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## Prefer mongodump/mongorestore instead of mongoexport/mongoimport,
## as it will "export" additional metadata, like indexes etc.
### Mongodump example
# Required: host, db, collection, out
# Optional: query (limit results)
mongodump --host \
# Original for 5.3 by Ruben Barkow (rubo77)
# release 1 PHP5.4 to 5.3 by Emil Terziev ( foxy ) Bulgaria
# Originally Posted by Bachstelze
# OK, here's how to do the Apt magic to get PHP packages from the precise repositories:
echo "Am I root? "
if [ "$(whoami &2>/dev/null)" != "root" ] && [ "$(id -un &2>/dev/null)" != "root" ] ; then