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Last active January 23, 2024 19:09
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Clone production virtual machine to a development subscription
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# Get the location of the resource group
$location = az group show --name $resourceGroup --subscription $subscription --query "location" -o tsv;
$snapshotName = $targetResourceGroup -replace "rg-", "ss-";
# Get the Id of the source disk
$sourceDisk = az vm show --name $name --resource-group $resourceGroup --subscription $subscription --query '' -o tsv;
# Create the target resource group
az group create --name $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription --location $location
# Create a snapshot in target subscription
az snapshot create --name $snapshotName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription --source $sourceDisk --sku Standard_LRS;
# Create a new OS disk from the snapshot using Azure CLI
$diskName = $targetResourceGroup -replace "rg-", "vhd-";
$snapshotId = az snapshot show --name $snapshotName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription --query 'id' -o tsv;
az disk create --name $diskName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--source $snapshotId --sku Standard_LRS --location $location --zone "1";
# Create a public IP
$ipName = $targetResourceGroup -replace "rg-", "ip-";
az network public-ip create --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--name $ipName --version IPv4 --sku Standard;
# Create a Virtual Network
$vnetName = ($targetResourceGroup -replace "rg-", "vnet-");
az network vnet create --name $vnetName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription;
# Create a Virtual Network
$subnetName = 'default';
az network vnet subnet create --name $subnetName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--vnet-name $vnetName --address-prefixes '';
# Create a Network Security Group
$nsgName = ($targetResourceGroup -replace "rg-", "nsg-");
az network nsg create --name $nsgName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription;
az network nsg rule create --name "AllowAnyRDPInbound" --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--nsg-name $nsgName --priority 100 --protocol Tcp --access Allow --direction Inbound `
--source-port-ranges '*' --destination-port-ranges '3389';
az network nsg rule create --name "AllowAnyWinRMInbound" --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--nsg-name $nsgName --priority 110 --protocol Tcp --access Allow --direction Inbound `
--source-port-ranges '*' --destination-port-ranges '5986';
az network nsg rule create --name "AllowAnyHttpInbound" --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--nsg-name $nsgName --priority 120 --protocol Tcp --access Allow --direction Inbound `
--source-port-ranges '*' --destination-port-ranges '80';
az network nsg rule create --name "AllowAnyHttpInbound" --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--nsg-name $nsgName --priority 130 --protocol Tcp --access Allow --direction Inbound `
--source-port-ranges '*' --destination-port-ranges '443';
# Create a new NIC
$nicName = ($targetResourceGroup -replace "rg-", "nic-");
$subnetId = az network vnet subnet show --name $subnetName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription --vnet-name $vnetName --query 'id' -o tsv;
$nsgId = az network nsg show --name $nsgName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription --query 'id' -o tsv;
az network nic create --name $nicName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--subnet $subnetId --network-security-group $nsgId --public-ip-address $ipName; ;
#Create a new virtual machine from the disk using Azure CLI
$vmName = ($targetResourceGroup -replace "rg-", "vm-");
az vm create --name $vmName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--location $location --attach-os-disk $diskName --os-type windows --nics $nicName `
--size Standard_B4ms --public-ip-sku Standard --security-type Standard;
# Set the auto-shutdown and auto-start properties for the VM
az vm auto-shutdown --name $vmName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription `
--time "00:00" --email "";
# Enable WinRM on the new virtual machine
az vm run-command invoke --command-id EnableRemotePS --name $vmName --resource-group $targetResourceGroup --subscription $targetSubscription;
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