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Created November 8, 2013 10:09
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Compile this and occasionally get a compiler segfault.
import os
import re
import sequtils
import strutils
import tables
import typetraits
EDocoptLanguageError = object of E_Base
# nimrod's algebraic datatypes are 'case objects'
# represents option types
#TOptionKind* = enum
# OptString,
# OptSwitch
#TOption* = object
# case kind: TOptionKind
# of OptString:
# valStr: string
# of OptSwitch:
# valBool: bool
# NOTE: can also use {.inheritable.} and not have to inherit
# from TObject to allow inheritance
TPattern = ref object of TObject
TBranchPattern = ref object of TPattern
children: seq[TPattern]
TLeafPattern = ref object of TPattern
name, value: string
TArgument = ref object of TLeafPattern
TCommand = ref object of TArgument
TOption = ref object of TLeafPattern
short, long: string
argcount: int
TRequired = ref object of TBranchPattern
TOptional = ref object of TBranchPattern
TOptionsShortcut = ref object of TOptional
TOneOrMore = ref object of TBranchPattern
TEither = ref object of TBranchPattern
TTokens = seq[string]
# TODO: add these to std lib?
proc isUpper(s: string): bool =
result = s == s.toUpper()
proc lstrip(s: string, c=' '): string =
var i = 0
while s[i] == c:
result = substr(s, i, len(s)-1)
proc lstrip(s: string, cs: set[char]): string =
var i = 0
while s[i] in cs:
result = substr(s, i, len(s)-1)
proc rstrip(s: string, c=' '): string =
var i = len(s)-1
while s[i] == c:
result = substr(s, 0, i)
proc rstrip(s: string, cs: set[char]): string =
var i = len(s)-1
while s[i] in cs:
result = substr(s, 0, i)
# TPattern implementation
method `$`(patt: TPattern): string =
result = "TPattern"
method name(patt: TPattern): string =
result = ""
method value(patt: TPattern): string =
result = ""
method flat(patt: TPattern, types: openarray[string]): seq[TPattern] =
result = @[]
method match(patt: TPattern, left: seq[TPattern], coll: seq[TPattern]=nil):
tuple[success: bool, l, c: seq[TPattern]] =
result = (false, @[], @[])
# END TPattern implementation
# TLeafPattern implementation
method name(patt: TLeafPattern): string =
result =
method value(patt: TLeafPattern): string =
result = patt.value
method `$`(patt: TLeafPattern): string =
result =
method flat(patt: TLeafPattern, types: openarray[string]): seq[TPattern] =
if len(types) == 0 or name(type(patt)) in types:
result = @[TPattern(patt)]
result = @[]
#method match(patt: TLeafPattern, left: seq[TPattern], coll: seq[TPattern]=nil) =
# TODO: finish
# tuple[success: bool, l, c: seq[TPattern]] =
# var collected = coll
# if collected == nil:
# collected = @[]
# let (pos, mtch) = patt.single_match(left)
# END TLeafPattern implementation
# TArgument implementation
proc parseArgument(source: string): TArgument =
var name = findAll(source, re(r"<\S*?>", {}))[0]
var m = findAll(source, re(r"\[default: (.*)\]", {reIgnoreCase}))
if m[0] =~ re(r"\[default: (.*)\]", {}):
result = TArgument(name: name, value: matches[0])
result = TArgument(name: name, value: "")
method singleMatch(patt: TArgument, left: seq[TPattern]):
tuple[pos: int, patt: TPattern] =
var i = 0
for pattern in left:
if type(pattern) is TArgument:
