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Created June 4, 2010 18:12
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# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in load_missing_constant
436. begin
437. return parent.const_missing(const_name)
438. rescue NameError => e
439. raise unless e.missing_name? qualified_name_for(parent, const_name)
440. raise name_error
441. end
442. else
443. raise name_error
444. end
445. end
447. # Remove the constants that have been autoloaded, and those that have been
448. # marked for unloading.
449. def remove_unloadable_constants!
450. autoloaded_constants.each { |const| remove_constant const }
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in const_missing
73. end
74. end
75. end
77. # Use const_missing to autoload associations so we don't have to
78. # require_association when using single-table inheritance.
79. def const_missing_with_dependencies(class_id)
80. ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_missing_constant self, class_id
81. end
83. def unloadable(const_desc = self)
84. super(const_desc)
85. end
86. end
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in const_missing
85. end
86. end
88. # Class includes this module
89. module ClassConstMissing #:nodoc:
90. def const_missing(const_name)
91. if [Object, Kernel].include?(self) || parent == self
92. super
93. else
94. begin
95. begin
96. Dependencies.load_missing_constant self, const_name
97. rescue NameError
98. parent.send :const_missing, const_name
99. end
# /Volumes/Storage/Work/Stuck/funnyism/site/test/test_config.rb in nil
4. # Heinous hack to allow us to use factory_girl spawn with Mongoid
5. Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../app/models/*.rb'].each do |model_file|
6. model_name = File.basename(model_file, '.rb')
7. model_name.camelize.constantize.send(:include, BangBang::Document)
8. end
10. class Riot::Situation
11. include Rack::Test::Methods
13. # The Rack app under test.
14. def app
15. defined?(@app) ? @app : build_app
16. end
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in require
149. rescue Exception => exception # errors from loading file
150. exception.blame_file! file
151. raise
152. end
154. def require(file, *extras) #:nodoc:
155. if Dependencies.load?
156. Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { super }
157. else
158. super
159. end
160. rescue Exception => exception # errors from required file
161. exception.blame_file! file
162. raise
163. end
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in require
149. rescue Exception => exception # errors from loading file
150. exception.blame_file! file
151. raise
152. end
154. def require(file, *extras) #:nodoc:
155. if Dependencies.load?
156. Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { super }
157. else
158. super
159. end
160. rescue Exception => exception # errors from required file
161. exception.blame_file! file
162. raise
163. end
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in new_constants_in
515. constant_watch_stack_mutex.synchronize do
516. constant_watch_stack.concat watch_frames
517. end
519. aborting = true
520. begin
521. yield # Now yield to the code that is to define new constants.
522. aborting = false
523. ensure
524. # Find the new constants.
525. new_constants = watch_frames.collect do |mod_name, prior_constants|
526. # Module still doesn't exist? Treat it as if it has no constants.
527. next [] unless qualified_const_defined?(mod_name)
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in require
149. rescue Exception => exception # errors from loading file
150. exception.blame_file! file
151. raise
152. end
154. def require(file, *extras) #:nodoc:
155. if Dependencies.load?
156. Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { super }
157. else
158. super
159. end
160. rescue Exception => exception # errors from required file
161. exception.blame_file! file
162. raise
163. end
# /Volumes/Storage/Work/Stuck/funnyism/site/test/uploader_test.rb in nil
1. require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_config.rb')
3. context "Carrierwave Uploader" do
4. setup do
5. Uploader.enable_processing = true
6. @uploader =, :file)
8. @uploader
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in require
149. rescue Exception => exception # errors from loading file
150. exception.blame_file! file
151. raise
152. end
154. def require(file, *extras) #:nodoc:
155. if Dependencies.load?
156. Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { super }
157. else
158. super
159. end
160. rescue Exception => exception # errors from required file
161. exception.blame_file! file
162. raise
163. end
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in require
149. rescue Exception => exception # errors from loading file
150. exception.blame_file! file
151. raise
152. end
154. def require(file, *extras) #:nodoc:
155. if Dependencies.load?
156. Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { super }
157. else
158. super
159. end
160. rescue Exception => exception # errors from required file
161. exception.blame_file! file
162. raise
163. end
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in new_constants_in
515. constant_watch_stack_mutex.synchronize do
516. constant_watch_stack.concat watch_frames
517. end
519. aborting = true
520. begin
521. yield # Now yield to the code that is to define new constants.
