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Last active June 25, 2020 01:58
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Xmonad configuration
# Copied from
# Detects the width of running trayer-srg window (xprop name 'panel')
# and creates an XPM icon of that width, 1px height, and transparent.
# Outputs an <icon>-tag for use in xmobar to display the generated
# XPM icon.
# Run script from xmobar:
# `Run Com "/where/ever/" [] "trayerpad" 10`
# and use `%trayerpad%` in your template.
# Function to create a transparent Wx1 px XPM icon
create_xpm_icon () {
pixels=$(for i in `seq $1`; do echo -n "."; done)
cat << EOF > "$2"
/* XPM *
static char * trayer_pad_xpm[] = {
/* This XPM icon is used for padding in xmobar to */
/* leave room for trayer-srg. It is dynamically */
/* updated by by which is run */
/* by xmobar. */
/* Created: ${timestamp} */
/* <w/cols> <h/rows> <colors> <chars per pixel> */
"$1 1 1 1",
/* Colors (none: transparent) */
". c none",
/* Pixels */
# Width of the trayer window
width=$(xprop -name panel | grep 'program specified minimum size' | cut -d ' ' -f 5)
# Icon file name
# If the desired icon does not exist create it
if [ ! -f $iconfile ]; then
create_xpm_icon $width $iconfile
# Output the icon tag for xmobar
echo "<icon=${iconfile}/>"
-- install xmobar with these flags: --flags="with_alsa" --flags="with_mpd" --flags="with_xft" OR --flags="all_extensions"
-- you can find weather location codes here:
Config { font = "xft:Inconsolata Nerd Font:Regular:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true"
, additionalFonts = [ "xft:Inconsolata Nerd Font:Regular:pixelsize=14" ]
, bgColor = "#282A36"
, fgColor = "#B45BCF"
, position = Top
, lowerOnStart = True
, hideOnStart = False
, allDesktops = True
, persistent = True
, iconRoot = "/home/alan/.xmonad/xpm/" -- default: "."
, commands = [
-- Time and date
Run Date "\xf133 %b %d %Y (%H:%M)" "date" 50
-- Batery
, Run BatteryP ["BAT0"] ["-t", "\xf240 <left>%"] 60
-- Script that dynamically adjusts xmobar padding depending on number of trayer icons.
, Run Com "bash" ["/home/alan/.config/xmobar/"] "trayerpad" 10
-- Prints out the left side items such as workspaces, layout, etc.
-- The workspaces are 'clickable' in my configs.
, Run UnsafeStdinReader
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = " <icon=haskell_20.xpm/> \
\ %UnsafeStdinReader% }{ \
\<fc=#c3e88d> %battery% </fc>\
\<fc=#8BE9FD> %date% </fc>\
-- The xmonad configuration of Derek Taylor (DistroTube)
-- My YouTube:
-- My GitLab:
-- For more information on Xmonad, visit:
-- Base
import XMonad
import System.IO (hPutStrLn)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-- Actions
import XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow (kill1, killAllOtherCopies)
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (moveTo, shiftTo, WSType(..), nextScreen, prevScreen)
import XMonad.Actions.MouseResize
import XMonad.Actions.Promote
import XMonad.Actions.RotSlaves (rotSlavesDown, rotAllDown)
import qualified XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect as TS
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo (runOrRaise)
import XMonad.Actions.WithAll (sinkAll, killAll)
import qualified XMonad.Actions.Search as S
-- Data
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- Hooks
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (dynamicLogWithPP, wrap, xmobarPP, xmobarColor, shorten, PP(..))
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops -- for some fullscreen events, also for xcomposite in obs.
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (avoidStruts, docksEventHook, manageDocks, ToggleStruts(..))