return (i, TPattern(TArgument(name:, value: pattern.value)))
return (-1, nil)
# END TArgument implementation
# TCommand implementation
# TODO: a command is a flag so the value
# should be a bool, find a way to represent
# this in this statically typed language
method singleMatch(patt: TCommand, left: seq[TPattern]):
tuple[pos: int, patt: TPattern] =
var i = 0
for pattern in left:
if type(pattern) is TArgument:
if pattern.value ==
return (i, TPattern(TCommand(name:, value: "true")))
return (-1, nil)
# END TCommand
# TOption implementation
proc parseOption(optdesc: string): TOption =
short = ""
long = ""
argcount = 0
value = ""
var (options, ign, desc) = optdesc.strip().partition(" ")
options = options.replace(",", " ").replace("=", " ")
for s in options.split(' '):
if s.startswith("--"):
long = s
elif s.startswith("-"):
short = s
argcount = 1
if argcount > 0:
var matched = findAll(desc, re(r"\[default: (.*)\]", {reIgnoreCase}))
if len(matched) > 0:
# bad hack! because findAll does not return sub matches
# we have to match against the first returned match
if matched[0] =~ re(r"\[default: (.*)\]", {reIgnoreCase}):
value = matches[0]
result = TOption(short: short, long: long, argcount: argcount, value: value)
method name(opt: TOption): string =
if opt.long != "":
result = opt.long
result = opt.short
method singleMatch(patt: TOption, left: seq[TPattern]):
tuple[pos: int, patt: TPattern] =
var i = 0
for pattern in left:
# FIXME: for some reason we can't use call style
# as the compiler complains about needing an identifier
# so must use name(patt) style
if == name(patt):
return (i, pattern)
return (-1, nil)
# END TOption implementation
# TBranchPattern implementation
method flat(patt: TBranchPattern, types: openarray[string]): seq[TPattern] =
if name(type(patt)) in types:
result = @[TPattern(patt)]
result = @[]
for child in patt.children:
result = result & child.flat(types)
#method fixIdentities(patt: TBranchPattern, uniq: seq[TPattern]) =
#method fixRepeatingArguments(patt: TBranchPattern): TBranchPattern =
#method fix()
# END TBranchPattern implementation
# TRequired implementation
method match(patt: TRequired, left: seq[TPattern], coll: seq[TPattern]=nil):
tuple[success: bool, l, c: seq[TPattern]] =
var collected = coll
if collected == nil:
collected = @[]
l = left
c = collected
for pattern in patt.children:
let matched = pattern.match(l, c)
var success = matched[0]
l = matched[1]
c = matched[2]
if success:
return (false, left, collected)
return (true, l, c)
# END TRequired implementation
# TOptional implementation
method match(patt: TOptional, left: seq[TPattern], coll: seq[TPattern]=nil):
tuple[success: bool, l, c: seq[TPattern]] =
var collected = coll
if collected == nil:
collected = @[]
l = left
c = collected
for pattern in patt.children:
var matched = pattern.match(l, c)
l = matched[1]
c = matched[2]
result = (true, l, c)
# END TOptional implementation
# TOneOrMore implementation
method match(patt: TOneOrMore, left: seq[TPattern], coll: seq[TPattern]=nil):
tuple[success: bool, l, c: seq[TPattern]] =
assert(len(patt.children) == 1)
var collected = coll
if collected == nil:
collected = @[]
l = left
c = collected
ltemp: seq[TPattern] = nil
matched = true
times = 0
while matched:
