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Last active January 2, 2016 15:49
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  • Save ace-dent/8326202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ace-dent/8326202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pack small strings or Codes (e.g. 2 letter ISO country codes), into a compact 'magic string' minimized by: 1> Running Codes into each other (eliminating matching first and last letters) 'AB'+'BA' => 'ABA' ; 2> Avoiding spaces / code break characters, by joining Codes 'AA,BB' => 'AABB';Only where 1&2 generates allowable sequences (unique, with no…
* Pack small strings or Codes (e.g. 2 letter ISO country codes), into a compact 'magic string' minimized by:
* 1> Running Codes into each other (eliminating matching first and last letters) 'AB'+'BA' => 'ABA' ;
* 2> Avoiding spaces / code break characters, by joining Codes 'AA,BB' => 'AABB';
* Only where 1&2 generates allowable sequences (unique, with no collisions).
* This is useful for matching data against a compact reference (magic string), where hashing isn't an option.
* E.g. Checking country codes in a spreadsheet against the list of EU countries.
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
* @author Andrew C.E. Dent
* @license GPL
* @license GNU Public License
* @version 1.2.1
// The_Beginning:
echo "Start... \n";
$verbose = true; // Provide useful feedback for testing. Set to False for batch runs.
// Small strings -or codes- that will be packed
$codes_to_pack = array(
// Country codes for EU VAT
"FI","FR","\GB","EL","HU","IE","IT","LT","LU", // VAT codes. Greece uses language code EL not country code GR
//"EU", // General non-domicile EU registration
"HR", // Croatia joined EU 1st July 2013
"UK","IM","GR", // Extra country codes for checking Shipping destination against
"MC" // Monaco, French dependency
// To select the most commonly occuring code and fix its position at the start of the magic string
// prefix with a slash ('GB' > '\GB'). This hack prevents string matches and may reduce compression.
// Any slashes are ignored for statistics and stripped out at the end of the process.
// This is useful in practice when matching data against the magic string, for early matching and escape.
// Strings that are allowable in resulting compact form (unused Codes)
// These codes may be generated when we remove the break character between two input codes
// e.g. AA+BB > AABB, as 'AB' substring does not collide with another valid code.
$codes_allowed = array(
// Subset of codes -not- in use from ISO 3166-1:2006.
// Selection based on EU countries. Some commented out for smaller array and speed gain.
// "AB","AC","AH","AJ","AK","AP",//"AV","AY",
"EA","EB","ED","EF","EI","EJ","EK",/*"EL" - Greece*/ "EM","EN","EO","EP","EQ",//"EV","EW","EX","EY","EZ",
//"QB", "QC", "QD", "QE", "QF", "QG", "QH", "QI", "QJ", "QK", "QL"
// Include the following historically 'reserved' and private codes, as we know they wont appear in our data set.
// Some commented out for smaller array and speed gain.
//"AA", "OO"
//"QM", "QN", "QO", "QP", "QQ", "QR", "QS", "QT", "QU", // "QV", "QW", "QX", "QY", "QZ",
//"XA", "XB", "XC", "XD", "XE", "XF", "XG", "XH", "XI", "XJ", "XK", "XL", "XM", "XN",
//"XO", "XP", "XQ", "XR", "XS", "XT", "XU", // "XV", "XW", "XX", "XY", "XZ",
// Add in the Codes to Pack as Allowable duplicates in the final magic string.
// (Remove following line if each code can only occur once).
$codes_allowed = array_merge($codes_allowed, $codes_to_pack);
// Benchmarking - Starting details
$start_codes = implode(".", $codes_to_pack); // Starting string with delimited Codes
$start_length = strlen(stripslashes($start_codes)); // Ignore slashes for Stats- stripped out at the end
$total_codes = count($codes_to_pack);
if ($verbose) {
echo "\n";
echo $total_codes . " codes using " . $start_length . " chars (~" . round(8*$start_length/$total_codes,1) . " bits/code) -> \n";
echo $start_codes . "\n";
// @TODO: We should scan and clean up arrays to remove duplicates.
