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Last active October 25, 2023 08:06
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  • Save aclima93/a6a13d70ce895c08ad0afa8589cafc33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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useful git aliases
name = António Lima
email = <user@organization>
# list aliases
alias = "!git config --get-regexp ^alias\\. | sed -e s/^alias\\.// -e s/\\ /\\ =\\ /"
# push to origin [branch_name]
puo = "push --set-upstream origin --no-verify"
# show commit tree
logtree = "log --graph --oneline --decorate --all"
# list commits [-num_to_list]
lc = "log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short"
# list commits with modifyed files
lcm = "log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --numstat --date=sh"
# show modified files in last commit
mlc = "!git ll -1"
# show diff of last commit
dlc = "diff --cached HEAD^"
# find file path ["string of words to search"]
ffp = "!git ls-files | grep -i"
# search entire codebase for ["string of words to search"]
grep = "grep -Ii"
# reset the current branch to the origin status
gud = "reset --hard"
# create a branch, check it out, and push it upstream (replaces spaces with hyphens)
bcp = "!f() { \
branch_name=$(echo $1 | sed 's/ /-/g'); \
git branch $branch_name; \
git checkout $branch_name; \
git puo $branch_name; \
}; f"
# create the dev branch
dev = "!f() { \
git bcp "dev/$*"; \
}; f"
# create the feature branch
feature = "!f() { \
git cp master; \
git bcp "feature/$*"; \
}; f"
# create the feature and dev branches, in that order
# (using the `$*` expansion because of strings with spaces being parsed as separate arguments later on)
feature-dev = "!f() { \
git feature "$*"; \
git dev "$*"; \
}; f"
# attempt to force the push, but halt and revert if an issue arises
pfwl = "push --force-with-lease"
# when pulling, resolve with a rebase
pr = "pull --rebase"
# checkout a branch and pull
cp = "!f() { \
git checkout $1; \
git pull; \
}; f"
# fetches branch updates without switching to it
update = "!f() { git fetch origin $1:$1; }; f"
# removes local branches that have already been merged to the target branch (defaults to master)
bclean = "!f() { \
DEFAULT="master"; \
git branch --merged ${1-$DEFAULT} | grep -v " ${1-$DEFAULT}$" | xargs git branch -d; \
}; f"
# quick-save: stashes all changes and re-applies them
qs = "!f() { \
git stash; \
git stash apply; \
}; f"
# quick-load: discard all local changes and apply the last stash
ql = "!f() { \
git reset --hard; \
git stash apply; \
}; f"
# create and push tag at HEAD
tp = "!f() { \
git tag $1; \
git push origin $1; \
}; f"
# commit messages since last release and up until specified date
release-log = "!f() { git log $(git describe --tags --match "*appstore*" --abbrev=0 @^)..@ --format=%B --before=$1; }; f"
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