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (isFullscreen, doFullFloat)
import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
-- Layouts
import XMonad.Layout.GridVariants (Grid(Grid))
import XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloat
import XMonad.Layout.Spiral
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns
-- Layouts modifiers
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
import XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows (limitWindows, increaseLimit, decreaseLimit)
import XMonad.Layout.Magnifier
import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle (mkToggle, single, EOT(EOT), (??))
import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.Instances (StdTransformers(NBFULL, MIRROR, NOBORDERS))
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.Renamed (renamed, Rename(Replace))
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger (windowArrange, WindowArrangerMsg(..))
import qualified XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts as T (toggleLayouts, ToggleLayout(Toggle))
import qualified XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle as MT (Toggle(..))
-- Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Input
import XMonad.Prompt.Man
import XMonad.Prompt.Pass
import XMonad.Prompt.Shell (shellPrompt)
import XMonad.Prompt.Ssh
import XMonad.Prompt.XMonad
import Control.Arrow (first)
-- Utilities
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (additionalKeysP)
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run (runProcessWithInput, safeSpawn, spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce
myFont :: String
myFont = "xft:Inconsolata Nerd Font:Regular:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true"
myTerminal :: String
myTerminal = "alacritty" -- Sets default terminal
myBorderWidth :: Dimension
myBorderWidth = 2 -- Sets border width for windows
myNormColor :: String
myNormColor = "#292d3e" -- Border color of normal windows
myFocusColor :: String
myFocusColor = "#bbc5ff" -- Border color of focused windows
altMask :: KeyMask
altMask = mod1Mask -- Setting this for use in xprompts
windowCount :: X (Maybe String)
windowCount = gets $ Just . show . length . W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current . windowset
myStartupHook :: X ()
myStartupHook = do
spawnOnce "nitrogen --restore &"
spawnOnce "compton &"
spawnOnce "/usr/bin/emacs --daemon &"
spawnOnce "trayer --edge top --align right --widthtype request --padding 6 --SetDockType true --SetPartialStrut true --expand true --monitor 0 --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x282A36 --height 19 &"
setWMName "LG3D"
dtXPConfig :: XPConfig
dtXPConfig = def
{ font = "xft:Inconsolata Nerd Font:Regular:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true"
, bgColor = "#292d3e"
, fgColor = "#d0d0d0"
, bgHLight = "#c792ea"
, fgHLight = "#000000"
, borderColor = "#535974"
, promptBorderWidth = 0
, promptKeymap = dtXPKeymap
, position = Top
-- , position = CenteredAt { xpCenterY = 0.3, xpWidth = 0.3 }
, height = 20
, historySize = 256
, historyFilter = id
, defaultText = []
, autoComplete = Just 100000 -- set Just 100000 for .1 sec
, showCompletionOnTab = False
, searchPredicate = isPrefixOf
, alwaysHighlight = True
, maxComplRows = Nothing -- set to Just 5 for 5 rows
-- The same config minus the autocomplete feature which is annoying on
-- certain Xprompts, like the search engine prompts.
dtXPConfig' :: XPConfig
dtXPConfig' = dtXPConfig
{ autoComplete = Nothing }
-- A list of all of the standard Xmonad prompts
promptList :: [(String, XPConfig -> X ())]
promptList = [ ("m", manPrompt) -- manpages prompt
, ("x", xmonadPrompt) -- xmonad prompt
-- A list of my custom prompts
promptList' :: [(String, XPConfig -> String -> X (), String)]
promptList' = [ ("c", calcPrompt, "qalc") -- requires qalculate-gtk
-- calcPrompt requires a cli calculator called qalcualte-gtk.
