A Python Popen that does not suck.
import os
import subprocess
def popen (* args , ** kwargs ):
output = kwargs .get ('output' , False )
directory = kwargs .get ('dir' )
environment = kwargs .get ('env' )
shell = kwargs .get ('shell' , True )
raise_err = kwargs .get ('raise_err' , True )
environ = os .environ .copy ()
if environment :
environ .update (environment )
command = " " .join ([str (arg ) for arg in args ])
proc = subprocess .Popen (command ,
stdin = subprocess .PIPE if output else None ,
stdout = subprocess .PIPE if output else None ,
stderr = subprocess .PIPE if output else None ,
env = environ ,
cwd = directory ,
shell = shell
code = proc .wait ()
if code and raise_err :
raise subprocess .CalledProcessError (code , command )
if output :
output , error = proc .communicate ()
if output :
output = output .decode ('utf-8' )
if output .count ('\n ' ) == 1 :
output = output .strip ('\n ' )
if error :
error = error .decode ('utf-8' )
if error .count ('\n ' ) == 1 :
error = error .strip ('\n ' )
return code , output , error
else :
return code
>> > popen ('touch foobar.txt' )
Thanks for sharing. If you annotated, would be even more powerful... :)