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Last active March 9, 2016 03:57
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  • Save ace3df/bf7a6e7dce4c1168e3cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ace3df/bf7a6e7dce4c1168e3cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AcePictureBot Twitch IRC

These commands here are suppose to be barebones and not for chat moderation.

The bot will disconnect if it hasn't been used in your channel for 2 days.

If you have any suggestions Tweet them @Ace3DF

The bot uses the !apb prefix so it doesn't collide with other bots.

##Get this bot in your own channel: Find a channel that has the bot in or go to the AcePictureBot Twitch Account and type !apb join

##Only the streamer can do:

!apb leave - Leaves your channel.

!apb help - Shows 2 links - one to here and the other to the commands page.

!apb turn on - This will make the bot start replying to commands again (Default).

!apb turn off - This will stop the bot from replying to commands (does NOT ignore !apb type commands).

!apb images on - If possible the bot will post a image when using a command (Default).

!apb images off - This will stop images from being posted with commands.

!apb mention on - A user MUST have to @Mention the bot for a command.

!apb mention off - A user does NOT have to @Mention the bot for a command (Default).

!apb ads on - The bot will post a message about the bot every 50 - 80 minutes (Default).

!apb ads off - The bot wont post any self-advertising message. :(

!apb mywaifu on - Allow users to do MyWaifu / MyHusbando in your chat (Default).

!apb mywaifu off - Don't allow people.

!apb rate limit [followed by a number 1 - 3] - Set the rate limit level in your server (PER USER).

Level 1 = 10 Commands in 5 Minutes (DEFAULT).

Level 2 = 5 Commands in 5 Minutes.

Level 3 = 2 Commands in 1 Minute.

This bot does NOT search for images.

It uses locally stored images that are grown through commands used on Twitter (this will constantly grow and eventurally every waifu and husbando will always have a image to go with it).

Images have a upload timeout of 3 seconds to not hold other messages up (Imgur).

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