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Last active April 29, 2021 13:26
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var app = {
STEPS: [],
buttonBack, // #buttonBack element
buttonContinue, // #buttonContinue element
buttonPlaceOrder, // #buttonPlaceOrder element
colourSelect, // #colour element
componentList, // #componentList element
lengthInputFieldTemplate, // #templateLengthInputField element
orderTableTbody, // #orderTableTbody elemnent
orderBasketTotal, // #orderBasketTotal elemnent
orderCarriageTotal, // #orderCarriageTotal elemnent
orderVatTotal, // #orderVatTotal elemnent
orderTotal, // #orderTotal elemnent
qtyInputFieldTemplate, // #templateQtyInputField element
radioFieldTemplate, // #templateRadioField element
reviewComponentsTbody, // #reviewComponents element
reviewProductQtyInputField, // #reviewProductQuantity elem
templateCable, // #templateCable element
templateConnector, // #templateConnector element
templateFlexStrip, // #templateFlexStrip element
templateOptionContent, // #optionContent element
templateReviewTableRow, // #templateReviewTableRow element
templateOrderTableRow, // #templateOrderTableRow elemnent
dialogRemoveProduct, // #dialogRemoveProduct element
dialogRemoveProductCancel, // #dialogRemoveProductCancel element
dialogRemoveProductConfirm, // #dialogRemoveProductConfirm element
dialogDelivery, // #dialogDelivery element
dialogDeliveryCancel, // #dialogDeliveryCancel element
dialogDeliveryConfirm, // #dialogDeliveryConfirm element
buttonDeliveryEdit, // #buttonDeliveryEdit element
deliveryRadioOptions // [check but I think this can be removed as no radio options on page load anymore]
orderData: {},
productData: {},
componentData: {},
init: function () {
// Register event listeners
document 'keypress' listener // For some elements, simulate a click when enter key is pressed during focus.
buttonGetStarted click listener // Advance to page 1.
buttonBack click listener // Back button click handler to go back a page.
buttonContinue click listener // Continue button click handler to advance a page.
.js-button-restart click listener // 'Start a New Order' button click event handler. Reset & go to Intro page.
'.js-radio-field' click listeners
window onpopstate // When browser history changes, setStateBasedOnURL();
reviewProductQtyInputField 'change' listener
reviewProductQtyInputField 'keyup' listener
dialogRemoveProductCancel click listener
dialogRemoveProductConfirm click listener
buttonDeliveryEdit click listener
dialogDeliveryCancel click listener
dialogDeliveryConfirm click listener
buttonPlaceOrder click listener
function initialiseApp() {
// Set up all pages based on the most recently created product.
isEmpty: function (obj) {
// Checks if an object is empty;
setStateBasedOnURL: function () {
// Inspect URL and switch to page given in the URL parameter.
changeState: function (increment) {
// Jump backwards or forwards pages by a given increment.
fetchOrderData: function () {
// Make AJAX GET request to fetch orderData JSON from the server.
saveOrderData: function () {
// Make AJAX POST request to save OrderData to the server.
isIpRatingComplete: function () {
// Checks if the productData product includes an IP Rating id.
isColourComplete: function () {
// Checks if the productData product has includes a Colour id.
isComponentsComplete: function () {
// Checks if the productData product includes valid components.
isProductComplete: function () { },
// Checks if the productData product is complete.
validationMessageShow: function (element) {
// Show an invalid message, appended as a child of the given element.
validationMessageRemove: function (element) {
// Remove any invalid messages present in the given element.
validateApp: function () {
// Show validation messages if pages are accessed before it's possible to populate them.
validationTooltipShow: function () { },
validationTooltipRemove: function () { },
checkValidity: function () { },
handleErrors: function () { },
recordReviewProductData: function () { },
orderDataProductRemove: function () {
// Removes a product from orderData
handleRadioFieldClick: function () { },
handleInputFieldChange: function () { },
handleReviewQtyInputChange: function () { },
handleOrderQtyInputChange: function () { },
handleRemoveButtonClick: function () {
handleDeliveryMethodRadioChange: function() {},
initialiseField: function () { },
colourSelectHandleChange: function () { },
browserSupportsDialog: function () { },
collapseSection: function (element) { },
expandSection: function (element) { },
ipRatingPage: {
initialise: function () { },
coloursPage: {
initialise: function () { },
request: function () { },
construct: function() { }
setupPage: {
initialise: function () { },
request: function () { },
construct: function () { },
constructComponentCable: function () { },
constructComponentFlexStrip: function () { },
constructComponentConnector: function () { },
setAddControlsState: function() { },
recordProductData: function () { },
extrasPage: {
initialise: function () { },
request: function () { },
construct: function () { },
recordProductData: function () { },
getDefaultProfileLength: function () {
// Return in mm, the total length of flex strip included in the current order, rounded up to nearest multiple of 1000.
reviewPage: {
initialise: function () { },
request: function () { },
construct: function () { }
orderPage: {
initialise: function () { },
request: function () { },
construct: function () { }
orderConfirmationPage: {
request: function () { },
construct: function () { }
requestPlaceOrder: function () {
// AJAX request made on clicking "Place Order" button on Step 6 Order page.
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