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Created January 21, 2014 14:49
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Drawing random dots and triangle, calculating number of dots covered by this triangle.
$x = 1600;
$y = 800;
$n = 100;
$dots = random_dots($x, $y, $n);
$triangle = array(
array( rand(0,$x), rand(0,$y)),
array( rand(0,$x), rand(0,$y)),
array( rand(0,$x), rand(0,$y)),
function random_dots($x, $y, $n)
$d = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$n; $i++) {
$d[] = array( rand(0,$x), rand(0,$y));
return $d;
function sameSide($p1,$p2, $a,$b)
$cp1 = crossProduct( vectorSubtraction($b,$a), vectorSubtraction($p1,$a) );
$cp2 = crossProduct( vectorSubtraction($b,$a), vectorSubtraction($p2,$a) );
return dotProduct($cp1, $cp2) >= 0;
function inTriangle($p, $a,$b,$c)
return sameSide($p,$a, $b,$c) and sameSide($p,$b, $a,$c) and sameSide($p,$c, $a,$b);
function crossProduct($v1, $v2) {
$v[0] = ( ($v1[1] * $v2[2]) - ($v1[2] * $v2[1]) );
$v[1] = - ( ($v1[0] * $v2[2]) - ($v1[2] * $v2[0]) );
$v[2] = ( ($v1[0] * $v2[1]) - ($v1[1] * $v2[0]) );
return $v;
function dotProduct($v1, $v2) {
return array_sum(array_map(function($a,$b) { return $a*$b; }, $v1, $v2));
function vectorSubtraction($v1, $v2)
$v[0] = $v1[0] - $v2[0];
$v[1] = $v1[1] - $v2[1];
$v[2] = $v1[2] - $v2[2];
return $v;
function draw_triangle($a, $b, $c, $color = 'red')
return '<polygon points="'. $a[0].','.$a[1]. ', '.$b[0].','.$b[1]. ', '.$c[0].','.$c[1].'" style="fill:none;stroke:'.$color.';stroke-width:1" />';
$svg = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>';
$svg.= '<svg width="'.$x.'" height="'.$y.'" version="1.1" xmlns="">';
$t = 0;
foreach ($dots as $p) {
list($a, $b, $c) = $triangle;
if ($in = inTriangle($p, $a, $b, $c)) {
$t ++;
$svg.= '<circle cx="'.$p[0].'" cy="'.$p[1].'" r="3" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="'.($in?'red':'none').'" />';
$svg.= draw_triangle($triangle[0], $triangle[1], $triangle[2]);
$svg.= '<text x="10" y="15" fill="red">Dots= '.$n.', Covered= '.$t.' </text>';
$svg.= '</svg>';
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo $svg;
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