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Achterstraat / cryptor.php
Created February 15, 2019 08:15
Extremely simple cryptor
function secret($string, $action = 'encrypt', $secret = 'random', $host = '', $method = 'AES-256-CBC')
case 'decrypt': {
return openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($string), $method, hash('sha256', $secret), 0, mb_substr(hash('sha256', $host), 0, 16));
default: {
return base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($string, $method, hash('sha256', $secret), 0, mb_substr(hash('sha256', $host), 0, 16)));
Achterstraat / DirectAdmin.php
Last active August 3, 2019 08:52
Improved fetch_parsed_body() function that convert the results in an ordered array/object.
function fetch_parsed_body($object = false)
$result = json_decode($data, true);
$result = [];
$lines = urldecode($this->result_body);
foreach(array_filter(explode("\n", $lines), 'strlen') as $line)
$key = (preg_match('~^([A-Z]{1,5})\=~', $line) ? strtok($line, '=') : false);
Achterstraat / SyncBlink2Synology.php
Created June 19, 2022 19:37
Use SSH, Telegram or any Webbrowser to Sync Amazon Blink Mediafiles to Synology (with or without Cronjobs)
class Blink
public $account = [
'credentials' => [
'email' => '',
'password' => '',
'region' => '',
Achterstraat /
Created January 11, 2021 16:13
Accounts overview included domains, subdomains, pointers and mailaliases in tabbed list!
if [ ! -z "${1}" ]; then user="${1}"; else user=""; fi
for u in `ls ${users}/*/users.list`;
r=`echo ${u} | cut -d/ -f7`
if [ -z "${user}" ]; then echo -e "R: ${r}"; fi
for u in `cat ${u}; echo ${r}`;
Achterstraat / Vimexx.php
Last active June 20, 2024 18:43
Heb je het óók he-le-maal gehad met Vimexx? Gebruik dan dit script om makkelijk én snel de overstap te realiseren, alle data binnen enkele seconden over naar je nieuwe hostingpartij!
First, create API Projects at
Second, replace all vars between [] with credentials from previous step!
Third, see below;
$vimexx = (new \Vimexx([account], 'wefact'));
var_dump($vimexx->client('whmcs')->post('/domain/dns', ['sld' => 'achterstraat', 'tld' => 'com']));
Achterstraat / dutch-license-plates.php
Created February 15, 2019 08:07
Dutch license plates
function license($string, $validate = false)
$licenses = [
'specials' => [
'koninklijk' => '~^AA(\d{2})$~',
'buitenlands' => '~^(B|G)N\d{4}$~',
'diplomatiek' => '~^CD[ABFJNST](\d{1,3})$~',
'NAVO' => '~^RC(\d{4})$~',
'militair' => '~^(DF|(\d{2})?(K(A|L-Z)|L(M|O|U)|MC|DM))~',
'landbouw' => '~^GV~',