-- You could use this as a template for other custom prompts that
-- use command line programs that return a single line of output.
calcPrompt :: XPConfig -> String -> X ()
calcPrompt c ans =
inputPrompt c (trim ans) ?+ \input ->
liftIO(runProcessWithInput "qalc" [input] "") >>= calcPrompt c
trim = f . f
where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
-- XPROMPT KEYMAP (emacs-like key bindings)
dtXPKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ())
dtXPKeymap = M.fromList $
map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + <key>
[ (xK_z, killBefore) -- kill line backwards
, (xK_k, killAfter) -- kill line fowards
, (xK_a, startOfLine) -- move to the beginning of the line
, (xK_e, endOfLine) -- move to the end of the line
, (xK_m, deleteString Next) -- delete a character foward
, (xK_b, moveCursor Prev) -- move cursor forward
, (xK_f, moveCursor Next) -- move cursor backward
, (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the previous word
, (xK_y, pasteString) -- paste a string
, (xK_g, quit) -- quit out of prompt
, (xK_bracketleft, quit)
map (first $ (,) altMask) -- meta key + <key>
[ (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the prev word
, (xK_f, moveWord Next) -- move a word forward
, (xK_b, moveWord Prev) -- move a word backward
, (xK_d, killWord Next) -- kill the next word
, (xK_n, moveHistory W.focusUp') -- move up thru history
, (xK_p, moveHistory W.focusDown') -- move down thru history
map (first $ (,) 0) -- <key>
[ (xK_Return, setSuccess True >> setDone True)
, (xK_KP_Enter, setSuccess True >> setDone True)
, (xK_BackSpace, deleteString Prev)
, (xK_Delete, deleteString Next)
, (xK_Left, moveCursor Prev)
, (xK_Right, moveCursor Next)
, (xK_Home, startOfLine)
, (xK_End, endOfLine)
, (xK_Down, moveHistory W.focusUp')
, (xK_Up, moveHistory W.focusDown')
, (xK_Escape, quit)
-- Xmonad has several search engines available to use located in
-- XMonad.Actions.Search. Additionally, you can add other search engines
-- such as those listed below.
archwiki, reddit :: S.SearchEngine
archwiki = S.searchEngine "archwiki" ""
reddit = S.searchEngine "reddit" ""
-- This is the list of search engines that I want to use. Some are from
-- XMonad.Actions.Search, and some are the ones that I added above.
searchList :: [(String, S.SearchEngine)]
searchList = [ ("a", archwiki)
, ("g",
, ("h", S.hoogle)
, ("i", S.images)
, ("r", reddit)
, ("s", S.stackage)
, ("t", S.thesaurus)
, ("v", S.vocabulary)
, ("b", S.wayback)
, ("w", S.wikipedia)
, ("y",
, ("z",
-- I am using the Xmonad.Util.EZConfig module which allows keybindings
-- to be written in simpler, emacs-like format.
myKeys :: [(String, X ())]
myKeys =
-- Lock screen
[ ("M-S-l", spawn "slock")
-- Xmonad
, ("M-C-r", spawn "xmonad --recompile") -- Recompiles xmonad
, ("M-S-r", spawn "xmonad --restart") -- Restarts xmonad
, ("M-S-q", io exitSuccess) -- Quits xmonad
-- Open my preferred terminal
, ("M-<Return>", spawn (myTerminal))
-- Run Prompt
, ("M-S-<Return>", shellPrompt dtXPConfig) -- Shell Prompt
-- Windows
, ("M-S-c", kill1) -- Kill the currently focused client
, ("M-S-a", killAll) -- Kill all windows on current workspace
-- Floating windows
, ("M-f", sendMessage (T.Toggle "floats")) -- Toggles my 'floats' layout
