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Created October 17, 2012 21:53
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Nice to have .bashrc
# Returncode.
function returncode
if [ $returncode != 0 ]; then
echo "[$returncode]"
echo ""
# Path.
export PATH
# Prompt.
if [ "$BASH" ]; then
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
# The root prompt is red.
PS1='\[\033[0;31m\]\u@\h:\w >\[\033[0;37m\] '
# PS1='\u@\h:\w > '
PS1='\[\033[0;31m\]$(returncode)\[\033[0;37m\]\[\033[0;35m\]\u@\h\[\033[0;37m\]:\[\033[0;36m\]\w\[\033[0;37m\]$(parse_git_branch) > '
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
PS1='# '
PS1='$ '
export PS1
# Whenever displaying the prompt, write the previous line to .bash_history.
PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'
# Bash options.
set -o notify
# Bash shopts.
shopt -s extglob
shopt -s progcomp
shopt -s histappend
shopt -s histreedit
shopt -s histverify
shopt -s cmdhist
shopt -s lithist
shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion
shopt -s checkhash
shopt -s hostcomplete
# Completion.
complete -A alias alias unalias
complete -A command which
complete -A export export printenv
complete -A hostname ssh telnet ftp ncftp ping dig nmap
complete -A helptopic help
complete -A job -P '%' fg jobs
complete -A setopt set
complete -A shopt shopt
complete -A signal kill killall
complete -A user su userdel passwd
complete -A group groupdel groupmod newgrp
complete -A directory cd rmdir
# Git options.
function parse_git_dirty {
[[ $(git status 2> /dev/null | tail -n1) != "nothing to commit (working directory clean)" ]] && echo "*"
function parse_git_branch {
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e "s/* \(.*\)/[\1$(parse_git_dirty)]/"
# Colorized ls.
export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
# Security.
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias ln='ln -i'
# Typos.
alias scsl=clear
alias qcls=clear
alias clls=clear
alias csl=clear
alias cll=clear
alias slc=clear
alias lcs=clear
alias lsc=clear
alias sls=clear
alias scl=clear
alias cs=clear
alias c=clear
alias cl=clear
alias ssl=clear
alias csll=clear
alias clsl=clear
alias chmdo=chmod
alias sl=ls
alias sll=ls
alias lsl=ls
alias s=ls
alias psa='ps a'
alias tarx='tar x'
alias maek=make
alias act=cat
alias cart=cat
alias grpe=grep
alias gpre=grep
alias whcih=which
alias icfonfig=ifconfig
alias ifocnfig=ifconfig
alias iv=vi
alias lvi=vi
alias vf=cd
alias vp=cp
alias nmv=mv
alias mann=man
alias nman=man
alias nmann=man
alias mb=mv
# Miscellaneous.
# mesg n # Disable messages.
# setterm -blength 0 # Disable annoying beep.
ulimit -c unlimited # No limits.
# Environment Variables.
export EDITOR=vim
export NNTPSERVER=localhost
export HISTSIZE=2000
export HISTFILESIZE=100000
export MESA_GLX_FX=fullscreen
export CVS_RSH=ssh
export PAGER=less
export LESS=i
# Terminal settings.
if ! [ $TERM ] ; then
eval `tset -s -Q`
case $TERM in
tset -Q -e ^?
# Useful aliases to save some typing.
alias cls='clear'
alias l='ls -lA'
alias lsr='ls -lSr'
alias md='mkdir'
alias rd='rmdir'
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias ddu='find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -s {} \;'
alias mc='LANG=en_US mc -c'
alias unix2dos='recode lat1..ibmpc'
alias dos2unix='recode ibmpc..lat1'
alias v='clear; vlock -a -q'
alias vv='clear; lockvc stars'
alias ma='make 1>/dev/null'
alias more='less'
alias p='ping'
alias n='netstat -a -e -e -p -A inet'
alias my='mysql5 -u root -p'
alias ru='ruby setup.rb all'
alias HEX="ruby -e 'printf(\"0x%X\n\", ARGV[0])'"
alias DEC="ruby -e 'printf(\"%d\n\", ARGV[0])'"
alias BIN="ruby -e 'printf(\"%bb\n\", ARGV[0])'"
alias WORD="ruby -e 'printf(\"0x%04X\n\", ARGV[0])'"
alias gin='git'
alias vodka='git'
alias whisky='git'
alias pisco='git'
alias commit='git add . && git commit -a -m '
alias stash='git stash'
alias destash='git stash pop'
alias lsorig='find . | grep "\.orig"'
alias rmorig='find . | grep "\.orig" | xargs rm -f'
alias backup='heroku pgbackups:capture --expire'
alias irb='irb --simple-prompt'
alias gemset='rvm gemset'
# Import local/private settings.
if [ -f ~/.bashrc.local ]; then
. ~/.bashrc.local
# User-dependent Settings.
umask 022
# RVM.
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function
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