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Created January 1, 2015 04:18
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(function(global) {
"use strict"
global.StandardEvents = {
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"DefaultAction": "None"
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"Database": {
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"Document": {
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"Interface": "UIEvent if generated from a user interface, Event otherwise",
"Bubbles": false,
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"DOMmutation": {
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"Drag": {
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"Specification": "HTML5",
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"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Continue the drag & drop operation"
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"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
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"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Reset the current drag operation to \"none\""
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"Specification": "HTML5",
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"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Initiate the drag-and-drop operation"
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"Specification": "HTML5",
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"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies"
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"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "DragEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Reject immediate user selection as potential target element"
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"Specification": "HTML5",
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"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Element": {
"invalid": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (can prevent a form to be submitted)"
"Focus": {
"blur": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "FocusEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"focus": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "FocusEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"change": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "undefined"
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"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "FocusEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
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"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "FocusEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Form": {
"reset": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": "Yes (although specified as a simple event that doesn't bubble)",
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Reset the value of all elements of the parent form"
"submit": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": "Yes (although specified as a simple event that doesn't bubble)",
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (send the content of the form to the server)"
"Inputdevice": {
"contextmenu": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "In Gecko this event is handled by a XUL ancestor element, even for HTML5 context menus, which are actually handled by the browser element's context menu If a XUL ancestor element has a context or contextmenu attribute referencing a popup, then display it (subject to the popupshowing event)."
"gamepadconnected": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Gamepad",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (<window>)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"gamepaddisconnected": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Gamepad",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (<window>)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"click": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies"
"dblclick": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"keypress": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "KeyboardEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies: keypress event; launch text composition system; blur and focus events; DOMActivate event; other event"
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"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "KeyboardEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies: keypress event; launch text composition system; blur and focus events; DOMActivate event; other event"
"keyup": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "KeyboardEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mouseenter": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Synchronicity": "Synchronous",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mousedown": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies: Start a drag/drop operation; start a text selection; start a scroll/pan interaction (in combination with the middle mouse button, if supported)"
"mousemove": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mouseout": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mouseover": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mouseup": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Invoke a context menu (in combination with the right mouse button, if supported)"
"pointerlockchange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Pointer Lock",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"pointerlockerror": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Pointer Lock",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"wheel": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "WheelEvent",
"Synchronicity": "asynchronous",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["defaultView", "Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Scroll, moving history, or zooming in/out",
"WM_MOUSEWHEEL(Vertical mouse wheel event)": "The deltaMode can be DOM_DELTA_LINE or DOM_DELTA_PAGE It depends on user settings of Windows (The defualt setting causes DOM_DELTA_LINE).",
"WM_MOUSEHWHEEL(Horizontal mouse wheel event)": "The deltaMode can be DOM_DELTA_LINE or DOM_DELTA_PAGE However, neither wheel scroll speed setting dialog of Windows nor similar UI of each mouse driver's utility typically has the UI to change to page scroll. So, typically, this value is DOM_DELTA_LINE.",
"WM_GESTURE(Only when caused by panning)": "The deltaMode is always DOM_DELTA_PIXEL But note that most touchpad devices of notebook emulate mouse wheel events rather than using this event. This event it typically used on tablet PC."
"mouseleave": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "MouseEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Media": {
"canplay": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"audioprocess": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Web Audio APIThe definition of 'AudioProcessingEvent' in that specification",
"Interface": "AudioProcessingEvent",
"Bubbles": "?",
"Cancelable": "?",
"Target": ["ScriptProcessorNode"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"canplaythrough": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"durationchange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"ended": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Web Audio API",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["AudioBufferSourceNode"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"emptied": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"loadeddata": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"pause": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"play": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"playing": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"ratechange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 Media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"loadedmetadata": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"seeked": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"seeking": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"stalled": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"suspend": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"timeupdate": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"waiting": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"volumechange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 Media",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"complete": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Web Audio APIThe definition of 'OfflineAudioCompletionEvent' in that specification",
"Interface": "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent",
"Bubbles": "?",
"Cancelable": "?",
"Target": ["OfflineAudioContext"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Network": {
"online": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 Offline",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (<window>)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"offline": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 Offline",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (<window>)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Progress": {
"error": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
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"Bubbles": false,
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"Target": ["Element"],
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"Bubbles": false,
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"Target": ["Element"],
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"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["applicationCache"],
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"abort": {
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"Cancelable": false,
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"DefaultAction": "None"
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"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Resource": {
"error": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "UIEvent if generated from a user interface, Event otherwise",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
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"Specification": "DOM L3",
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"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
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"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Script": {
"beforescriptexecute": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5 (WhatWG)",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["defaultView", "Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
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"Sensor": {
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"url": "",
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"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (window)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"devicemotion": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Orientation",
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"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (window)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
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"url": "",
"Specification": "Orientation",
"Interface": "DeviceOrientationEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (window)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"deviceproximity": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Proximity Events",
"Interface": "DeviceProximityEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (window)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"userproximity": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Proximity Events",