522. aborting = false
523. ensure
524. # Find the new constants.
525. new_constants = watch_frames.collect do |mod_name, prior_constants|
526. # Module still doesn't exist? Treat it as if it has no constants.
527. next [] unless qualified_const_defined?(mod_name)
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb in require
149. rescue Exception => exception # errors from loading file
150. exception.blame_file! file
151. raise
152. end
154. def require(file, *extras) #:nodoc:
155. if Dependencies.load?
156. Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { super }
157. else
158. super
159. end
160. rescue Exception => exception # errors from required file
161. exception.blame_file! file
162. raise
163. end
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/reloader.rb in safe_load
123. klasses = ObjectSpace.classes.dup
124. files_loaded = $LOADED_FEATURES.dup
126. # Now we can reload the file ignoring syntax errors
127. $LOADED_FEATURES.delete(file)
129. begin
130. require(file)
131. rescue SyntaxError => ex
132. logger.error "Cannot require #{file} because of syntax error: #{ex.message}"
133. ensure
134. MTIMES[file] = mtime if mtime
135. end
137. # Store off the details after the file has been loaded
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/reloader.rb in reload!
74. # App reloading will also perform safe_load of itself so we can go next
75. if File.identical?(app.app_file, file)
76. MTIMES[file] = mtime # This prevent a loop
77. next
78. end
79. end
80. # Now we can reload our file
81. safe_load(file, mtime)
82. end
83. end
85. ##
86. # Return true if some thing changed and in the meanwhile fill MTIMES cache
87. #
88. def changed?
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/reloader.rb in rotation
182.{ |file|
183. found, stat = figure_path(file, paths)
184. next unless found && stat && mtime = stat.mtime
186. CACHE[file] = found
188. yield(found, mtime)
189. }.compact
190. end
192. ##
193. # Takes a relative or absolute +file+ name, a couple possible +paths+ that
194. # the +file+ might reside in. Returns the full path and File::Stat for the
195. # path.
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/reloader.rb in map
175. # Search Ruby files in your +Padrino.root+ and monitor them for changes.
176. #
177. def rotation
178. paths = Dir[Padrino.root("*")].unshift(Padrino.root).reject { |path| Padrino::Reloader.exclude.include?(path) || ! }
180. files = { |path| Dir["#{path}/**/*.rb"] }.flatten
182.{ |file|
183. found, stat = figure_path(file, paths)
184. next unless found && stat && mtime = stat.mtime
186. CACHE[file] = found
188. yield(found, mtime)
189. }.compact
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/reloader.rb in rotation
175. # Search Ruby files in your +Padrino.root+ and monitor them for changes.
176. #
177. def rotation
178. paths = Dir[Padrino.root("*")].unshift(Padrino.root).reject { |path| Padrino::Reloader.exclude.include?(path) || ! }
180. files = { |path| Dir["#{path}/**/*.rb"] }.flatten
182.{ |file|
183. found, stat = figure_path(file, paths)
184. next unless found && stat && mtime = stat.mtime
186. CACHE[file] = found
188. yield(found, mtime)
189. }.compact
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/reloader.rb in reload!
59. ##
60. # Reload changed files
61. #
62. def reload!
63. rotation do |file, mtime|
64. # Retrive the last modified time
65. new_file = MTIMES[file].nil?
66. previous_mtime = MTIMES[file] ||= mtime
67. logger.debug "Detected a new file #{file}" if new_file
68. # We skip to next file if it is not new and not modified
69. next unless new_file || mtime > previous_mtime
70. # If the file is related to their app (i.e. a controller/mailer/helper)
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/loader.rb in reload!
17. Thread.current[:padrino_loaded] = true
18. end
20. ##
21. # Method for reloading required applications and their files
22. #
23. def reload!
24. Reloader::Stat.reload! # detects the modified files
25. end
27. ##
28. # This adds the ablity to instantiate Padrino.load! after Padrino::Application definition.
29. #
30. def called_from
31. @_called_from || first_caller
# /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/padrino-core-0.9.10/lib/padrino-core/reloader.rb in call
19. end
21. def call(env)
22. if @cooldown and > @last + @cooldown
23. if Thread.list.size > 1
24. Thread.exclusive { Padrino.reload! }
25. else
26. Padrino.reload!
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