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Forked from RGBz/truncate-abbr
Created January 6, 2012 20:25
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Grails truncate tag with abbr
private static final String ELLIPSIS = '...'
def truncate = { attrs, body ->
def maxLength = attrs.maxlength
if (maxLength == null || !maxLength.isInteger() || maxLength.toInteger() <= 0) {
throw new Exception("The attribute 'maxlength' must an integer greater than 3. Provided value: $maxLength")
} else {
maxLength = maxLength.toInteger()
if (maxLength <= ELLIPSIS.size()) {
throw new Exception("The attribute 'maxlength' must be greater than 3. Provided value: $maxLength")
if (body().length() > maxLength) {
out << /<abbr title="${body().encodeAsHTML()}">${body()[0..maxLength - (ELLIPSIS.size() + 1)].encodeAsHTML()}$ELLIPSIS<\/abbr>/
} else {
out << body().encodeAsHTML()
def "truncate works for text longer than max length"() {
def fullText = ("D" * 2) + "&" + ("D" * 12)
def maxLength = "10"
tagLib.truncate(maxlength:maxLength, {fullText})
tagLib.out.toString() == createdTruncatedAbbr(fullText,maxLength)
def "truncate works for text shorter than or equal to max length"() {
def fullText = ("D" * 2) + "&" + ("D" * 4) //length 7
tagLib.truncate(maxlength:maxLength.toString(), {fullText})
tagLib.out.toString() == fullText.encodeAsHTML()
maxLength << [7,8,9,10,11,12]
def "truncate errors when maxlength is less than or equal the length of the ellipsis"() {
def fullText = "D" * 7
tagLib.truncate(maxlength:maxLength, {fullText})
def e = thrown(Exception)
e.message == "The attribute 'maxlength' must be greater than 3. Provided value: $maxLength"
maxLength << ["2","3"]
def "truncate throws an error when maxlength is less than or equal to zero or not an integer"() {
def fullText = "D" * 7
tagLib.truncate(maxlength:maxLength, {fullText})
def e = thrown(Exception)
e.message == "The attribute 'maxlength' must an integer greater than 3. Provided value: $maxLength"
maxLength << ["0","-5","blah"]
def createdTruncatedAbbr(fullText, maxlength) {
if (maxlength in String) {
maxlength = maxlength.toInteger()
def tag = /<abbr title="${fullText.encodeAsHTML()}">${fullText[0..maxlength - '...'.size() - 1].encodeAsHTML()}...<\/abbr>/
return tag
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