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Last active July 10, 2023 12:45
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Unity Editor helper methods to get Prefabs with one or more specific components from the assets database.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Utils.Editor
public static class AssetDatabaseExt
public enum FindOptions
None = 0,
ConsiderChildren = 1
public static List<T> FindAssets<T>(string[] folders = null) where T : Object
var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets($"t:{typeof(T)}", folders);
return guids.Select(g => AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<T>(
public static List<GameObject> FindPrefabs<T>(FindOptions options = 0, string[] folders = null)
return FindPrefabs(new []{typeof(T)}, options, folders);
public static List<GameObject> FindPrefabs<T1, T2>(FindOptions options = 0, string[] folders = null)
return FindPrefabs(new []{typeof(T1), typeof(T2)} , options, folders);
public static List<GameObject> FindPrefabs<T1, T2, T3>(FindOptions options = 0, string[] folders = null)
return FindPrefabs(new []{typeof(T1), typeof(T2), typeof(T3)} , options, folders);
public static List<GameObject> FindPrefabs(IEnumerable<Type> types, FindOptions options, string[] folders)
var considerChildren = options.HasFlag(FindOptions.ConsiderChildren);
var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab", folders);
var prefabs = guids.Select(g => AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GameObject>(
if (considerChildren)
IEnumerable<GameObject> result = prefabs;
// By default is the AND of all specified Types
foreach (var type in types)
result = result.Where(p => p.GetComponentInChildren(type) != null);
return result.ToList();
IEnumerable<GameObject> result = prefabs;
// By default is the AND of all specified Types
foreach (var type in types)
result = result.Where(p => p.GetComponent(type) != null);
return result.ToList();
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acoppes commented Nov 1, 2020

Updated to support multiple types and to not force T of type Component

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acoppes commented Nov 1, 2020

Added more generic methods.

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acoppes commented Nov 1, 2020

Changed options to be just a flag and added default parameters for generic methods

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acoppes commented Nov 5, 2020

Added a way to get assets from specific type too

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