// Remove Allowed codes that cannot be matched against Codes to Pack - faster later
if ($verbose) echo "\nReduce list of Allowed Codes that cannot be matched: ";
foreach ($codes_allowed as &$code) {
$last = substr($code,-1,1) ; // Last letter of string
$check = false;
foreach ($codes_to_pack as $code_check) {
$first_check = substr($code_check,0,1) ; // First letter of string
if ($last == $first_check) $check = true; // The code was matched
unset($code_check); // Break the reference with the last element
if ($check == false) {
if ($verbose) echo $code. " - ";
$code = null;
unset($code); // Break the reference with the last element
// Remove Codes that cannot be merged in Round 1- faster matching later
/* Currently this approach creates local areas of low compression in the final string.
It could be possible to transform these strings, substituting characters.
Then requires code overhead to decode.
if ($verbose) echo "\n\nIgnore codes with no matching letters for first round: ";
$removed_codes = array (); // We will store removed codes to add back to the final output
foreach ($codes_to_pack as &$code) {
$first = substr($code,0,1) ; // First letter of string
$last = substr($code,-1,1) ; // Last letter of string
$check = false;
foreach ($codes_to_pack as $code_check) {
$first_check = substr($code_check,0,1) ; // First letter of string
$last_check = substr($code_check,-1,1) ; // Last letter of string
if ($first == $last_check || $last == $first_check) $check = true; // The code was matched
unset($code_check); // Break the reference with the last element
if ($check == false) {
if ($verbose) echo $code. " (". $first . $last . ") - ";
$removed_codes[] = $code;
$code = null;
unset($code); // Break the reference with the last element
if ($verbose) echo "\n";
// Round 1 - Merge strings by matching (and combining) first and last letters
/* Current algorithm is quite lazy. A 'greedy' approach may yield higher local compression:
e.g. IESEE > IE ES SE EE > 10bits/code
SIEESELV > SI IE EE ES SE EL LV > 9.14bits/code
In testing, where the numbers of codes to compact are small, a greedy approach yields more
orphan codes that are uncompacted, balancing out any gains of the few long runs. Every merge saves 2 bytes,
whereas in Round 2, each join only saves 1 byte. It seems to be a better strategy to be lazy...
$input = $codes_to_pack;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
shuffle($input); // Randomize order of strings in each sweep
$result = array();
foreach ($input as &$code) {
$first = substr($code,0,1) ; // First letter of string
$last = substr($code,-1,1) ; // Last letter of string
foreach ($input as &$code_check) {
$first_check = substr($code_check,0,1) ; // First letter of string
$last_check = substr($code_check,-1,1) ; // Last letter of string
if ($last == $first_check && $code != $code_check ) {
// Check this match first, to prefer 'GB+BG>GBG' vs 'GB+BG>BGB'
$result[] = $code . substr($code_check,1);
$code = null;
$code_check = null;
} else if ($first == $last_check && $code != $code_check ) {
$result[] = $code_check . substr($code,1);
$code = null;
$code_check = null;
unset($code_check); // Break the reference with the last element
unset($code); // Break the reference with the last element
// Tidy up - Find any codes that weren't matched and add to the $results array for another pass
foreach ($input as &$code) {
if ($code != null) {
$result[] = $code;
$code = null;
if ($verbose) {
echo "\n Run-".$i." : ";
echo implode(".", $result);
$input = $result;
// Add back in the unmatching codes removed at the start
$codes_to_pack = array_merge($codes_to_pack, $removed_codes); // Fix the original array
$result = array_merge($input, $removed_codes); // Working array
if ($verbose) echo "\n *** \n";
// Last round - remove space between codes, if consecutive letters are in Allowed list
$input = $result;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) {
$result = array();
foreach ($input as &$code) {
$last = substr($code,-1,1) ; // Last letter of string
foreach ($input as &$code_check) {
$first_check = substr($code_check,0,1) ; // First letter of string
foreach ($codes_allowed as $code_available) {
$combo = $last . $first_check ;
if ($combo == $code_available && $code != $code_check) {
// @TODO :
// Test if joining of the two strings duplicates a code
// that may be replaced elsewhere (although unlikely with few codes)
// Find the original, existing string e.g. ES
// If string length = 2, delete ES -> -
// Check start of strings ESAA -> -SAA
// Check end of strings AAES -> AAE-
// Else we cannot remove AESA -> AESA
// Only bother to test for one letter, as two is very unlikely for code length=2...