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"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (window)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"orientationchange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Screen Orientation",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Screen"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Sessionhistory": {
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"Specification": "HTML5",
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"Target": ["defaultView"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
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"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "PageTransitionEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Storage": {
"change": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "undefined"
"storage": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Web Storage",
"Interface": "StorageEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["DefaultView (<window>)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"SVG": {
"SVGAbort": {
"url": "",
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"Specification": "SVG Event",
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"DefaultAction": "None"
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"DefaultAction": "None"
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"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Text": {
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"DefaultAction": "None"
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"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "CompositionEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Start a new composition session when a text composition system is enabled"
"compositionupdate": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "TouchEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"copy": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Clipboard",
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"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["DefaultView", "Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"cut": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Clipboard",
"Interface": "ClipboardEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["DefaultView", "Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"paste": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Clipboard",
"Interface": "ClipboardEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["DefaultView", "Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"select": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "UIEvent if generated from a user interface, Event otherwise",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Touch": {
"touchend": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Touch Events",
"Interface": "TouchEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "undefined"
"touchmove": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Touch Events",
"Interface": "TouchEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "undefined"
"touchcancel": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Touch Events",
"Interface": "TouchEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"touchstart": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Touch Events",
"Interface": "TouchEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "undefined"
"Update": {
"error": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "UIEvent if generated from a user interface, Event otherwise",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"checking": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Offline",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["applicationCache"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"downloading": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Offline",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["applicationCache"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"noupdate": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Offline",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["applicationCache"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"updateready": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Offline",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["applicationCache"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"obsolete": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Offline",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["applicationCache"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Valuechange": {
"input": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5, DOM Level 3 Events",
"Interface": "Event, InputEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "The value or the content is modified"
"hashchange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "HashChangeEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["defaultView"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"readystatechange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"View": {
"fullscreenchange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Fullscreen",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"fullscreenerror": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Fullscreen",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"resize": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "UIEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["defaultView (window)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"scroll": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "UIEvent",
"Bubbles": "Not on elements, but bubbles to the default view when fired on the document",
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["defaultView", "Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Websocket": {
"error": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "UIEvent if generated from a user interface, Event otherwise",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"close": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "WebSocket",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["WebSocket"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"open": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "WebSocket",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["WebSocket"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"message": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "WebSocket",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["WebSocket"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Uncategorized": {
"beforeunload": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["defaultView"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (prompts the user for confirmation to leave the page)"
"show": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "HTML5",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "Show a context menu built from the related menu element"
"message": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Web Workers",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Worker"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"open": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Server Sent Events",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["EventSource"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
global.TroubleEvents = {
"Call": {
"alerting": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"busy": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"callschanged": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Telephony", "CallGroup"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"connecting": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"connected": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call", "CallGroup"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"dialing": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"disconnected": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"disconnecting": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"error": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"holding": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call", "CallGroup"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"held": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call", "CallGroup"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"statechange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call", "CallGroup"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"resuming": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Call", "CallGroup"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"incoming": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "To be specified",
"Interface": "CallEvent",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Telephony", "Call"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"CSS": {
"CssRuleViewChanged": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["element (RuleView)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["element (RuleView)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"CssRuleViewRefreshed": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["element (RuleView)"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Document": {
"DOMLinkAdded": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["window", "browser"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMLinkRemoved": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["window", "browser"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMMetaAdded": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["window", "browser"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMMetaRemoved": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["window", "browser"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMModalDialogClosed": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["window", "browser"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMWillOpenModalDialog": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["window", "browser"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMAutoComplete": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element", "window", "browser"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"command": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "XULCommandEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"commandupdate": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"overflow": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "None, Mozilla specific",
"Interface": "UIEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"underflow": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "None, Mozilla specific",
"Interface": "UIEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document", "Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Frame": {
"DOMFrameContentLoaded": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["frame", "window"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mozbrowserclose": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mozbrowsercontextmenu": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None",
"systemTargets": "An array of objects This array contains some information regarding the dom tree traversed to check if there is a context menu. Each object with a src or href attribute is stored in the array as an object with two properties: nodeName, which is the name of the node traversed; and data, which value depends on the node's type: for <img>, <video>, or <audio> it's the value of the src attribute; for <a> and <area> it's the value of the href attribute.",
"contextmenu": "An object representing the selected context menu items Each <menu> element is represented as an object with a type property which has the value menu and an items property which is an array of objects representing its children elements. Each <menuitem> element is represented as an object with a type property which has the value menuitem and a label property which is a string that matches the <menuitem>'s label attribute. Note that all children of the root <menu> element also have an automatically generated id property.",
"msg_name": "A string representing the type of event For that event, it's always contextmenu."
