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Last active October 5, 2023 12:46
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Get all the GKE contexts available for you authenticted account
# Get a list of projects from Gcloud
PROJECTS=($(gcloud projects list --format="value(projectId)"))
# Create a directory to split clusters kubeconfig files later
mkdir -p "${HOME}/.kube/clusters"
# Loop the projects
for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
echo "Selecting project: ${PROJECT}"
gcloud config set project "${PROJECT}" --verbosity=none
# Get list of clusters for this project
CLUSTERS=($(gcloud container clusters list --project="$PROJECT" --format="csv[separator='@',no-heading](name,zone)"))
# Look the clusters' list. Configure contexts
for CLUSTER_ZONE in "${CLUSTERS[@]}"; do
# Split zone and cluster name
CLUSTER=$(echo "${CLUSTER_ZONE}" | cut -d'@' -f1)
ZONE=$(echo "${CLUSTER_ZONE}" | cut -d'@' -f2)
echo "Cluster found. Adopting its context [ cluster: ${CLUSTER}, zone: ${ZONE} ]"
# Configure the context for current cluster
export KUBECONFIG="${HOME}/.kube/clusters/${PROJECT}__${ZONE}__${CLUSTER}"
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$CLUSTER" --project="$PROJECT" --zone="$ZONE" || LOCAL_EXIT_CODE=$?
#--user-output-enabled --verbosity=debug || LOCAL_EXIT_CODE=$?
if [[ "${LOCAL_EXIT_CODE}" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "[···] Context not retrieved. Skipping operation for it.";
# Throw an advise
printf "Hey, put this on your .bashrc or .zshrc file: \n\n%s" "
# [CUSTOM] Show kubectl where to find our kubeconfig files
export KUBECONFIG=\$(find ~/.kube/clusters -type f | sed ':a;N;s/\n/:/;ba')
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