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Created April 23, 2014 15:40
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import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_func(curve, name):
sens = np.arange(0, 10, 3.0)
x = mpl.mlab.frange(0, 1, 0.01)
plt.title("%s curve" % (name))
for s in sens:
plt.plot(x, curve(x, s), label=("%i" % s))
plt.savefig("%s.png" % name)
print("Saved figure %s.png" % (name))
def retail(x, s):
non_perc = (9-s)/9
out = x*(s/9)+(x**5)*non_perc
return out
def windows(x, s):
out = x**(3-(s/4.5))
return out
def herra_tight(x, s):
out = x**(s/9.0) * ((1.0-np.cos(x*np.pi))/2.0)**((9-s)/9.0)
return out
def herra_wide(x, s):
out = x**(s/9.0) * ((1.0-np.cos(x*np.pi))/2.0)**((9-s)/4.5)
return out
def exponential(x, s):
out = (np.exp(x)-1)/(np.exp(1)-1)
return out
def logistic(x, s):
sigm = lambda x, s: 1.0/(1+np.exp((s+1)*(-x+0.5)))
s_x = sigm(x, s)
s_one = sigm(1, s)
s_zero = sigm(0, s)
out = (s_x - s_zero)/(s_one - s_zero)
return out
def exp_to_log(x, s):
out = x**(1+((5-s)/9))
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":
plot_func(retail, "Retail")
plot_func(windows, "Windows")
plot_func(herra_tight, "Herra 9")
plot_func(herra_wide, "Herra 4.5")
plot_func(exponential, "Exponential (WIP)")
plot_func(logistic, "Logistic")
plot_func(exp_to_log, "Mixed")
print("All done!")
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