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Last active January 28, 2021 21:16
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RC Pairing Interview
;; This file isn't strictly necessary, but it helps with running a REPL concisely
{:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "0.8.3"}
cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.25.6"}}
{:main-opts ["-m" "nrepl.cmdline" "--middleware"
;; To start an nREPL server:
;; $ clj -A:repl
;; ...which expands to:
;; $ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl {:mvn/version "0.7.0"} cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.25.2"}}}' \
;; -m nrepl.cmdline \
;; --middleware '["cider.nrepl/cider-middleware"]'
;; 1. What is our "learning target" for this pairing session?
;; 2. What skill level should I assume on the part of my "coding partner"?
(ns recurse.parser
[clojure.string :refer [split]]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]))
(defn- append
"Helper for consuming while filtering out empty tokens"
[& args]
(apply conj (filter some? args)))
(defn- ->token
"Helper for constructing tokens, abstracting over simple (string)/complex
[tok elem]
;; complex token - append elem to the string value inside token
(vector? tok) (update tok 1 str elem)
;; simple string token
:else (str tok elem)))
(defn tokenize
"Take a Lispy string and turn it into a vector of tokens"
;; start with our whole string, split out into 1-char strings,
;; an empty "current" token, and an empty vector of tokens we've seen so far
(loop [cs (split s #"") token nil tokens []]
(if (seq cs)
(condp = (first cs)
;; check for special cs
" " (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens token))
"," (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens token))
"(" (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens :oparen))
")" (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens token :cparen))
"[" (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens :osquare))
"]" (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens token :csquare))
"{" (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens :ocurly))
"}" (recur (next cs) nil (append tokens token :ccurly))
;; Symbols
"'" (recur (next cs) [:SYMBOL] tokens)
;; we're at the start/in the middle of a normal alphanumeric token
(recur (next cs) (->token token (first cs)) tokens))
;; base case - no charse left, just return the list of all tokens
(defn parse-tokens
"Parse a vector of tokens into a 2-tuple containing the parsed AST and
the vector of tokens left to be parsed."
[tokens close]
(loop [[ast [token & tail]] [[] tokens]]
;; first check if we've found the start of a new sub-form
(= token :oparen)
(let [[sub-form tail] (parse-tokens tail :cparen)]
(recur [(conj ast sub-form) tail]))
(= token :ocurly)
(let [[sub-form tail] (parse-tokens tail :ccurly)]
(recur [(conj ast (cons :MAP sub-form)) tail]))
(= token :osquare)
(let [[sub-form tail] (parse-tokens tail :csquare)]
(recur [(conj ast (cons :VECTOR sub-form)) tail]))
;; we found the end of the current form being parsed
(= token close) (do
(prn 'CLOSE [ast tail])
[ast tail])
;; consume a single token
(seq tail) (recur [(conj ast token) tail]))))
(parse-tokens [:oparen "hey!" :there :cparen] nil)
(defn str->ast
"The main event: take a string and turn it into an AST"
;; Two-phase approach: first "tokenize" the string, turning it into a flat
;; vector of tokens, then expand the tokens into a full AST.
;; Our run fn, below, will call this fn and then run the returned AST in
;; an itty-bitty runtime.
(let [tokens (tokenize s)]
(first (parse-tokens tokens nil))))
(tokenize "(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))")
(str->ast "(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))")
(str->ast "(first (list,,, {:x, :y, :a ,,, ['one 'two 'three]} 1 (+ 2 3) 9))")
(run "(first (list,,, {:x :y :a ['one 'two 'three]} 1 (+ 2 3) 9))")
(defn run [s]
(prn 'TODO)
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