# could it be that something didn't match but changed l or c?
var res = patt.children[0].match(l, c)
matched = res[0]
l = res[1]
c = res[2]
if matched:
if ltemp == l:
ltemp = l
if times >= 1:
result = (true, l, c)
result = (false, left, collected)
# END TOneOrMore implementation
# TEither implementation
method match(patt: TEither, left: seq[TPattern], coll: seq[TPattern]=nil):
tuple[success: bool, l, c: seq[TPattern]] =
var collected = coll
if collected == nil:
collected = @[]
var outcomes: seq[tuple[success: bool, l, c: seq[TPattern]]] = @[]
for pattern in patt.children:
var outcome = pattern.match(left, collected)
if outcome[0]:
outcomes = outcomes & outcome
if len(outcomes) > 0:
# return smallest matching outcome pattern
# i.e. the one with the fewest left patterns
result = outcomes[0]
var i = 1
while i < len(outcomes):
if len(outcomes[i][1]) < len(result[1]):
result = outcomes[i]
result = (false, left, collected)
# END TEither
# TTokens implementation
proc current(tokens: TTokens): string =
if len(tokens) > 0:
result = tokens[0]
result = ""
proc move(tokens: var TTokens): string =
if len(tokens) > 0:
result = tokens[0]
result = ""
# END TTokens implementation
iterator walk[T](s: seq[T], stride=1, start=0): T =
## walk through a sequence with given stride
assert(stride > 0) # cannot be neg or 0 otherwise inf loop
var i = start
while i < len(s):
yield s[i]
i += stride
proc walk[T](s: seq[T], stride=1, start=0): seq[T] =
accumulateResult(walk(s, stride, start))
proc parseLong(tokens: var TTokens, options: var seq[TOption]): seq[TPattern] =
## long ::= "--" chars [ ( " " | "=" ) chars ] ;
# TODO: finish
var (long, eq, value) = move(tokens).partition("=")
var similar = filter(options) do (opt: TOption) -> bool:
opt.long == long
var opt: TOption = nil
# TODO: support DocoptExit error here
if len(similar) > 1: # might be simply specified ambiguously 2+ times?
var longs = map(similar) do (opt: TOption) -> string: opt.long
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, long & " is not a unique prefix: " &
join(longs, ", ") & "?")
elif len(similar) < 1:
var argcount = 0
if eq == "=":
argcount = 1
opt = TOption(short: "", long: long, argcount: argcount, value: "")
options = options & opt
# TODO: support DocoptExit error here
opt = TOption(short: similar[0].short, long: similar[0].long,
argcount: similar[0].argcount, value: similar[0].value)
if opt.argcount == 0:
if value != "":
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, opt.long & " must not have an argument")
if value == "":
if current(tokens) in @["", "--"]:
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, opt.long & " requires argument")
value = move(tokens)
# TODO: support DocoptExit error here
if opt != nil:
result = @[TPattern(opt)]
result = @[]
proc parseShorts(tokens: var TTokens, options: var seq[TOption]): seq[TPattern] =
# TODO: finish
var token = move(tokens)
assert(token.startswith("-") and not token.startswith("--"))
var left = token.lstrip('-')
result = @[]
var opt: TOption = nil
while left != "":
short = "-" & $left[0]
left = left[1..len(left)-1]
similar = filter(options) do (opt: TOption) -> bool:
opt.short == short
if len(similar) > 1:
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, short & " is specified ambiguously " &
$len(similar) & " times")
elif len(similar) < 1:
opt = TOption(short: short, long: "", argcount: 0, value: "")
options = options & opt
# TODO: if the error is DocoptExit
# we need to support this
else: # why is copying necessary here?
opt = TOption(short: short, long: similar[0].long,
argcount: similar[0].argcount, value: similar[0].value)
var value = ""
if opt.argcount != 0:
if left == "":
if current(tokens) in @["", "--"]:
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, short & " requires argument")
value = move(tokens)
value = left
left = ""
# TODO: support the error being DocoptExit here
if opt != nil:
result = result & opt
opt = nil
# forward declaration for parseAtom
proc parseExpr(tokens: var TTokens, options: var seq[TOption]): seq[TPattern]
proc parseAtom(tokens: var TTokens, options: var seq[TOption]): seq[TPattern] =
## atom ::= "(" expr ")" | "[" expr "]" | "options"
## | long | shorts | argument | command ;
# TODO: finish
var token = current(tokens)
