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Created March 6, 2020 21:53
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reagent master test run log
~/src/reagent (merge-props-fix) → ./
## TESTING browser-cljsjs
+ rm -rf target/cljsbuild/test/
+ lein doo chrome-headless test once
;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Chrome-headless:
07 03 2020 00:33:50.894:WARN [web-server]: 404: /js/out/goog/deps.js
07 03 2020 00:33:50.896:WARN [web-server]: 404: /js/out/cljs_deps.js
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratom'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.template-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testtrack'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwithlet'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratomasync'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.util-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testreagent'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwrap'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testcursor'
HeadlessChrome 0.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.14.6): Executed 124 of 125 SUCCESS (0.526 secs / 0.488 secs)
+ test -f target/cljsbuild/test/out/cljsjs/react/development/
## TESTING browser-cljsjs-prod
+ rm -rf target/cljsbuild/prod-test/
+ lein doo chrome-headless prod-test once
Mar 07, 2020 12:34:14 AM println
WARNING: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/target/cljsbuild/prod-test/out/reagenttest/testcursor.js:2280: WARNING - unreachable code
}catch (e5394){var _ = e5394;
Mar 07, 2020 12:34:14 AM println
WARNING: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/target/cljsbuild/prod-test/out/reagenttest/testreagent.js:4932: WARNING - unreachable code
if(((reagent.core.is_client) && (false))){
Mar 07, 2020 12:34:14 AM printSummary
WARNING: 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Chrome-headless:
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratom'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.template-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testtrack'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwithlet'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratomasync'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.util-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testreagent'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwrap'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testcursor'
HeadlessChrome 0.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.14.6): Executed 124 of 125 SUCCESS (0.247 secs / 0.415 secs)
+ test -f target/cljsbuild/prod-test/main.js
+ node_modules/.bin/gzip-size target/cljsbuild/prod-test/main.js
210 kB
## TESTING browser-npm
+ rm -rf target/cljsbuild/test-npm/
+ lein doo chrome-headless test-npm once
;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Chrome-headless:
07 03 2020 00:34:29.709:WARN [web-server]: 404: /js/out/goog/deps.js
07 03 2020 00:34:29.710:WARN [web-server]: 404: /js/out/cljs_deps.js
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratom'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.template-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testtrack'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwithlet'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratomasync'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.util-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testreagent'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwrap'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testcursor'
HeadlessChrome 0.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.14.6): Executed 124 of 125 SUCCESS (0.492 secs / 0.461 secs)
+ test -f target/cljsbuild/test-npm/out/node_modules/react/index.js
## TESTING browser-npm-prod
+ rm -rf target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/
+ lein doo chrome-headless prod-test-npm once
Mar 07, 2020 12:35:02 AM println
WARNING: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/out/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:123: WARNING - unreachable code
node["return"];node=node.sibling}return null}function findCurrentHostFiberWithNoPortals(parent){var currentParent=findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(parent);if(!currentParent)return null;var node=currentParent;while(true){if(node.tag===HostComponent||node.tag===HostText||enableFundamentalAPI)return node;else if(node.child&&node.tag!==HostPortal){node.child["return"]=node;node=node.child;continue}if(node===currentParent)return null;while(!node.sibling){if(!node["return"]||node["return"]===currentParent)return null;
Mar 07, 2020 12:35:02 AM println
WARNING: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/out/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:124: WARNING - unreachable code
node=node["return"]}node.sibling["return"]=node["return"];node=node.sibling}return null}function accumulateInto(current,next){if(!(next!=null))throw Error("accumulateInto(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined.");if(current==null)return next;if(Array.isArray(current)){if(Array.isArray(next)){current.push.apply(current,next);return current}current.push(next);return current}if(Array.isArray(next))return[current].concat(next);return[current,next]}function forEachAccumulated(arr,cb,scope){if(Array.isArray(arr))arr.forEach(cb,
Mar 07, 2020 12:35:02 AM println
WARNING: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/out/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:441: WARNING - unreachable code
HostComponent){foundHostInstances=true;hostInstances.add(node.stateNode)}else if(node.child!==null){node.child["return"]=node;node=node.child;continue}if(node===fiber)return foundHostInstances;while(node.sibling===null){if(node["return"]===null||node["return"]===fiber)return foundHostInstances;node=node["return"]}node.sibling["return"]=node["return"];node=node.sibling}}return false}function resolveDefaultProps(Component,baseProps){if(Component&&Component.defaultProps){var props=(0,module$Users$achikin$src$reagent$node_modules$object_assign$index["default"])({},