, ("M-<Delete>", withFocused $ windows . W.sink) -- Push floating window back to tile
, ("M-S-<Delete>", sinkAll) -- Push ALL floating windows to tile
-- Windows navigation
, ("M-m", windows W.focusMaster) -- Move focus to the master window
, ("M-j", windows W.focusDown) -- Move focus to the next window
, ("M-k", windows W.focusUp) -- Move focus to the prev window
--, ("M-S-m", windows W.swapMaster) -- Swap the focused window and the master window
, ("M-S-j", windows W.swapDown) -- Swap focused window with next window
, ("M-S-k", windows W.swapUp) -- Swap focused window with prev window
, ("M-<Backspace>", promote) -- Moves focused window to master, others maintain order
, ("M1-S-<Tab>", rotSlavesDown) -- Rotate all windows except master and keep focus in place
, ("M1-C-<Tab>", rotAllDown) -- Rotate all the windows in the current stack
--, ("M-S-s", windows copyToAll)
, ("M-C-s", killAllOtherCopies)
-- Layouts
, ("M-<Tab>", sendMessage NextLayout) -- Switch to next layout
, ("M-C-M1-<Up>", sendMessage Arrange)
, ("M-C-M1-<Down>", sendMessage DeArrange)
, ("M-<Space>", sendMessage (MT.Toggle NBFULL) >> sendMessage ToggleStruts) -- Toggles noborder/full
, ("M-S-<Space>", sendMessage ToggleStruts) -- Toggles struts
, ("M-S-n", sendMessage $ MT.Toggle NOBORDERS) -- Toggles noborder
, ("M-<KP_Multiply>", sendMessage (IncMasterN 1)) -- Increase number of clients in master pane
, ("M-<KP_Divide>", sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1))) -- Decrease number of clients in master pane
, ("M-S-<KP_Multiply>", increaseLimit) -- Increase number of windows
, ("M-S-<KP_Divide>", decreaseLimit) -- Decrease number of windows
, ("M-h", sendMessage Shrink) -- Shrink horiz window width
, ("M-l", sendMessage Expand) -- Expand horiz window width
, ("M-C-j", sendMessage MirrorShrink) -- Shrink vert window width
, ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand) -- Exoand vert window width
-- Workspaces
, ("M-.", nextScreen) -- Switch focus to next monitor
, ("M-,", prevScreen) -- Switch focus to prev monitor
, ("M-S-<KP_Add>", shiftTo Next nonNSP >> moveTo Next nonNSP) -- Shifts focused window to next ws
, ("M-S-<KP_Subtract>", shiftTo Prev nonNSP >> moveTo Prev nonNSP) -- Shifts focused window to prev ws
-- Scratchpads
, ("M-C-<Return>", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "terminal")
-- Emacs
, ("C-e e", spawn "emacsclient -c -a ''") -- start emacs
, ("C-e a", spawn "emacsclient -c -a '' --eval '(emms)'") -- emms emacs audio player
, ("C-e b", spawn "emacsclient -c -a '' --eval '(ibuffer)'") -- list emacs buffers
, ("C-e d", spawn "emacsclient -c -a '' --eval '(dired nil)'") -- dired emacs file manager
, ("C-e m", spawn "emacsclient -c -a '' --eval '(mu4e)'") -- mu4e emacs email client
, ("C-e n", spawn "emacsclient -c -a '' --eval '(elfeed)'") -- elfeed emacs rss client
, ("C-e s", spawn "emacsclient -c -a '' --eval '(eshell)'") -- eshell within emacs
, ("C-e t", spawn "emacsclient -c -a '' --eval '(+vterm/here nil)'") -- eshell within emacs
-- Multimedia Keys
, ("<XF86AudioPlay>", spawn "cmus toggle")
, ("<XF86AudioPrev>", spawn "cmus prev")
, ("<XF86AudioNext>", spawn "cmus next")
-- , ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn "amixer set Master toggle") -- Bug prevents it from toggling correctly in 12.04.
