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Last active October 27, 2015 03:33
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let script: JSValue = jsContext.objectForKeyedSubscript("getImageURL")
[jsContext callWithArguments:@["FirstParam",^(NSString* callbackValue) {
NSLog(@"Got a value: %@",callbackValue)
basically I have a javascript function that looks like this:
function getImageURL(object, callback) {
object.onScreenshotReady(function(imageName) {
And all I really want is imageName on the iOS side. So I'm trying to call the callback part of it on iOS and get imageName.
onScreenshotReady is async so I need to wait for it to finish before I get my imageName. So I created a callback within it
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@jackwu95 first off thanks for the reply.

I tried that and still getting an issue.

I also tried

script.callWithArguments(["widget", { (imageName: String) in
// Got image

screen shot 2015-09-18 at 1 00 16 pm

brackets around (imageName: String) but its still too ambiguous.

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Yea I saw that link but can't get it to work. .callWithArguments wants an array and I'm trying to add a callback block to it.

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This is as far as I have come now. Swift needs to be converted to @objc_block (now called convention(block). Doesn't execute getImageURL though because no image or alert is generated. Also doesn't print on iOS

        let script: JSValue = jsContext.objectForKeyedSubscript("getImageURL")

        let simplifyString: @convention(block) String -> String = { imageName in


            return imageName

        let unsafeString = unsafeBitCast(simplifyString, AnyObject.self)

        script.callWithArguments(["widget", unsafeString])

print(script) shows the correct function:

function getImageURL(object, callback) {
object.onScreenshotReady(function(imageName) {

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Looks like any remaining problems may be in your Javascript -- this is working properly for me:

// set up context
let context = JSContext()
context.exceptionHandler = { context, exception in
    print("JS Error: \(exception)")

// two functions: 
// immediately calls the callback with the first argument
context.evaluateScript("var test = function(object, callback) { callback('test ' + object); }")
// calls the first function with a function literal that calls the callback
// this one better emulates the flow of getImageTest
context.evaluateScript("var nestedTest = function(object, callback) { test(object, function(nestedObject) { callback('nestedTest ' + nestedObject); }); }")

// create the callback and cast to AnyObject
let callback: @convention(block) String -> () = { imageName in
let args = ["Hello from JS!", unsafeBitCast(callback, AnyObject.self)]

// prints "test Hello from JS!"
// prints "nestedTest test Hello from JS!"

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Hi @natecook1000 first off thanks for the reply.

With the code in my last reply. I can print(script) and it prints the right function. But the callWithArguements doesn't do anything.

I can execute the getImageURL with the following and it actually alerts the imageName

let script = "getImageURL(widget, function(imageName) { })"

but on iOS this doesn't wait for a return before executing the rest. so I don't think my function is wrong is it?

By the way my getImageURL isn't in a variable like var test = its just in index.html while I'm loading in my webView and passing it to my jsContext. and it prints it correctly.

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I GOT IT!!!!!!!! :)

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🎉 👍 🎈 👏

What did the trick?

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I added the exceptionHandler to see if I get any errors:

And turns out I did. "widget" was not being passed along so the function was executing

object.onScreenshotReady(function(imageName) ....

instead of
widget.onScreenshotReady(function(imageName) ....

So since I actually don't need to pass that parameter from iOS. I just hardcoded it directly. so my function became:

        function getImageURL(callback) {
            widget.onScreenshotReady(function(imageName) {

and on iOS side i did:

        let args = [unsafeBitCast(callback, AnyObject.self)]


And works exactly as expected.

Many many thanks for feedback. Spent two days on this pesky issue. Now onto the next

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HI @acegreen,

How can I save an image to my local("Downloads") without using the snapshot url from tradingview?

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Hi @acegreen,
In addition to my first question, how can I create a method that will not generate an image on tradingview, but generating a base64 image and saving it to my local directory.

Thanks in advance..=

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