel = 0.5
self.position = position
def smooth(self):
"""Smooth on the Moore neighborhood; apply this filter:
1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1
n = north(self.z)
s = south(self.z)
self.z = (self.z * 4 + (n + s + east(self.z) + west(self.z)) * 2 +
(west(n) + east(n) + west(s) + east(s))) / 16
return self
def meadowize(self):
"""Fill in local minima so that the entire above-sea-level portion of
the map flows downhill to the sea. Not sure if this is worth anything."""
W,H = self.z.shape
def vnn(x,y):
VNN = (-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1) # Von Neumann neighborhood vectors
return [((x+dx)%W,(y+dy)%H) for dx,dy in VNN]
blessing = numpy.ones(self.z.shape) * self.z.max() + 1.0
blessed = [(x,y) for y in range(H) for x in range(W)
if self.z[x,y] <= self.sealevel]
for x,y in blessed:
blessing[x,y] = self.z[x,y] # self.sealevel
todo = set()
for x,y in blessed:
for x1,y1 in vnn(x,y):
if blessing[x1,y1] > self.sealevel:
while todo:
x,y = todo.pop()
b = max(self.z[x,y], min([blessing[xn,yn] for xn,yn in vnn(x,y)]))
if b < blessing[x,y]:
blessing[x,y] = b
todo |= set([(x1,y1) for (x1,y1) in vnn(x,y)
if max(b,self.z[x1,y1]) < blessing[x1,y1]])
self.z = blessing
#print blessing
return self
def hydro_erode(self, iters, rainfall=0.02, solubility=0.1, evap=0.3):
def drip(rain, speed=0.5):
tz = self.z + rain
NSEW = north,south,east,west
drop = numpy.array([(tz - x(tz)).clip(0.0, 999.0) for x in NSEW])
flowing = numpy.minimum(drop.max(0), rain) * speed
flowto = drop.argmax(0)
nada = numpy.zeros(self.z.shape)
result = 0-flowing
for i in range(4):
dflow = numpy.where(flowto-i, nada, flowing)
result += (south,north,west,east)[i](dflow)
return result
z = self.z + 0
rain = z * 0
#rain = z * 0 + rainfall
for i in range(iters):
# rainfall (which dissolves when is falls)
rain += rainfall
#z -= rainfall * solubility
# flow
d = drip(z, rain)
z += d * solubility
rain += d
# evaporate
#z += evap * solubility * rain
#rain -= evap * rain
# final evap
#z += rain * solubility
self.z = z
return self
def fillPerlinNoise(self, Nrange=None, B=256):
shape = self.shape
def perlin_precomps(dimensions, B=256):
"Build random permutation and gradient vectors"
def permutation(n):
result = range(n)
for i in range(n):
j = random.randrange(n)
t = result[j]
result[j] = result[i]
result[i] = t
return result
def normalize_vector(v):
s = math.sqrt(sum([a*a for a in v]))
return [a/s for a in v]
p = permutation(B)
g = [normalize_vector([(random.random() * 2.0) - 1.0 for j in range(dimensions)])
for i in range(B)]
# avoid need for modulo op
p += p + p[:2]
g += g + g[:2]
return p,g
def perlin_noise2d(point, B, p, g):
def setup(v):
b0 = int(v % B)
b1 = (b0+1) % B
r0 = v % 1.0
r1 = r0 - 1.0
return b0,b1,r0,r1
((bx0,bx1,rx0,rx1), (by0,by1,ry0,ry1)) = [setup(coord) for coord in point]
i = p[bx0]
j = p[bx1]
b00 = p[i + by0]; b10 = p[j + by0]
b01 = p[i + by1]; b11 = p[j + by1]
sx = s_curve(rx0)
sy = s_curve(ry0)
u =[rx0, ry0], g[b00])
v =[rx1, ry0], g[b10])
a = u + sx * (v - u) # linear interpolation in x
u =[rx0, ry1], g[b01])
v =[rx1, ry1], g[b11])
b = u + sx * (v - u) # linear interpolation in x
return a + sy * (b - a) # linear interpolation in y
p,g = perlin_precomps(2, B)
for n in Nrange or range(1, 6+1):
R = 2.0 ** n # could speed up the 0 case by losing interpolation!
for j in range(self.z.shape[1]):
for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
x = i + self.position[0]
y = j + self.position[1]
# put abs() around here for fire effect
self.z[i,j] += R * perlin_noise2d((x / R, y / R), B, p, g)
return self
def reset(self):
self.z = numpy.zeros(self.z.shape)
return self
def normalize(self):
#if self.z.max() > self.z.min():
self.z = (self.z - self.z.min()) / (self.z.max() - self.z.min())
# self.reset()
return self
def thermally_erode(self, talus=0.01, erosion=0.5, fill=False):
nsew = [(self.z - x(self.z)).clip(fill and -999.0 or 0.0, 999.0)
for x in north,south,east,west]
nsew = [(x - x.clip(-talus, talus)) for x in nsew]
self.z = self.z - sum(nsew) * (erosion/4.0)
return self
def makepretty(self):
talus_stuff = (self.z-north(self.z)).clip(0,10)
mean = talus_stuff.mean()
std = talus_stuff.mean()
talus = random.uniform(mean,mean+std)
return self
def export(self, size=16, max=(30,10)):
max_height, min_height = max
ret = []
for x in xrange(size):
for y in xrange(size):
z = self.z[x,y]
oz = (z + 1) / 2 * max_height + min_height
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
terrain = TerrainChunk((0,0))
terrain = terrain.export()
f = open('f.txt','w')
w = []
for x in range(16):
for y in range(16):
w.append(str(int(terrain[x + y][2])))
f.write(' '.join(w) + "\n")
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