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer set Master 5%- unmute")
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer set Master 5%+ unmute")
, ("<XF86HomePage>", spawn "firefox")
, ("<XF86Search>", safeSpawn "firefox" [""])
, ("<XF86Mail>", runOrRaise "geary" (resource =? "thunderbird"))
, ("<XF86Calculator>", runOrRaise "gcalctool" (resource =? "gcalctool"))
, ("<XF86Eject>", spawn "toggleeject")
, ("<Print>", spawn "scrotd 0")
-- Appending search engines to keybindings list
++ [("M-s " ++ k, S.promptSearch dtXPConfig' f) | (k,f) <- searchList ]
++ [("M-S-s " ++ k, S.selectSearchBrowser "firefox" f) | (k,f) <- searchList ]
++ [("M-p " ++ k, f dtXPConfig') | (k,f) <- promptList ]
++ [("M-p " ++ k, f dtXPConfig' g) | (k,f,g) <- promptList' ]
-- Appending named scratchpads to keybindings list
where nonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> W.tag ws /= "nsp"))
nonEmptyNonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> isJust (W.stack ws) && W.tag ws /= "nsp"))
-- My workspaces are clickable meaning that the mouse can be used to switch
-- workspaces. This requires xdotool.
xmobarEscape :: String -> String
xmobarEscape = concatMap doubleLts
doubleLts '<' = "<<"
doubleLts x = [x]
myWorkspaces :: Forest String
myWorkspaces = [ Node "\xf488 " [] -- a workspace for your browser
, Node "\xf489 " [] -- for everyday activity's
, Node "\xf108 3" [] -- for everyday activity's
, Node "\xf108 4" [] -- for everyday activity's
, Node "\xf108 5" [] -- for everyday activity's
, Node "\xf108 6" [] -- for everyday activity's
, Node "\xf108 7" [] -- for everyday activity's
, Node "\xf108 8" [] -- for everyday activity's
, Node "\xf108 9" [] -- for everyday activity's
-- Sets some rules for certain programs. Examples include forcing certain
-- programs to always float, or to always appear on a certain workspace.
-- Forcing programs to a certain workspace with a doShift requires xdotool
-- if you are using clickable workspaces. You need the className or title
-- of the program. Use xprop to get this info.
myManageHook :: XMonad.Query (Data.Monoid.Endo WindowSet)
myManageHook = composeAll
-- using 'doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 7)' sends program to workspace 8!
-- I'm doing it this way because otherwise I would have to write out
-- the full name of my clickable workspaces, which would look like:
-- doShift "<action xdotool super+8>gfx</action>"
[ className =? "Firefox" --> doShift ( "\xf488 ")
, className =? "vlc" --> doShift ( "\xf488 ")
, (className =? "Firefox" <&&> resource =? "Dialog") --> doFloat -- Float Firefox Dialog
] <+> namedScratchpadManageHook myScratchPads
-- Makes setting the spacingRaw simpler to write. The spacingRaw
-- module adds a configurable amount of space around windows.
mySpacing :: Integer -> l a -> XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier.ModifiedLayout Spacing l a
mySpacing i = spacingRaw False (Border i i i i) True (Border i i i i) True
-- Below is a variation of the above except no borders are applied
-- if fewer than two windows. So a single window has no gaps.
mySpacing' :: Integer -> l a -> XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier.ModifiedLayout Spacing l a
mySpacing' i = spacingRaw True (Border i i i i) True (Border i i i i) True
-- Defining a bunch of layouts, many that I don't use.
tall = renamed [Replace "tall"]
$ limitWindows 12
$ mySpacing 4
$ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
magnify = renamed [Replace "magnify"]
$ magnifier
$ limitWindows 12
$ mySpacing 8
$ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
monocle = renamed [Replace "monocle"]
$ limitWindows 20 Full
floats = renamed [Replace "floats"]
$ limitWindows 20 simplestFloat
grid = renamed [Replace "grid"]
$ limitWindows 12
$ mySpacing 8
$ mkToggle (single MIRROR)
$ Grid (16/10)
spirals = renamed [Replace "spirals"]
$ mySpacing' 8
$ spiral (6/7)
threeCol = renamed [Replace "threeCol"]
$ limitWindows 7
$ mySpacing' 4
$ ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2)
threeRow = renamed [Replace "threeRow"]
$ limitWindows 7
$ mySpacing' 4
-- Mirror takes a layout and rotates it by 90 degrees.
