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Created September 25, 2013 14:51
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Part of a blog post introducing distributed computing with IPython:
from IPython.parallel import Client
rc = Client()
dview = rc[:]
lview = rc.load_balanced_view()
with dview.sync_imports():
import numpy
from sklearn import svm
import sys
import time
from sklearn import cross_validation
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn import datasets
# We use a decorator here, to give us a nicer syntax for calling map.
# block=False means will return an AsyncResult
# chunksize=1 means that each engine will only receive one bit of a data at a time.
# You will want to play with this setting to see what gives you the best results.
@lview.parallel(block=False, chunksize=1)
def svm_params_crossval(indexes):
train_idx, crossval_idx = indexes
X_train = X[train_idx]
y_train = y[train_idx]
X_crossval = X[crossval_idx]
y_crossval = y[crossval_idx]
crossval_err = numpy.zeros((C_range.size, gamma_range.size))
for i, C in enumerate(C_range):
for j, gamma in enumerate(gamma_range):
clf = svm.SVC(C=C, gamma=gamma), y_train)
crossval_err[i, j] = 1. - clf.score(X_crossval, y_crossval)
return crossval_err
def short_format_time(t):
if t > 60:
return "%4.1fmin" % (t / 60.)
return " %5.1fs" % t
def wait_progress(ar, interval=5, timeout=-1):
"""Wait on an IPython AsyncResult, printing progress to stdout.
Based on wait_interactive() in IPython and the output of Joblib in verbose mode.parallel
This will work best when using a load-balanced view with a smallish chunk-size.
if timeout is None:
timeout = -1
N = len(ar)
tic = time.time()
print "\nRunning %i tasks:" % N
last = 0
while not ar.ready() and (timeout < 0 or time.time() - tic <= timeout):
progress, elapsed = ar.progress, ar.elapsed
if progress > last:
last = progress
remaining = elapsed * (float(N) / progress - 1.)
print ' Done %4i out of %4i | elapsed: %s remaining: %s' % (
progress, N, short_format_time(elapsed), short_format_time(remaining))
if ar.ready():
speedup = round(100.0 * ar.serial_time / ar.wall_time)
print "\nParallel speedup: %i%%" % speedup
# For some reason ar.serial_time occasionally throws this exception.
# We choose to ignore it and just not display the speedup factor.
except TypeError:
def main():
# Load a "toy" data set
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = preprocessing.scale(
y =
# Set the range hyperparameters we want to search
C_range = 10. ** numpy.arange(-2, 9)
gamma_range = 10. ** numpy.arange(-5, 4)
# Send out the data to the engines via the direct view
dview.push(dict(X=X, y=y, C_range=C_range, gamma_range=gamma_range), block=True)
# Run svm_params_crossval in parallel. Note the nice syntax afforded by using
# the @lview.parallel decorator. This is equivalent to:
# ar = lview.map_async(svm_params_crossval, cross_validation.LeaveOneOut(len(y)), chunksize=1)
ar =
# Busy waiting on results, to give nice progress updates
# Handle ctrl-c by aborting jobs before exiting. If we didn't do this, the tasks would
# keep running to completion.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Aborting..."
# get the actual results
results = ar.result
# Average the results and convert to percent
crossval_err = 100. * numpy.mean(results, axis=0)
# find the C and gamma that gave us the lowest average cross-validation error
min_idx = crossval_err.argmin()
C_idx, gamma_idx = numpy.unravel_index(min_idx, crossval_err.shape)
C_best = C_range[C_idx]
gamma_best = gamma_range[gamma_idx]
err_best = crossval_err[C_idx, gamma_idx]
print "\nBest: C = %s, gamma = %s, err = %s%%\n" % (C_best, gamma_best, err_best)
numpy.set_printoptions(precision=2, linewidth=120)
print crossval_err
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Track the overall time of computation
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time()
print "\nTotal time: %s" % short_format_time(end_time - start_time)
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