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Last active July 20, 2022 10:11
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python smooth interpolation of points using cubic bezier, computed from catmull_rom
python reimplementation of (source
Pretty much the coolest thing ever
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
Point = namedtuple('Point', ('x', 'y'))
def catmull_rom_to_bezier(points):
points: List[Point]
yields `len(points) - 1` Cubic bezier segments of the form (start, control0, control1, end)
control points are in absolute coordinates
# depending on your usage, you can treat 2 points like so to leave them unchanged
# if len(points) == 2:
# yield (points[0], points[0], points[1], points[1])
# return
N = len(points) - 1
for i in range(N):
if i == 0:
p = (points[i], points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2])
elif i == N - 1:
p = (points[i - 1], points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 1])
p = (points[i - 1], points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2])
# Catmull-Rom to Cubic Bezier conversion matrix
# 0 1 0 0
# -1/6 1 1/6 0
# 0 1/6 1 -1/6
# 0 0 1 0
yield (
Point(((-p[0].x + 6*p[1].x + p[2].x) / 6), ((-p[0].y + 6*p[1].y + p[2].y) / 6)),
Point((( p[1].x + 6*p[2].x - p[3].x) / 6), ((p[1].y + 6*p[2].y - p[3].y) / 6)),
conversion_matrix = np.array([
[0, 6, 0, 0],
[-1, 6, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 6, -1],
[0, 0, 6, 0],
def catmull_rom_to_bezier_vectorized(points):
Same as above but uses numpy.
points: np.array of shape (N, 2)
returns: np.array of shape (N - 1, 4, 2)
if len(points) == 2:
return [(points[0], points[0], points[1], points[1])]
A = np.empty((len(points) - 1, 4, 2))
for i in range(1, len(points) - 2):
A[i, :] = (points[i - 1], points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2])
A[0, :] = (points[0], points[0], points[1], points[2])
A[-1, :] = (points[-3], points[-2], points[-1], points[-1])
return np.matmul(conversion_matrix, A) / 6
if __name__ == '__main__':
fmt_point = lambda p: '{:.2f} {:.2f}'.format(*p)
fmt_bezier = lambda b: ' '.join(map(fmt_point, b))
points = [Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)]
out = list(catmull_rom_to_bezier(points))
print('\n'.join(map(fmt_bezier, out)))
pointsv = np.array(points)
outv = catmull_rom_to_bezier_vectorized(points)
print('\n'.join(map(fmt_bezier, outv)))
assert '\n'.join(map(fmt_bezier, out)) == '\n'.join(map(fmt_bezier, outv))
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