-- So we are applying Mirror to the ThreeCol layout.
$ Mirror
$ ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2)
tabs = renamed [Replace "tabs"]
-- I cannot add spacing to this layout because it will
-- add spacing between window and tabs which looks bad.
$ tabbed shrinkText myTabConfig
myTabConfig = def { fontName = "xft:Inconsolata Nerd Font:Regular:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true"
, activeColor = "#292d3e"
, inactiveColor = "#3e445e"
, activeBorderColor = "#292d3e"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#292d3e"
, activeTextColor = "#ffffff"
, inactiveTextColor = "#d0d0d0"
-- The layout hook
myLayoutHook = avoidStruts $ mouseResize $ windowArrange $ T.toggleLayouts floats $
mkToggle (NBFULL ?? NOBORDERS ?? EOT) myDefaultLayout
-- I've commented out the layouts I don't use.
myDefaultLayout = tall
||| magnify
||| noBorders monocle
||| floats
-- ||| grid
||| noBorders tabs
-- ||| spirals
-- ||| threeCol
-- ||| threeRow
myScratchPads :: [NamedScratchpad]
myScratchPads = [ NS "terminal" spawnTerm findTerm manageTerm ]
spawnTerm = myTerminal ++ " -t scratchpad"
findTerm = title =? "scratchpad"
manageTerm = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
h = 1
w = 1
t = 0
l = 0
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Launching three instances of xmobar on their monitors.
xmproc0 <- spawnPipe "xmobar -x 0 /home/alan/.config/xmobar/xmobarrc0.hs"
-- the xmonad, ya know...what the WM is named after!
xmonad $ ewmh def
{ manageHook = ( isFullscreen --> doFullFloat ) <+> myManageHook <+> manageDocks
-- Run xmonad commands from command line with "xmonadctl command". Commands include:
-- shrink, expand, next-layout, default-layout, restart-wm, xterm, kill, refresh, run,
-- focus-up, focus-down, swap-up, swap-down, swap-master, sink, quit-wm. You can run
-- "xmonadctl 0" to generate full list of commands written to ~/.xsession-errors.
, handleEventHook = docksEventHook
-- , modMask = myModMask
, terminal = myTerminal
, startupHook = myStartupHook
, layoutHook = myLayoutHook
, workspaces = TS.toWorkspaces myWorkspaces
, borderWidth = myBorderWidth
, normalBorderColor = myNormColor
, focusedBorderColor = myFocusColor
, logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ xmobarPP
{ ppOutput = \x -> hPutStrLn xmproc0 x
, ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#c3e88d" "" . wrap "[" "]" -- Current workspace in xmobar
, ppVisible = xmobarColor "#c3e88d" "" -- Visible but not current workspace
, ppHidden = xmobarColor "#82AAFF" "" . wrap "*" "" -- Hidden workspaces in xmobar
, ppHiddenNoWindows = xmobarColor "#F07178" "" -- Hidden workspaces (no windows)
, ppTitle = xmobarColor "#d0d0d0" "" . shorten 60 -- Title of active window in xmobar
, ppSep = "<fc=#666666> | </fc>" -- Separators in xmobar
, ppUrgent = xmobarColor "#C45500" "" . wrap "!" "!" -- Urgent workspace
, ppExtras = [windowCount] -- # of windows current workspace
, ppOrder = \(ws:l:t:ex) -> [ws,l]++ex++[t]
} `additionalKeysP` myKeys
/* XPM */
static char * haskell_20_xpm[] = {
"20 20 2 1",
" c None",
". c #FFFFFF",
" ",
" ",
" ",
".... .... ",
" .... ... ",
" ... .... ",
" .... .... ",
" .... ... ........",
" ... .... .......",
" .... .... ",
" .... .... ",
" ... ...... .....",
" .... ....... ....",
" .... .... ... ",
" ... .... .... ",
" .... ... .... ",
".... .... ... ",
" ",
" ",
" "};
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