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Created January 29, 2014 11:24
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Quantum Random Walk
# import NumPy
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
# add a line to print out floating point numbers to 3 decimal places
set_printoptions(precision=3) # float precision for printing
N = 100 # define number of random steps
P = 2*N+1 # define the number of positions
# define a coin state c0=|0> and c1=|1> using the matric representation
c0 = array([1, 0]) # |0>
c1 = array([0, 1]) # |1>
Coin00 = outer(c0, c0) # define the Hademard coin operator |0><0|
#print Coin00
#[[1 0]
# [0 0]]
# define Coin11 to be |1><1|
Coin11 = outer(c1, c1)
#print Coin11
#[[0 0]
# [0 1]]
Coin10 = outer(c1, c0)
Coin01 = outer(c0, c1)
# define coin operator C_hat that "toosses/rotates" a quantum coin
C_hat = ( 1/sqrt(2) ) * ( Coin00 + Coin01 + Coin10 - Coin11 )
#print C_hat
#[[ 0.707 0.707]
# [ 0.707 -0.707]]
# shift (step) operator
#print eye(P)
#print roll(eye(P),N)
# define the shift which shifts down the arguments in the matrix by a certain position
shift_d = roll(eye(P), -1, axis=1)
shift_u = roll(eye(P), 1, axis=1)
#print shift
shift_down = kron( shift_d, Coin00 )
shift_up = kron( shift_u, Coin11 )
#print shift_up
# define full shift operator
S_hat = shift_down + shift_up
#print S_hat
# define the combined walk operator
combo_walk = kron( eye(P), C_hat )
#print combo_walk
#define full walk operator
U_hat = dot( S_hat, combo_walk )
#print U_hat
# define initial state of the coin and walker position as a tensor product
posn0 = zeros(P)
posn0[N] = 1
tensor = ( 1/(sqrt(2) ) * kron( posn0, ( c0 + ( c1 * 1j ) ) ) )
#print tensor
psi = dot( linalg.matrix_power(U_hat, N) , tensor )
#print final_state
# apply measurement operator M
M_hat = zeros( (2*P,2*P,2*P) )
for p in range(P):
# M[p] = Id2 (x) |p><p|
posn = zeros(P)
posn[p] = 1
M_hat[p] = kron( outer(posn,posn), eye(2))
# project, then square
prob = empty(P)
for p in range(P):
proj = M_hat[p].dot(psi)
prob[p] =
# prob is real, by construction
#print prob
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plot(arange(P), prob)
#Location of ticks
loc = range (0, P, P / 10)
xlim(0, P)
ax.set_xticklabels(range (-N, N+1, P / 10))
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