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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Groovy cheat sheet
// Execute shell command and retrieve output with 'execute'
"groovy -v".execute().text
// repeating something a fixed number of times with 'times'
// accessing the only value in a closure with 'it'
3.times { println "Hello! This is $it" }
// ranges
(0..2).each { println it }
(0..<2).each { println it }
// safe-navigation operator - ?.
def foo(str) { str?.reverse() }
foo('hello') // 'olleh'
foo(null) // null
def listOfArgs(a, b, c) { [a, b, c] }
// all named args are combined into a map as the first param
listOfArgs(x: 10, y: 99, 3, 'ok') // [[x:10, y:99], 3, ok]
// even if they are all over the place
listOfArgs(x: 10, 3, y: 99, 'ok', z: -2) // [[x:10, y:99, z:-2], 3, ok]
// methods can have optional params at the end
def log(x, base=10) { Math.log(x) / Math.log(10) }
log(1024) // 3.0102999566398116
log(1024, 2) // 10.0
// --------------------------------------
// methods can have an optional trailing array param
def sendText(msg, String[] friends) {
println "Sending '$msg' to $friends"
sendText('Pizza tonight?') // Sending 'Pizza tonight?' to []
sendText('Pizza tonight?', 'Bruce') // Sending 'Pizza tonight?' to [Bruce]
sendText('Pizza tonight?', 'Bruce', 'Clark') // Sending 'Pizza tonight?' to [Bruce, Clark]
// --------------------------------------
// an array can be split-assigned to multiple variables
(x, y) = [6, 7]
println x // 6
println y // 7
// this makes swapping easy
(x, y) = [y, x]
println x // 6
println y // 7
// this also lets methods return multiple values
def splitName(fullName) { fullName.split(' ') }
(firstName, lastName) = splitName('Steve Rogers')
println firstName // Steve
println lastName // Rogers
// specifying variable types while assigning
def (String cat, String mouse) = ['Tom', 'Jerry']
println "$cat and $mouse" // Tom and Jerry
// --------------------------------------
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