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Created April 19, 2021 16:53
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Create CPT with semantic URL structure (i.e. /taxonomy/term/post)
* Services class file.
* @package WTF
namespace WTF;
* Class Services
class Services {
* Init class.
public function init(): void {
add_filter('init', [$this, 'create_tax']);
add_filter('init', [$this, 'create_cpt']);
add_filter('post_type_link', [$this, 'seo_permalinks'], 10, 2);
add_action('init', [$this, 'rewrite_rules']);
public function create_tax() {
register_taxonomy('service_type', ['post', 'services'],
'label' => __('Service Types', 'wtf'),
'public' => true,
'show_tagcloud' => false,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'hierarchical' => false,
'show_admin_column' => true,
'query_var' => true
public function create_cpt() {
'label' => __('Services', 'wtf'),
'public' => true,
'capability_type' => 'post',
'show_in_rest' => true,
'hierarchical' => false,
'rewrite' => [
'slug' => '/services/%service_types%',
'with_front' => false,
'feeds' => false
'query_var' => true,
'supports' => ['title', 'tags', 'editor', 'comments', 'custom-fields', 'thumbnail'],
'has_archive' => 'services',
'taxonomies' => ['service_type', 'post_tag'],
'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-admin-site',
* Adds some rewrite rules for semantic URLs (archive, taxonomy)
public function rewrite_rules() {
add_filter('query_vars', function($vars) {
$vars[] .= 'service_type';
$vars[] .= 'service_type-page';
return $vars;
* Adding service types to single service URLs:
* @param $permalink
* @param $post
* @return string|string[]
public function seo_permalinks(
$permalink, $post
) {
if (strpos($permalink, '%service_types%') === false) {
return $permalink;
$terms = get_the_terms($post, 'service_type');
if ( ! is_wp_error($terms) && ! empty($terms) && is_object($terms[0])) {
$term_slug = array_pop($terms)->slug;
} else {
$term_slug = 'd';
return str_replace('%service_types%', $term_slug, $permalink);
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