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Created April 15, 2011 17:24
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{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, TupleSections #-}
-- |A Haskell program that demonstrates a simple "Hello, world!"
-- application using genetic algorithms. Based on code by John Svazic.
-- Author: Anthony Cowley
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (liftM, replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (minimumBy, sortBy, nub, (\\))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
import Test.HUnit hiding (assert)
type Gene = String
target :: Gene
target = "Hello, world!"
-- |Two 'Gene's mate to produce two new 'Gene's.
mate :: RandomGen g => Gene -> Gene -> Rand g Gene
mate g1 g2 = (++) <$> flip take g1 <*> flip drop g2 <$> pivot
where pivot = getRandomR (0, length g1 - 1)
-- |Change a random character in a 'Gene'.
mutate :: RandomGen g => Gene -> Rand g Gene
mutate g = (uncurry (++) .) . second . (:) <$> delta <*> parts
where delta = getRandomR (' ', 'z')
idx = getRandomR (0, length g - 1)
parts = second tail . flip splitAt g <$> idx
-- |A 'Gene''s fitness is a measure of its distance from the 'target'.
fitness :: Gene -> Int
fitness = sum . map abs . zipWith ((-) `on` fromEnum) target
-- |Utility to produce a random 'Gene'.
randomGene :: RandomGen g => Rand g Gene
randomGene = replicateM (length target) $ getRandomR (' ', 'z')
data PopInfo = PopInfo { size :: Int
, crossover :: Float
, elitism :: Float
, mutation :: Float }
-- |A 'Population' is a pair of a record describing the population,
-- and how it evolves, and a collection of 'Gene's.
type Population = (PopInfo, [Gene])
-- |Default 'PopInfo'.
defaultPop :: PopInfo
defaultPop = PopInfo 1024 0.8 0.1 0.03
tournamentSize :: Int
tournamentSize = 3
-- |Helper to produce a randomized initial population.
randomPop :: RandomGen g => PopInfo -> Rand g Population
randomPop = liftA2 (,) <$> pure <*> flip replicateM randomGene . size
-- |Tournament selection method to select a 'Gene' from a 'Population'.
tournamentSelection :: RandomGen g => Population -> Rand g Gene
tournamentSelection (info, genes) =
minimumBy (comparing fitness) . map (genes !!) <$>
replicateM tournamentSize (getRandomR (0, size info - 1))
-- Utility for executing a monadic action twice.
twoM :: Monad m => m a -> m (a, a)
twoM = liftM (\[x,y] -> (x,y)) . replicateM 2
-- |Select two parents from a 'Population'.
selectParents :: RandomGen g => Population -> Rand g (Gene, Gene)
selectParents = twoM . tournamentSelection
-- |Run one generation of evolution for a 'Population'.
evolve :: RandomGen g => Population -> Rand g Population
evolve p@(info@(PopInfo {size, crossover, elitism, mutation}), genes) =
(info,) . sortBy (comparing fitness) . (take idx genes ++) <$>
replicateM (size - idx) (twoM getRandom >>= go)
where idx = round (fromIntegral size * elitism)
go (r1,r2) | r1 <= crossover =
selectParents p >>= uncurry mate >>= addChild r2
| otherwise = addMutation r2
addChild r c
| r <= mutation = mutate c
| otherwise = return c
addMutation r
| r <= mutation = mutate . (genes !!) =<< getRandomR (idx, size - 1)
| otherwise = (genes !!) <$> getRandomR (idx, size - 1)
-- Utility for iterating a monadic function on a seed until the seed
-- passes a predicate.
iterateUntil :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
iterateUntil stop f = go
where go x | stop x = return x
| otherwise = f x >>= go
maxGenerations :: Int
maxGenerations = 16384
-- Run the genetic algorithm
main = evalRandIO (randomPop defaultPop >>= iterateUntil done step . (, 0))
>>= result
where step (p,gen) = (,) <$> evolve p <*> pure (gen+1)
done ((_, g:_), generation) =
generation == maxGenerations || fitness g == 0
result ((_, g:_), generation)
| generation == maxGenerations =
putStrLn "Maximum generations reached without success."
| fitness g == 0 = printf "Reached target (%d): %s\n" generation g
| otherwise = putStrLn "Evolution is hard. Let's go shopping."
--------------------------------- TESTS ----------------------------------------
testGen = run (evalRandIO randomGene) >>= assert . check
where check g = and $ map ($ g) [ (>= 0) . fitness
, (== 13) . length
, all (between 32 122 . fromEnum) ]
between l r x = l <= x && x <= r
testMut = run (evalRandIO $ randomGene >>= pairWithMutant) >>= assert . check
where pairWithMutant = liftA2 (,) <$> pure <*> mutate
check (g,m) = length g == length m && length (nub g \\ nub m) <= 1
testMate = run (evalRandIO $ twoM randomGene >>= pairWithChild) >>=
assert . check
where pairWithChild (mom,dad) = (mom,dad,) <$> mate mom dad
check (m,d,c) = length c == 13 &&
(and . map (\(_,y,z) -> y == z) .
dropWhile (\(x,y,_) -> x == y) $ zip3 m c d)
unitTests = test [ "fitness1" ~: 0 ~=? fitness "Hello, world!"
, "fitness2" ~: 399 ~=? fitness "H5p&J;!l<X\\7l"
, "fitness3" ~: 297 ~=? fitness "Vc;fx#QRP8V\\$"
, "fitness4" ~: 415 ~=? fitness "t\\O`E_Jx$n=NF" ]
runTests = do mapM_ (quickCheck . monadicIO) [testGen, testMut, testMate]
runTestTT unitTests
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