if token in @["(", "["]:
discard move(tokens)
var matching = ""
if token == "(":
result = @[TPattern(TRequired(children: parseExpr(tokens, options)))]
matching = ")"
result = @[TPattern(TOptional(children: parseExpr(tokens, options)))]
matching = "]"
if move(tokens) != matching:
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, "unmatched '" & token & "'")
elif token == "options":
discard move(tokens)
result = @[TPattern(TOptionsShortcut())]
elif token.startswith("--") and token != "--":
result = parseLong(tokens, options)
elif token.startswith("-") and token notin @["-", "--"]:
result = parseShorts(tokens, options)
elif token.startswith("<") and token.endswith(">") or token.isUpper():
result = @[TPattern(TArgument(name: move(tokens), value: ""))]
result = @[TPattern(TCommand(name: move(tokens), value: ""))]
proc parseSeq(tokens: var TTokens, options: var seq[TOption]): seq[TPattern] =
## seq ::= ( atom [ "..." ] )* ;
# TODO: finish
result = @[]
while current(tokens) notin @["", "]", ")", "|"]:
var atom = parseAtom(tokens, options)
if current(tokens) == "...":
atom = @[TPattern(TOneOrMore(children: atom))]
discard move(tokens)
result = result & atom
proc parseExpr(tokens: var TTokens, options: var seq[TOption]): seq[TPattern] =
## expr ::= seq ( "|" seq )* ;
# TODO: finish
var sequence = parseSeq(tokens, options)
if current(tokens) != "|":
return sequence
if len(sequence) > 1:
result = @[TPattern(TRequired(children: sequence))]
result = sequence
while current(tokens) == "|":
discard move(tokens)
sequence = parseSeq(tokens, options)
if len(sequence) > 1:
result = result & TRequired(children: sequence)
result = result & sequence
if len(result) > 1:
result = @[TPattern(TEither(children: sequence))]
proc parsePattern(source: string, options: var seq[TOption]): TPattern =
# parse from pattern into tokens
var src = source.replacef(re(r"([\[\]\(\)\|]|\.\.\.)", {}), " $1")
var tokens = src.split(re(r"\s+|(\S*<.*?>)", {reDotAll}))
let res = parseExpr(tokens, options)
if current(tokens) != "":
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, "unexpected ending: " & join(tokens, " "))
result = TRequired(children: res)
proc parseArgv(tokens: var seq[string], options: var seq[TOption], optionsFirst=false): seq[TPattern] =
# TODO: finish
result = @[]
proc parseSection(name: string, source: string): seq[string] =
result = @[]
let found = findAll(source, re(r"^([^\n]*" & name & r"[^\n]*\n?(?:[ \t].*?(?:\n|$))*)", {reIgnoreCase, reMultiLine}))
for s in found:
result = result & strip(s)
proc parseDefaults(doc: string): seq[TOption] =
result = @[]
for s in parse_section("options:", doc):
# FIXME: corner case "bla: options: --foo
let post = partition(s, ':')[2] # get rid of "options:"
# regex is "\n[ \t]*(-\S+?)" the reason for the
# positive lookahead here is that Nimrod's regexes don't
# return elements that were in matching parens
# TODO: maybe a useful addition to re.nim?
var splitStr = split("\n" & post, re(r"\n[ \t]*(?=-\S+?)", {}))
splitStr = splitStr[1..len(splitStr)-1]
result = result & map(filter(splitStr, proc(s: string): bool = s.startswith("-")), parseOption)
proc formalUsage(sec: string): string =
var section = split(sec, ':')[1] # drop "usage:"
var pu = section.split(re(r"\s+", {}))
pu = map(pu[1..len(pu)-1]) do (s: string) -> string:
if s == pu[0]: ") | ("
else: s
result = "( " & join(pu, " ") & " )"
proc docopt*(doc: string, argv: seq[string]=nil, help=true, version="", optionsFirst=false): TTable[string, string] =
# TODO: finish
result = initTable[string, string]()
var args = argv
if argv == nil:
args = @[]
for i in countup(0, paramCount()):
args = args & paramStr(i)
let usageSections = parseSection("usage:", doc)
if len(usageSections) == 0:
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, "\"usage:\" (case-insensitive) not found.")
if len(usageSections) > 1:
raise newException(EDocoptLanguageError, "More than one \"usage:\" (case-insensitive).")
# TODO: DocoptExit.usage = usage_sections[0]
var options = parseDefaults(doc)
let pattern = parsePattern(formalUsage(usageSections[0]), options)
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