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Created May 13, 2016 06:00
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StringContext regex extractors idea
object Main extends App {
implicit class Reggy(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
def regexNonTypeSafe(args: CanParse[_]*) = new RegexMatcher(Tuple1(args),sc)
def regex[T<:Product](args: T):RegexMatcher[T] = new RegexMatcher(args,sc)
//this could work with some type level hackery to map the args though a Poly into CanParsers
class RegexMatcher[T<:Product]
(val captures:T, //type of T here is (Int.type,String,Long.type) or (WrappedArray(CanParse[Int],CanParse[String],CanParse[Long]))
val context:StringContext){
def getCaptures(from:String):T = ??? //just do the regex, then Poly map your CanParse[T] into Try[T]?
trait CanParse[T] {
def regexMatcher:String //capture pattern for this type
def parse(str:String):T //accepts a capture
//cannot use a type class in regexNonTypeSafe case because we need to abstract over arity
implicit val canParseInt : Int.type => CanParse[Int] =
objectInt =>new CanParse[Int] {
override def regexMatcher = """(\d+)""" //what about other integer representations?
override def parse(str: String) = str.toInt
implicit val canParseLong : Long.type => CanParse[Long] =
objectInt =>new CanParse[Long] {
override def regexMatcher = """(\d+L?)"""
override def parse(str: String) = str.toLong
implicit val canParseRegex : String => CanParse[String] =
regexSnippet =>new CanParse[String] {
override def regexMatcher = regexSnippet
override def parse(str: String) = str
regexNonTypeSafe"""$Int${"capture\t"}..$Long hello*o!""".getCaptures("blablabla")
regex"""$Int${"capture\t"}..$Long hello*o!""" //<<<---- this looks more fancy if you drop it into an IDE with real syntax highlighting...
// both on the parsing end "18E-23".toDouble
// now also on the capture end """-?\d+(.\d+)?(E-?\d+)?""" could be easily supplied by the library,
// and then you can pretty much guarantee that parsing always succeeds.
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