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Created February 21, 2012 22:20
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amb with ivars
;; Adam Foltzer
;; amb with ivars
(load "pmatch.scm")
;;;; Global scheduler queue and helpers; ugly!
(define *q* '())
(define push-right!
(lambda (x)
(set! *q* (append *q* `(,x)))))
(define peek-left
(lambda ()
[(null? *q*) #f]
[else (car *q*)])))
(define pop-left!
(lambda ()
[(null? *q*) #f]
[else (let ([a (car *q*)])
(set! *q* (cdr *q*))
(define filter!
(lambda (pred)
(set! *q* (filter pred *q*))))
;; Representation of work units to be put in the queue
(define-record-type work (fields eng sk id))
;;;; ids
;; ids are lists of gensyms where parent/child relationships are
;; represented by shared prefixes
(define prefix?
(lambda (p ls)
[(null? p) #t]
[(null? ls) #f]
[else (and (eq? (car p) (car ls))
(prefix? (cdr p) (cdr ls)))])))
;; Create a new id as a child of the currently active work unit, or
;; just a gensym if there's no current work
(define new-id
(lambda ()
[(null? *q*) `(,(gensym))]
[else (append (work-id (peek-left)) `(,(gensym)))])))
;;;; ivars
;; A variant of ivars where rather than just empty and full, we also
;; have a case where the ivar represents the top level of the
;; computation. This variant contains a continuation that breaks out
;; of the whole nested amb.
(define new-ivar
(lambda ()
(box `(empty))))
(define new-top-level-ivar
(lambda (k)
(box `(top-level ,k))))
;; get-ivar blocks until the ivar is filled in
(define get-ivar
(lambda (iv)
(let ([contents (unbox iv)])
(pmatch contents
[(empty) (begin (engine-block) (get-ivar iv))]
[(full ,x) x]))))
;; since we're only calling set-ivar! during the sk of an engine
;; (rather than in the engine body), we don't have to worry about
;; interrupts as with most ivar implementations
(define set-ivar!
(lambda (iv x)
(let ([contents (unbox iv)])
(pmatch contents
[(empty) (set-box! iv `(full ,x))]
[(full ,x) (warningf 'put-ivar "multiple put")]
;; when top-level, make sure we clear out the *q* before exiting
[(top-level ,k) (begin (set! *q* '()) (k x))]))))
;;;; main implementation
(define-syntax amb
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e1 e2) (amb-impl (lambda () e1) (lambda () e2))]))
(define amb-impl
(lambda (th1 th2)
(call/cc ;; grab a continuation in case we're calling non-nested
(lambda (k)
(let* ([id (new-id)]
[top-level? (null? *q*)] ;; *q* is empty if we're top level
[iv (if top-level? (new-top-level-ivar k) (new-ivar))]
[sk (lambda (_ v)
(begin (set-ivar! iv v)
;; if we make it here, the ivar was *not*
;; top-level, so we have to shoot down any
;; children of this amb, including the one
;; that just succeeded
(shootdown! id)
;; since we removed the current engine, we
;; reenter the loop rather than
;; rescheduling with the current engine
;; we're fiddling with the queue in code that might be run
;; in an engine, so we have to disable interrupts
(push-right! (make-work (make-engine th1) sk id))
(push-right! (make-work (make-engine th2) sk id)))
;; if top-level, we just make a tail call to enter the loop;
;; the answer will be returned as the value of the whole
;; call/cc. Otherwise, we do a [blocking] get on the ivar we
;; just made, which will eventually return the right value
(if top-level?
(get-ivar iv)))))))
(define nticks (make-parameter 50))
;; reschedule! is the fk of engines, so we don't have to worry about interrupts
(define reschedule!
(lambda (new-eng)
(when (null? *q*) (errorf 'reschedule! "empty work queue!"))
;; push the current work unit (with new engine) on the right of the queue
(let ([old (peek-left)])
(push-right! (make-work new-eng (work-sk old) (work-id old)))
;; pop only after pushing, in case this is the only work unit
;; (although this shouldn't arise)
(let ([new (peek-left)])
((work-eng new) (nticks) (work-sk new) reschedule!)))))
(define enter-loop
(lambda ()
(let ([new (peek-left)])
((work-eng new) (nticks) (work-sk new) reschedule!))))
;; remove all work units which have the given id as a prefix
(define shootdown!
(lambda (id)
(filter! (lambda (w) (not (prefix? id (work-id w)))))))
;;;; Examples
(define f
(lambda (x)
(amb (f x) x)))
(define fact
(lambda (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (fact (sub1 n))))))
(define fact-1
(lambda ()
(amb (fact -1) (fact 5))))
(define fact-2
(lambda ()
(amb (fact -1)
(amb ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))
(fact 5)))))
(define fib
(lambda (n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
(define fib-1
(lambda ()
(amb (fib 100)
(fib 25))))
(define fib/ticks
(lambda (ticks)
(parameterize ([nticks ticks])
(printf "nticks=~a " ticks)
(time (fib-1)))))
(define many-fibs
(lambda ()
(map fib/ticks '(1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128))))
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