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Created October 12, 2008 16:52
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;; Adam Coffman
;; Scheme assignment 3
;; The PARSE function accepts as argument an infix arithmetic expression in the
;; form of a list and returns a list representation of the corresponding expresion
;; tree. Ex., (parse '(3 + 4))--> (+ (3 4)),
;; (parse '(3 + 4 * 5)) --> (+ (3 (* (4 5)))) and
;; (parse '( 4 + 3 * ( 5 + 6) - 2)) --> (- ((+ (4 (* (3 (+ (5 6)))))) 2))
;; Note that each element of the list must be one of three things: a number; one of +, -, *
;; /; or a sublist (ex., (5 + 6))
;; The resulting tree is represented as a list in the form of
;; (op (left-subtree right-subtree))
;; where the 1st element is the root (and an operator), and the 2nd element
;; is a list of the left and right subtree. Note that any of the tree or subtree could be
;; a number
;; Your mission:
;; 1. Study/scan the parse and findop functions
;; 2. Complete the sublist function as described below (40 easy points)
;; 3. Write a function COMPUTE accept a list representation of an
;; arithmetic expression tree, evaluate it, return the result. (40 easy points again)
;; For example:
;; (compute '(+ (3 4))) --> 7
;; (compute '(- ((+ (4 (* (3 (+ (5 6)))))) 2)))--> 35
;; This assignment is due 11:00 AM Thursday (10/9/2008).
(define parse
(lambda (exp)
(cond ((number? exp) exp)
((null? exp) #f)
((= (length exp) 1) (parse (car exp)))
(else (let ((pos (findop exp)) (left '()) (right '()))
(set! left (parse (sublist exp 0 (- pos 1))))
(set! right (parse (sublist exp (+ pos 1) (- (length exp) 1))))
(list (list-ref exp pos) (list left right))
) ;; end of parse
(define findop
(lambda (lst)
(do ((pos 0 (+ 1 pos)) (L lst (cdr L)) (bestv 0) (best 0) (curv 0))
((null? L) best)
(cond ((or (equal? '+ (car L)) (equal? '- (car L)))
(set! curv 2))
((or (equal? '* (car L)) (equal? '/ (car L)))
(set! curv 1))
(else (set! curv 0))
(if (>= curv bestv)
(begin (set! bestv curv) (set! best pos)))
;; sublist accepts 3 arguments: a list; a integer BEGIN position; and- a
;; integer END. It returns a sublist which contains the top-level elements from
;; BEGIN position to END position in the orginal order. For example,
;; (sublist '(a b c d e) 2 3) --> (c d)
;; (sublist '(a b c d e) 4 3) --> ()
;; (sublist '( 4 + 3 * ( 5 + 6) - 2) 0 4) --> (4 + 3 * (5 + 6))
(define sublist
(lambda (lst begin end)
(strip-front (strip-end lst (- (length lst) end ) 1) begin 0)
;;Helper function, used to strip "num" elements off the front of the
;;list. count is used as a counter and should always be passed in as 0.
;;(strip-front '(1 2 3 4 5) 2 0) -> (3 4 5)
(define strip-front
(lambda (lst num count)
(if (equal? num count) lst (strip-front (cdr lst) num (+ count 1)))
;;Helper function, same as strip-front but takes elements off the back
;;of the list.
(define strip-end
(lambda (lst num count)
(reverse (strip-front (reverse lst) num count))
;;Works as explained in the assignment.
(define compute
(lambda (lst)
(cond ((list? (car lst)) (compute (car lst)))
((integer? (car lst)) (car lst))
(else ((eval(car lst)) (compute(cadr lst)) (compute(cdadr lst))))
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