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Last active August 17, 2023 08:04
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Extracted hash function from Obsidian Vault. It is used at and vault keyhash in websocket.
const crypto = require("crypto");
function B(e) {
return e.slice(e.byteOffset, e.byteOffset + e.byteLength);
async function _(e) {
const t = await j(e);
return G(t);
async function j(e) {
const digest = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", new Uint8Array(e));
return new Uint8Array(digest);
function G(e) {
const t = new Uint8Array(e);
const n = [];
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
const r = t[i];
n.push((r >>> 4).toString(16));
n.push((15 & r).toString(16));
return n.join("");
const K = "aes-256-gcm";
async function Y(e) {
return crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", e, K, false, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
const $ = 32768;
const Q = {
N: $,
r: 8,
p: 1,
maxmem: 67108864
async function J(e, t) {
const normalizedE = e.normalize("NFKC");
const normalizedT = t.normalize("NFKC");
const n = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
crypto.scrypt(Buffer.from(normalizedE, 'utf-8'), Buffer.from(normalizedT, 'utf-8'), 32, Q, (err, key) => {
if (err) {
} else {
return B(n);
async function makeKeyHash(e, t) {
const n = await J(e, t);
const hash = await j(n);
return G(hash);
makeKeyHash("ZsSjgKx4yaeBNCFipS)T", "jePEuEPhNsr8zguY3%98").then((hash) => {
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