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Forked from devi/hierarchy.php
Created July 2, 2013 18:46
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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* MySQL "Closure Table" for Kohana based on Bill Karwin design.
* @link
* @TODO improve
* sql schema:
* CREATE TABLE `closures` (
* `ancestor` int(11) NOT NULL,
* `descendant` int(11) NOT NULL,
* `lvl` int(11) NOT NULL,
* PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
* );
class Hierarchy {
// reference table
public $table;
public $closure_table = 'closures';
public function __construct($table_name, $closure_table = NULL)
$this->table = $table_name;
if ($closure_table !== NULL)
$this->closure_table = $closure_table;
* Add a node (as last child).
* @param int node id
* @param int target id
* @return boolean
public function add($node_id, $target_id = 0)
$query = DB::select(DB::expr('ancestor, '.$node_id.', lvl+1'))
->where('descendant', '=', $target_id);
$query1 = DB::select(DB::expr($node_id.','.$node_id.',0'))
$query2 = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->closure_table.' (ancestor, descendant,lvl) '.$query1;
$result = DB::query(Database::INSERT, $query2)->execute();
return ($result AND count($result)>0);
* Check if current node has children.
* @param int node id
* @return boolean
public function has_children($node_id)
$descendants = DB::select('descendant')
->where('ancestor','=', $node_id);
return (bool) DB::select(array('COUNT("*")', 'total'))
->where('ancestor', 'IN', DB::expr('('.$descendants.')'))
->where('descendant', '<>', $node_id)
* Get parent(s) of current node.
* @param int current node id
* @param boolean include current node on result
* @param int level up (e.g direct parent = 1)
* @param array column/field name(s)
* @return mixed array if succeed
public function get_parent(
$self = FALSE,
$level = NULL,
array $column = NULL
if ($column !== NULL)
if ( ! in_array('id', $column))
array_unshift($column, 'id');
$column = 't.'.implode(',t.', $column);
$column = 't.*';
$query = DB::select($column, array('c.lvl', 'level'))
->from(array($this->table, 't'))
->join(array($this->closure_table, 'c'))
->on('', '=', 'c.ancestor')
->where('c.descendant', '=', $node_id)
->where('t.safe_url', 'IS NOT', NULL);
if ( ! $self)
$query->where('c.ancestor', '<>', $node_id);
if ($level)
$query->where('c.lvl' ,'=', $level);
$query = $query->order_by('')->execute();
if ($query->count())
$query = $query->as_array();
if ($level)
return $query[0];
return $query;
return FALSE;
* Fetch children(s).
* Example to generate nested tree:
* $h = new Hierarchy('refrence_table');
* $data = $h->get_children(1, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
* print_r($data);
* If level/depth specified then self will be ignore.
* @param int node id
* @param boolean include current node on result
* @param int node level/depth (e.g direct children = 1)
* @param array column/field name(s)
* @param boolean nestify the result
* @return mixed
public function get_children(
$node_id = 1,
$self = FALSE,
$level = FALSE,
array $column = NULL,
$nested = FALSE
if ($column !== NULL)
if ( ! in_array('id', $column))
array_unshift($column, 'id');
$column = 't.'.implode(',t.', $column);
$column = 't.*';
$query = DB::select(
array('c2.ancestor', 'parent'),
array('c1.lvl', 'level')
->from(array($this->closure_table, 'c1'))
->join(array($this->table, 't'))
->on('', '=','c1.descendant')
->join(array($this->closure_table, 'c2'), 'LEFT')
DB::expr('1 AND c2.descendant = c1.descendant ')
->where('c1.ancestor', '=', $node_id);
if ( ! $self)
$query->where('c1.descendant', '<>', $node_id);
if ($level)
$query->where('c1.lvl','=', $level);
$query = $query->execute();
if ( ! $query->count())
return FALSE;
$result = $query->as_array();
if ($nested AND ! $level)
$refs = array();
foreach ($result as $node)
$current = &$refs[$node['id']];
$current['data'] = $node;
if ($node['parent'])
$refs[$node['parent']]['children'][$node['id']] = &$current;
$result = $refs[$node_id];
return $result;
* TODO: optional recursion
* Delete node.
* @param int node id
* @param boolean delete data from reference table
* @return mixed
public function delete($node_id, $delete_reference = TRUE)
$operand = DB::select('descendant')
->where('ancestor', '=', $node_id);
$query = DB::select('id','descendant')
->where('descendant','IN', DB::expr('('.$operand.')'))
if ($query->count())
$descendants = Arr::pluck($query, 'id');
$result = DB::delete($this->closure_table)
if ($delete_reference)
$descendants = Arr::pluck($query, 'descendant');
$result = DB::delete($this->table)
return $result;
return FALSE;
* Move node with its children to another node.
* @link
* @param int node to be moved
* @param int target node
* @return void
public function move($node_id, $target_id)
// MySQL’s multi-table DELETE
$query1 = 'DELETE a FROM '.$this->closure_table.' AS a ';
$query1 .= 'JOIN '.$this->closure_table.' AS d ON a.descendant = d.descendant ';
$query1 .= 'LEFT JOIN '.$this->closure_table.' AS x ';
$query1 .= 'ON x.ancestor = d.ancestor AND x.descendant = a.ancestor ';
$query1 .= 'WHERE d.ancestor = '.$node_id.' AND x.ancestor IS NULL';
DB::query(Database::DELETE, $query1)->execute();
$query2 = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->closure_table.' (ancestor, descendant, lvl) ';
$query2 .= 'SELECT a.ancestor, b.descendant, a.lvl+b.lvl+1 ';
$query2 .= 'FROM '.$this->closure_table.' AS a JOIN '.$this->closure_table.' AS b ';
$query2 .= 'WHERE b.ancestor = '.$node_id.' AND a.descendant = '.$target_id;
DB::query(Database::INSERT, $query2)->execute();
* Get (all) root nodes.
* @param array column/field name(s)
* @return mixed
public function get_root(array $column = NULL)
if ($column !== NULL)
$column = 't.'.implode(',t.', $column);
$column = 't.*';
$query = DB::select($column)
->from(array($this->closure_table, 'c'))
->join(array($this->table, 't'))
->on('', '=', 'c.ancestor')
->join(array($this->closure_table, 'anc'), 'LEFT OUTER')
->on('anc.descendant', '=', DB::expr(
'c.descendant AND anc.ancestor <> c.ancestor'
->where('anc.ancestor', 'IS', NULL)
return $query->count() ? $query->as_array() : FALSE;
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