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Last active July 2, 2021 09:10
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Fortran 95 Unicode string test
! unicode.f90
! From
! Modern Fortran language standards have no intrinsic support for Unicode I/O.
! To bypass this limitation, the Universal Coded Character Set defined in ISO 10646
! can be used instead, which is mostly identical to UTF-32.
! All code points of the Basic Multilingual Plane can be accessed,
! while the Supplementary Multilingual Plane is not supported.
! $ sudo apt-get install gfortran
! $ f95 -fbackslash -o unicode unicode.f90 && ./unicode
program unicode
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
implicit none
integer, parameter :: u = selected_char_kind('ISO_10646')
character(kind=u, len=:), allocatable :: string
! 𝌆 = U+1D306
! UTF-8:
string = u_'\uf09d\u8c86'
open (output_unit, encoding='utf-8')
print '(a)',string
print*,'len is',LEN(string)
end program unicode
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