// Finally combine the two strings
// @TODO :
// Redundant check to see if first / last letter is equal then compress instead of concatenate
// IE + EE > IEE ... or AA + AA = AA
// This shouldn't happen after the 1st pass!... Check we don't overly compress e.g. 'EE'
$result[] = $code . $code_check; // Concatenate strings
$code = null;
$code_check = null;
unset($code_available); // Break the reference with the last element
unset($code_check); // Break the reference with the last element
unset($code); // Break the reference with the last element
// Tidy up - Find any codes that weren't matched and add to the $results array for another pass
foreach ($input as &$code) {
if ($code != null) {
$result[] = $code;
$code = null;
if ($verbose) {
echo "\n Run-".$i." : ";
echo implode(".", $result);
$input = $result;
// Finish up
$result = $input;
if ($verbose) echo "\n";
$magic_string = stripslashes( implode(".", $result) ); // Remove any slashes
$magic_length = strlen($magic_string);
// Test for duplicates
Currently we don't do anything about this. Best is to tackle at the point repeated strings are generated.
Also edge case of repeated runs of letters,
if ($verbose) {
$result = array (); // Array to store codes for duplication check
$result_inter_codes = array (); // Array to store 'inter-codes' (adjacent non-coding letters)
// TODO - This currently only works for fixed 2 character codes
// Should be rewritten for variable input code lengths...
for ($i = 1; $i < $magic_length; $i++) {
$code = substr($magic_string,$i-1,2) ; // Grab possible 2 character code
$check = false;
foreach ($codes_to_pack as $code_check) {
if (stripslashes($code_check) == $code) {
$check = true; // The code was matched
$result[] = $code; // Codes get logged
unset($code_check); // Break the reference with the last element
if ($check == false) $result_inter_codes[] = $code; // Log inter-code
// If we have more Codes than we started with, duplicates are present...
if (count($result) != $total_codes) echo "\nWARNING: Possible duplicate codes... ";
echo "\nCodes, from adjacent letters: \n ";
echo implode("-", $result);
echo " ". count($result)." codes \n\n";
echo "Non-matching codes, from adjacent letters: \n ";
echo implode("-", $result_inter_codes);
echo " ". count($result_inter_codes)." codes \n\n";
if ($verbose) {
echo $magic_string . " <- " . $magic_length . " chars (~" . round(8*$magic_length/$total_codes,1) . " bits/code).\n";
echo "Compressed: " . round(($start_length - $magic_length) / $start_length * 100) . "% of original. \n";
echo round((800*$magic_length)/($total_codes*10),0) . "% Theoretical limit (10 bits/code). \n";
// Theoretical limit applies to country codes
// Set here conditions to Save the packed magic string generated
// For our data, we want the most common code first 'GB' for early matching and escape.
if ($magic_length < 49 || $magic_length < 50 && substr($magic_string,0,2) == "GB" ) {
$filename = 'magic_string.txt';
$somecontent = "\n" . $magic_length . " - ". $magic_string;
// Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first.
if (is_writable($filename)) {
// We're opening $filename in append mode.
// The file pointer is at the bottom of the file hence
// that's where $somecontent will go when we fwrite() it.
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) {
echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";
// Write $somecontent to our opened file.
if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) {
echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";
echo "Success, wrote ( $somecontent ) to file ($filename)";
} else {
echo "The file $filename is not writable";
echo " ...End \n";
// Cleanup and unset all variables
$keys = array();
foreach($GLOBALS as $k => $v){
$keys[] = $k;
unset($k); unset($v); unset($t);
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