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Last active January 5, 2018 05:31
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Good Git Hygiene + Workflow

#Git Workflow for Teams

  1. Check out a branch that is named for the feature name + initials
  2. Write your code, including adding tests
  3. Run all the tests
  4. Add/stash and commit all your changes (NOTE: use <git add --patch> & <git checkout --patch>, and not <git add.>)
  5. <git co master>
  6. <git pull origin master>
  7. <git co [branch]>
  8. <git merge master>
  9. Resolve any merge conflicts by going to the file, discuss with human...
  10. Run all of the tests again
  11. <git push origin [branch]>
  12. Make a pull request
  13. Flag dev-ops to review the pull request before/after the next standup
  14. Before working during each work period, pull origin master and merge with branch

##Adam's Masterpiece Adam's Masterpiece

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