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Created July 15, 2016 17:37
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protocol DumbTerminalProtocol {
func write(_ string: String)
func endLine()
func flush()
protocol RichTerminalProtocol: DumbTerminalProtocol {
var width: Int { get }
func clearLine()
func moveCursor(y: Int)
func write(_ string: String, inColor color: TermColor)
func wrap(_ string: String, inColor color: TermColor) -> String
final class DumbTerminal<Target: OutputStream>: DumbTerminalProtocol {
private var stream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Target>
public init(stream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Target>) { = stream
func write(_ string: String) {
func endLine() {
func flush() {
if case let fileStream as OutputFileStreamProtocol = stream.pointee {
private func writeToStream(_ string: String) {
print(string, terminator: "", to: &stream.pointee)
final class RichTerminal<Target: OutputStream>: RichTerminalProtocol {
private var stream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Target>
public let width: Int
public init?(stream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Target>) {
// Make sure this is a file stream and tty.
guard case let stdStream as OutputFileStreamProtocol = stream.pointee,
(isatty(stdStream.fd) == 0) else {
return nil
width = terminalWidth() ?? 80 // Assume default if we are not able to determine. = stream
func write(_ string: String) {
/// Flushes the stream if writing to a filestream.
func flush() {
if case let fileStream as OutputFileStreamProtocol = stream.pointee {
private func writeToStream(_ string: String) {
print(string, terminator: "", to: &stream.pointee)
/// Code to clear the line on a tty.
private let clearLineString = "\u{001B}[2K"
/// Code to end any currently active wrapping.
private let resetString = "\u{001B}[0m"
/// Clears the current line and moves the cursor to beginning of the line..
func clearLine() {
writeToStream(clearLineString + "\r")
/// Moves the cursor y columns up.
func moveCursor(y: Int) {
/// Writes a string to the stream.
func write(_ string: String, inColor color: TermColor = .noColor) {
writeToStream(wrap(string, inColor: color))
/// Inserts a new line character into the stream.
func endLine() {
/// Wraps the string into the color mentioned. If terminal is dumb no color code will be inserted.
func wrap(_ string: String, inColor color: TermColor) -> String {
guard !string.isEmpty || color == .noColor else {
return string
return color.string + string + resetString
/// A protocol to operate on terminal based progress bars.
public protocol ProgressBarProtocol {
func update(percent: Int, text: String)
func complete()
// Simple ProgressBar which shows the update text in new lines.
public final class SimpleProgressBar: ProgressBarProtocol {
private let term: DumbTerminalProtocol
private let header: String
private var isClear: Bool
init(term: DumbTerminalProtocol, header: String) {
self.term = term
self.header = header
self.isClear = true
public func update(percent: Int, text: String) {
if isClear {
isClear = false
term.write("\(percent)%: " + text)
public func complete() {
/////// Clients ///////////
/// Three line progress bar with header, redraws on each update.
final class ProgressBar: ProgressBarProtocol {
private let term: RichTerminalProtocol
private let header: String
private var isClear: Bool // true if haven't drawn anything yet.
init(term: RichTerminalProtocol, header: String) {
self.term = term
self.header = header
self.isClear = true
func update(percent: Int, text: String) {
if isClear {
term.write(header, inColor: .red)
isClear = false
let percentString = percent < 10 ? "0\(percent)" : "\(percent)"
let prefix = "\(percentString)% ["
term.write(prefix, inColor: .green)
// FIXME: Fix the calculation here.
let barWidth = term.width - prefix.utf8.count - 20
let n = Int(Double(barWidth) * Double(percent)/100.0)
term.write("=".repeating(n: n) + "-".repeating(n: barWidth - n))
term.write("]", inColor: .green)
term.moveCursor(y: 1)
func complete() {
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