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Last active October 6, 2020 11:54
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Change git init's default branch name

Change the name of the default branch created by git init

Suppose you want the default branch name created by git init (or tools that shell out to it, like cargo new) to be something other than master. In this example, I'll call it develop.

  1. Add the following to your .gitconfig:

        templateDir = ~/.config/git/template/

    This tells git init to use the files found in ~/.config/git/template to populate the initial .git directory. You can use whatever path you'd like.

  2. Create a file in the template directory called HEAD, for example ~/.config/git/template/HEAD, with the following contents:

    ref: refs/heads/develop

    Replace develop with the default name of your choice.

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Very cool. Thanks for sharing!

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beeman commented Jun 12, 2020


I've added this function in my .zsrhc to rename the active project I'm on.

# Rename git branch master to main
function rename-master() {
  git branch -m master main
  git push origin HEAD
  git branch -u origin/main

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very neat - thank you 👍

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