Mar 07, 2020 12:35:02 AM println
WARNING: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/out/reagenttest/testcursor.js:2280: WARNING - unreachable code
}catch (e5394){var _ = e5394;
Mar 07, 2020 12:35:02 AM println
WARNING: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/out/reagenttest/testreagent.js:4932: WARNING - unreachable code
if(((reagent.core.is_client) && (false))){
Mar 07, 2020 12:35:02 AM printSummary
WARNING: 0 error(s), 5 warning(s)
;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Chrome-headless:
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratom'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.template-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testtrack'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwithlet'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratomasync'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.util-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testreagent'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwrap'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testcursor'
HeadlessChrome 0.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.14.6): Executed 124 of 125 SUCCESS (0.23 secs / 0.411 secs)
+ test -f target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/main.js
+ node_modules/.bin/gzip-size target/cljsbuild/prod-test-npm/main.js
304 kB
## TESTING node-cljsjs
+ rm -rf target/cljsbuild/node-test/
+ lein doo node node-test once
;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Node:
Testing reagenttest.testratom
Testing reagent.impl.template-test
Testing reagenttest.testtrack
Testing reagenttest.testwithlet
Testing reagenttest.testratomasync
Testing reagent.impl.util-test
Testing reagenttest.testreagent
Testing reagenttest.testwrap
Testing reagenttest.testcursor
Ran 124 tests containing 2091 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
+ test -f target/cljsbuild/node-test/out/cljsjs/react/development/
## TESTING node-npm
+ rm -rf target/cljsbuild/node-test-npm/
+ lein doo node node-test-npm once
;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Node:
Testing reagenttest.testratom
Testing reagent.impl.template-test
Testing reagenttest.testtrack
Testing reagenttest.testwithlet
Testing reagenttest.testratomasync
Testing reagent.impl.util-test
Testing reagenttest.testreagent
Testing reagenttest.testwrap
Testing reagenttest.testcursor
Ran 124 tests containing 2091 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
+ test '!' -f target/cljsbuild/node-test-npm/out/node_modules/react/index.js
+ grep 'reagent.impl.template.node$module$react = require('\''react'\'')' target/cljsbuild/node-test-npm/out/reagent/impl/template.js
reagent.impl.template.node$module$react = require('react');
## TESTING shadow-cljs-prod
+ rm -rf target/shadow-cljs/
+ npx shadow-cljs release test
shadow-cljs - config: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/shadow-cljs.edn cli version: 2.8.83 node: v13.10.1
shadow-cljs - updating dependencies
Retrieving thheller/shadow-cljs/2.8.83/shadow-cljs-2.8.83-aot.jar from
shadow-cljs - dependencies updated
[:test] Compiling ...
------ WARNING #1 - -----------------------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/test/reagenttest/testcursor.cljs:473:42
470 |
471 | (def assert-enabled? (try (assert false)
472 | false
473 | (catch :default _ true)))
unreachable code
474 |
475 | (deftest cursor-assert-test
476 | (when assert-enabled?
477 | (is (thrown-with-msg? :default #"src must be a reactive atom or a function, not nil while attempting to get path: \[:foo :bar\]" (r/cursor nil [:foo :bar])))))
------ WARNING #2 - -----------------------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/test/reagenttest/testreagent.cljs:1289:27
1286 | component (fn []
1287 | [component-class @prop])]
1288 |
1289 | (when (and r/is-client (dev?))
unreachable code
1290 | (let [e (debug/track-warnings
1291 | #(with-mounted-component [component]
1292 | (fn [c div]
1293 | (reset! prop (sorted-map 1 2))
[:test] Build completed. (94 files, 55 compiled, 11 warnings, 25.47s)
------ WARNING #1 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/ratom.cljs:127:11
124 | (when-not (nil? q)
125 | (set! rea-queue nil)
126 | (dotimes [i (alength q)]
127 | (._queued-run (aget q i)))
Cannot infer target type in expression (. (aget q i) _queued-run)
128 | (recur)))))
129 |
130 | (set! batch/ratom-flush flush!)
131 |
------ WARNING #2 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/ratom.cljs:137:1
134 |
135 | (defprotocol IReactiveAtom)
136 |
137 | (deftype RAtom [^:mutable state meta validator ^:mutable watches]
Cannot infer target type in expression (. (. RAtom -prototype) -reagent$ratom$IReactiveAtom$)
138 | IAtom
139 | IReactiveAtom
140 |
141 | IEquiv
------ WARNING #3 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/ratom.cljs:216:1
213 | (set! (.-reaction obj) r))
214 | v))))
215 |
216 | (deftype Track [f args ^:mutable reaction]
Cannot infer target type in expression (. (. Track -prototype) -reagent$ratom$IReactiveAtom$)
217 | IReactiveAtom
218 |
219 | IDeref
220 | (-deref [this]
------ WARNING #4 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/ratom.cljs:257:1
254 |
255 | ;;; cursor
256 |
257 | (deftype RCursor [ratom path ^:mutable reaction
Cannot infer target type in expression (. (. RCursor -prototype) -reagent$ratom$IReactiveAtom$)
258 | ^:mutable state ^:mutable watches]
259 | IAtom
260 | IReactiveAtom
261 |
------ WARNING #5 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/ratom.cljs:365:1
362 | ;; - state
363 | ;; - watches
364 | ;; - watching
365 | (deftype Reaction [f ^:mutable state ^:mutable ^boolean dirty? ^boolean nocache?
