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Created June 5, 2022 10:26
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import {
} from 'react';
const isFunction = (fn: unknown): fn is Function => (typeof fn === 'function');
const updateValue = <Value>(oldValue: Value, newValue: SetStateAction<Value>) => {
if (isFunction(newValue)) {
return newValue(oldValue);
return newValue;
export const createContainer = <State>(initialState: State) => {
type StateKeys = keyof State;
const keys = new Set(Object.keys(initialState));
let globalState = initialState;
const listeners = {} as {
[StateKey in StateKeys]: Set<Dispatch<SetStateAction<State[StateKey]>>>;
keys.forEach((key) => { listeners[key as StateKeys] = new Set(); });
const removeStateKey = <StateKey extends StateKeys>(stateKey: StateKey) => {
delete listeners[stateKey];
keys.delete(stateKey + '');
const setGlobalState = <StateKey extends StateKeys>(
stateKey: StateKey,
update: SetStateAction<State[StateKey]>,
) => {
// Only update state / set listeners if the ref-equality changes.
const updatedValue = updateValue(globalState[stateKey], update);
if (globalState[stateKey] !== updatedValue) {
// TODO(acornwall): Is it really necessary to replace global state like this? It's not like
// anything can get a reference to globalState anyways, so it _should_ be safe to just
// replace the one field that updated.
globalState = {...globalState, [stateKey]: updatedValue};
// globalState[stateKey] = updatedValue;
listeners[stateKey]?.forEach((listener) => listener(updatedValue));
const updateGlobalState = (
update: Partial<{[key in StateKeys]: SetStateAction<State[key]>}>) => {
// TODO(acornwall): Optimize this somehow so we don't cause the same component to be re-rendered
// multiple times if possible.
// Maybe look at ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {for (const key in update) { ... }});
for (const key in update) {
setGlobalState(key, update[key]!);
const useGlobalState = <StateKey extends StateKeys>(stateKey: StateKey) => {
const [partialState, setPartialState] = useState(globalState[stateKey]);
useEffect(() => {
// If our key doesn't exist, then add a new one.
if (!(stateKey in listeners)) {
listeners[stateKey] = new Set();
keys.add(stateKey + '');
setPartialState(globalState[stateKey]); // in case it's changed before this effect is handled
return () => {
// If no more listeners, and no state for this key, then we can free up this state key.
const hasListeners = listeners[stateKey] && listeners[stateKey].size > 0;
if (!hasListeners && !(stateKey in globalState)) {
}, [stateKey]);
const updater = useCallback(
(u: SetStateAction<State[StateKey]>) => setGlobalState(stateKey, u),
return [partialState, updater] as const;
const getGlobalState = <StateKey extends StateKeys>(stateKey: StateKey) => globalState[stateKey];
const getWholeState = () => globalState;
const notifyListeners = (prevState: State, nextState: State) => {
keys.forEach(((key: StateKeys) => {
const nextPartialState = nextState[key];
// Notify listeners for a key if ref-equality check fails.
if (prevState[key] !== nextPartialState) {
listeners[key].forEach((listener) => listener(nextPartialState));
// If a key is going away, and it has no listeners, free up any memory for it.
const hasListeners = listeners[key] && listeners[key].size > 0;
if (!hasListeners && !(key in nextState)) {
}) as (key: any) => {});
const setWholeState = (nextGlobalState: SetStateAction<State>) => {
const prevGlobalState = globalState;
globalState = updateValue(prevGlobalState, nextGlobalState);
notifyListeners(prevGlobalState, globalState);
return {
getState: getWholeState,
setState: setWholeState,
import {createContainer} from "./createContainer";
type ExportFields =
| 'useGlobalState'
| 'getGlobalState'
| 'setGlobalState'
| 'updateGlobalState'
| 'getState'
| 'setState';
* Create a global state
* It returns a set of functions
* - `useGlobalState`: a custom hook that works like React.useState
* - `getGlobalState`: a function to get a global state by key outside React
* - `setGlobalState`: a function to set a global state by key outside React
* - `setState`: a function to set the entire global state outside React
* Based on
* @example
* import { createGlobalState } from './createGlobalState';
* const { useGlobalState } = createGlobalState({ count: 0 });
* const Component = () => {
* const [count, setCount] = useGlobalState('count');
* ...
* };
export const createGlobalState = <State>(initialState: State) => {
const store = createContainer(initialState);
return store as Pick<typeof store, ExportFields>;
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