"mozbrowserlocationchange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mozbrowsererror": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mozbrowsericonchange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mozbrowserloadend": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mozbrowseropenwindow": {
"url": "A string representing the URL of the document loaded within the frameElement",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None",
"name": "The name of the new browser window",
"features": "A string of features represented by a list of names and values separated by commas For a complete list of possible features, see",
"frameElement": "A DOM node representing the new browser <iframe> embedding the new content"
"mozbrowsershowmodalprompt": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None",
"promptType": "A string defining the type of the prompt It can be alert, confirm, or prompt.",
"title": "A string representing the title of the prompt",
"message": "A string representing the value passed to the windowalert(), window.confirm(), or window.prompt() methods within the browser <iframe>'s content.",
"msg_name": "A string representing the type of message For that event, it's always showmodalprompt.",
"initialValue": "A string representing the initial value for the windowprompt() methods.",
"returnValue": "A string representing the return value for the windowprompt() methods."
"mozbrowserloadstart": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"mozbrowsersecuritychange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None",
"state": "A string representing the current state of SSL security Possible values are broken, secure, or insecure.",
"extendedValidation": "A boolean indicating if the current SSL certificate is an Extended Validation certificate (true) or not (false)",
"msg_name": "A string representing the type of message For that event, it's always securitychange."
"mozbrowsertitlechange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"link": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Non standard",
"Interface": "CustomEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["<iframe>"],
"DefaultAction": "None",
"promptType": "A string defining the type of the prompt It can be alert, confirm, or prompt.",
"title": "A string representing the title of the prompt",
"message": "A string representing the value passed to the windowalert(), window.confirm(), or window.prompt() methods within the browser <iframe>'s content.",
"msg_name": "A string representing the type of message For that event, it's always showmodalprompt.",
"initialValue": "A string representing the initial value for the windowprompt() methods.",
"returnValue": "A string representing the return value for the windowprompt() methods."
"Inputdevice": {
"DOMMouseScroll": {
"url": "",
"list": "nonStandard nonStandardHeader"
"MozMousePixelScroll": {
"url": "",
"list": "nonStandard nonStandardHeader"
"mousewheel": {
"url": "",
"list": "nonStandard nonStandardHeader"
"Sensor": {
"MozOrientation": {
"url": "",
"list": "obsolete obsoleteHeader"
"Window": {
"MozBeforeResize": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Mozilla specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["window"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMmutation": {
"DOMAttributeNameChanged": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMAttrModified": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMCharacterDataModified": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMElementNameChanged": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMNodeInserted": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMNodeRemoved": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"DOMSubtreeModified": {
"url": "",
"list": "deprecated deprecatedHeader"
"Touch": {
"MozTouchDown": {
"url": "",
"list": ""
"MozTouchMove": {
"url": "",
"list": ""
"MozTouchUp": {
"url": "",
"list": ""
"MozEdgeUIGesture": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozMagnifyGestureStart": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozMagnifyGesture": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozPressTapGesture": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozRotateGestureUpdate": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozRotateGestureStart": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozTapGesture": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozSwipeGesture": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozMagnifyGestureUpdate": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozRotateGesture": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["browser", "browsers"],
"DefaultAction": "Varies (OS dependant)"
"MozAfterPaint": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["window"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"MozAudioAvailable": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "DOM L3",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["Element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Menu": {
"DOMMenuItemActive": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMMenuItemInactive": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Network": {
"disabled": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Firefox OS specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["navigatorwifi"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"enabled": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Firefox OS specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["navigatorwifi"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"statuschange": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Firefox OS specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["navigatorwifi"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"connectionInfoUpdate": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Firefox OS specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": false,
"Cancelable": false,
"Target": ["navigatorwifi"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Notification": {
"AlertActive": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["notificationbox"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"AlertClose": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["notificationbox"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"DOMPopupBlocked": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "Addons specific",
"Interface": "Event",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["Document"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"popuphidden": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "PopupEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"popuphiding": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "PopupEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"popupshowing": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "PopupEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "A popup is displayed"
"popupshown": {
"url": "",
"Specification": "XUL",
"Interface": "PopupEvent",
"Bubbles": true,
"Cancelable": true,
"Target": ["element"],
"DefaultAction": "None"
"Printing": {
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Copy link

techird commented Jan 1, 2015


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