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Created February 7, 2019 15:25
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Enumerate paths on a pixel grid of varying path lengths
import itertools
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict
import base64
import io
dirs_map = {
(1, 0) : 'R',
(-1, 0) : 'L',
(0, 1) : 'U',
(0, -1) : 'D',
inv_dirs_map = {v : k for k, v in dirs_map.items()}
opposites = {
(inv_dirs_map['R'], inv_dirs_map['L']),
(inv_dirs_map['L'], inv_dirs_map['R']),
(inv_dirs_map['U'], inv_dirs_map['D']),
(inv_dirs_map['D'], inv_dirs_map['U']),
dirs = list(dirs_map.keys())
def neighbors(point):
x, y = point
for a, b in dirs:
yield x + a, b + y
def run_walk(steps):
cur = 0, 0
used = {cur}
walk = [cur]
for i, (a, b) in enumerate(steps):
to = (cur[0] + a, cur[1] + b)
if any(n in used for n in neighbors(to) if n != cur) or (i > 0 and (steps[i - 1], steps[i]) in opposites):
return None
cur = to
if cur[1] != 0 or cur[0] < 0:
return None
return walk
def gapsize(path):
return path[-1][0] # x coord of last location
def walk_to_string(steps):
return ''.join(dirs_map[x] for x in steps)
def sign(x):
if x >= 0:
return 1
return -1
def walk_bbox(path):
min_x = min(map(itemgetter(0), path))
max_x = max(map(itemgetter(0), path))
min_y = min(map(itemgetter(1), path))
max_y = max(map(itemgetter(1), path))
return (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y)
def compute_image_size(by_gapsize, vertical_padding=4, padding_multiplier=2):
N = sum(map(len, by_gapsize.values()))
it = lambda: itertools.chain.from_iterable(by_gapsize.values())
width = max(max_x - min_x for _, _, (min_x, max_x, _, _) in it())
height = sum(max_y - min_y for _, _, (_, _, min_y, max_y) in it())
iw = width + 3
ih = height + (N - 1) * vertical_padding + len(by_gapsize) * vertical_padding * padding_multiplier
return iw, ih
def make_image(L, vertical_padding=4, padding_multiplier=2):
by_gapsize = defaultdict(list)
for w in itertools.product(dirs_map, repeat=L):
path = run_walk(w)
if path is not None:
by_gapsize[gapsize(path)].append((w, path, walk_bbox(path)))
vertical_padding = 4
w, h = compute_image_size(by_gapsize, vertical_padding=vertical_padding, padding_multiplier=padding_multiplier)
b = np.ones((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
row = 1
for walks in (by_gapsize[k] for k in sorted(by_gapsize.keys())):
for w, path, (min_x, _, min_y, max_y) in walks:
height = max_y - min_y
origin = (-min_x + 1, row - min_y)
for x, y in path:
b[origin[1] + y, origin[0] + x] = 0
row += height + vertical_padding
row += vertical_padding * 2
im = Image.fromarray(b * 255, mode='L')
return by_gapsize, im
def save_image(L, output, scale=1):
by_gapsize , im = make_image(L)
# print('Saved {} walks to {}'.format(sum(map(len, by_gapsize.values())), output))
im = im.resize((im.size[0] * scale, im.size[1] * scale)), format='png')
style = '''
img.walk-image {
image-rendering: pixelated;
width: 50px;
for L in range(1, 10 + 1):
print('<h2>L = {}</h2>'.format(L))
with io.BytesIO() as fh:
save_image(L, fh)
encoded = base64.b64encode(
print('<img class="walk-image" src="data:image/png;base64, {}" />'.format(encoded))
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