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Unix (ubuntu): setup and use s3cmd to upload files to digitalocean spaces

Setup s3cmd to upload to digitalocean spaces

Generate new spaces API keys

Install s3cmd

sudo apt-get install s3cmd

Configure s3cmd to use digitaocean spaces

s3cmd --configure

Config example (/home/username/.s3cfg):

access_key = xyz
bucket_location = US
cloudfront_host =
host_base =
host_bucket = %(bucket)
human_readable_sizes = True
simpledb_host =
use_https = True
website_endpoint = http://%(bucket)s.s3-website-%(location)

Test it works

s3cmd ls

Upload file to folder

s3cmd put some.log s3://logs/server/

Upload multiple files

s3cmd put file1.txt file2.txt path/to/file3.txt s3://spacename/path/

Upload a file under a new name

s3cmd get s3://spacename/file.txt newfilename.txt

Put all files in your current directory

s3cmd put * s3://spacename/path/ --recursive

Get/download file

s3cmd get s3://logs/server/some.log

Download all files from dir

s3cmd get s3://spacename/path/ --recursive

Delete file

s3cmd rm s3://logs/server/some.log

Delete all files in folder

s3cmd rm s3://logs/server/ --recursive --force

Delete dir

s3cmd del s3://logs/server

Show disk usage

s3cmd du

Remove bucket (folder)

s3cmd del -f -r s3://newspace/ # purge all data first
s3cmd rb s3://newspace/ # destry bucket

Sync folder

s3cmd sync --dry-run --delete-removed --preserve ~/demo/ s3://s3tools-demo/some/path/

More commands:

Make a file public

s3cmd setacl s3://spacename/file.txt --acl-public

Make all the files inside a path public

s3cmd setacl s3://spacename/path/to/files/ --acl-public --recursive

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