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Created June 27, 2022 13:37
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DeclareDesign simulation to see how power changes as we increase the number of arms (with corrections)
design_1 <-
declare_model(N = 1000,
U = rnorm(N),
Y_Z_0 = U,
Y_Z_1 = U + 0.2) +
declare_assignment(Zk = complete_ra(N = N, num_arms = k)) +
declare_measurement(Z = if_else(Zk == "T1", 0, 1),
Y = reveal_outcomes(Y ~ Z)) +
declare_estimator(Y ~ Zk, term = TRUE)
designs_1 <- redesign(design_1, k = 2:10)
simulations_1 <- simulate_designs(designs_1, sims = 1000)
simulations_1 <-
simulations_1 |>
filter(term != "(Intercept)") |>
group_by(k, sim_ID) |>
mutate(p_bonferroni = p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "bonferroni"),
p_holm = p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "holm"),
p_fdr = p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "fdr"),
"Naive p-values" = p.value <= 0.05,
"Bonferroni correction" = p_bonferroni <= 0.05,
"Holm correction" = p_holm <= 0.05,
"FDR correction" = p_fdr <= 0.05,
gg_df_1 <-
simulations_1 |>
filter(term == "ZkT2") |>
group_by(k) |>
cbind(`Naive p-values`,
`Bonferroni correction`,
`Holm correction`,
`FDR correction`) ~ 1
g_1 <-
ggplot(gg_df_1) +
aes(k, estimate, color = outcome) +
aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high, fill = outcome),
color = NA,
alpha = 0.1
) +
geom_textpath(aes(label = outcome), offset = unit(x = 2, units = "points")) +
geom_line() +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none",plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1),breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2)) +
scale_x_continuous(name = 'Total number of arms (k)', breaks = 2:10,
sec.axis = sec_axis(~1000/., name = 'Number of subjects in each arm',
breaks = round(1000/2:10))) +
labs(y = "Power for treatment 1 versus control",
title = "How much does adding an extra treatment arm hurt my power?",
subtitle = "Total N = 1000, all (k - 1) treatments have a 0.2SD effect")
ggsave("corrections_1.png", plot = g_1, width = 6.5, height = 5)
design_2 <-
declare_model(N = 500*k,
U = rnorm(N),
Y_Z_0 = U,
Y_Z_1 = U + 0.2) +
declare_assignment(Zk = complete_ra(N = N, num_arms = k)) +
declare_measurement(Z = if_else(Zk == "T1", 0, 1),
Y = reveal_outcomes(Y ~ Z)) +
declare_estimator(Y ~ Zk, term = TRUE)
designs_2 <- redesign(design_2, k = 2:10)
simulations_2 <- simulate_designs(designs_2, sims = 1000)
simulations_2 <-
simulations_2 |>
filter(term != "(Intercept)") |>
group_by(k, sim_ID) |>
mutate(p_bonferroni = p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "bonferroni"),
p_holm = p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "holm"),
p_fdr = p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "fdr"),
"Naive p-values" = p.value <= 0.05,
"Bonferroni correction" = p_bonferroni <= 0.05,
"Holm correction" = p_holm <= 0.05,
"FDR correction" = p_fdr <= 0.05,
gg_df_2 <-
simulations_2 |>
filter(term == "ZkT2") |>
group_by(k) |>
cbind(`Naive p-values`,
`Bonferroni correction`,
`Holm correction`,
`FDR correction`) ~ 1
g_2 <-
ggplot(gg_df_2) +
aes(k, estimate, color = outcome) +
aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high, fill = outcome),
color = NA,
alpha = 0.1
) +
geom_textpath(aes(label = outcome), offset = unit(x = 2, units = "points")) +
geom_line() +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none",plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1),breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2)) +
scale_x_continuous(name = 'Total number of arms (k)', breaks = 2:10,
sec.axis = sec_axis(~500*., name = 'Total number of subjects',
breaks = 500*2:10)) +
labs(y = "Power for treatment 1 versus control",
title = "How much does adding an extra treatment arm hurt my power?",
subtitle = "Total N = 500 * k, all (k - 1) treatments have a 0.2SD effect")
ggsave("corrections_2.png", plot = g_2, width = 6.5, height = 5)
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