Cannot infer target type in expression (. (. Reaction -prototype) -reagent$ratom$IReactiveAtom$)
366 | ^:mutable watching ^:mutable watches ^:mutable auto-run
367 | ^:mutable caught]
368 | IAtom
369 | IReactiveAtom
------ WARNING #6 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/core.cljs:358:7
355 | [a f & args]
356 | {:pre [(satisfies? IAtom a)
357 | (ifn? f)]}
358 | (if (.-rswapping a)
Cannot infer target type in expression (. a -rswapping)
359 | (-> (or (.-rswapfs a)
360 | (set! (.-rswapfs a) (array)))
361 | (.push #(apply f % args)))
362 | (do (set! (.-rswapping a) true)
------ WARNING #7 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/core.cljs:359:13
356 | {:pre [(satisfies? IAtom a)
357 | (ifn? f)]}
358 | (if (.-rswapping a)
359 | (-> (or (.-rswapfs a)
Cannot infer target type in expression (. a -rswapfs)
360 | (set! (.-rswapfs a) (array)))
361 | (.push #(apply f % args)))
362 | (do (set! (.-rswapping a) true)
363 | (try (swap! a (fn [state]
------ WARNING #8 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/core.cljs:360:19
357 | (ifn? f)]}
358 | (if (.-rswapping a)
359 | (-> (or (.-rswapfs a)
360 | (set! (.-rswapfs a) (array)))
Cannot infer target type in expression (. a -rswapfs)
361 | (.push #(apply f % args)))
362 | (do (set! (.-rswapping a) true)
363 | (try (swap! a (fn [state]
364 | (loop [s (apply f state args)]
------ WARNING #9 - :infer-warning ---------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/core.cljs:362:15
359 | (-> (or (.-rswapfs a)
360 | (set! (.-rswapfs a) (array)))
361 | (.push #(apply f % args)))
362 | (do (set! (.-rswapping a) true)
Cannot infer target type in expression (. a -rswapping)
363 | (try (swap! a (fn [state]
364 | (loop [s (apply f state args)]
365 | (if-some [sf (some-> a .-rswapfs .shift)]
366 | (recur (sf s))
------ WARNING #10 - :infer-warning --------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/core.cljs:369:22
366 | (recur (sf s))
367 | s))))
368 | (finally
369 | (set! (.-rswapping a) false)))))
Cannot infer target type in expression (. a -rswapping)
370 | nil)
371 |
372 | (defn next-tick
373 | "Run f using requestAnimationFrame or equivalent.
------ WARNING #11 - :infer-warning --------------------------------------------
File: /Users/achikin/src/reagent/src/reagent/core.cljs:365:40
362 | (do (set! (.-rswapping a) true)
363 | (try (swap! a (fn [state]
364 | (loop [s (apply f state args)]
365 | (if-some [sf (some-> a .-rswapfs .shift)]
Cannot infer target type in expression (. G__9626 -rswapfs)
366 | (recur (sf s))
367 | s))))
368 | (finally
369 | (set! (.-rswapping a) false)))))
+ test -f target/shadow-cljs/resources/public/js/karma.js
+ karma start test-environments/shadow-cljs-prod/karma.conf.js --single-run
07 03 2020 00:36:14.709:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v3.1.1 server started at
07 03 2020 00:36:14.713:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers ChromeHeadless with concurrency unlimited
07 03 2020 00:36:14.719:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser ChromeHeadless
07 03 2020 00:36:15.484:INFO [HeadlessChrome 0.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.14.6)]: Connected on socket PcwG-it-mypEsPMsAAAA with id 25970459
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratom'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.template-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testtrack'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwithlet'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testratomasync'
LOG: 'Testing reagent.impl.util-test'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testreagent'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testwrap'
LOG: 'Testing reagenttest.testcursor'
HeadlessChrome 0.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.14.6): Executed 124 of 124 SUCCESS (0.212 secs / 0.377 secs)
OK browser-cljsjs
OK browser-cljsjs-prod
OK browser-npm
OK browser-npm-prod
OK node-cljsjs
OK node-npm
OK shadow-cljs-prod
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