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Last active May 8, 2023 04:12
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  • Save acrodrig/8ca32ed618fe7d6d82900c1242d2eeb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save acrodrig/8ca32ed618fe7d6d82900c1242d2eeb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to release package in GitHub with automatic release notes.
# Check parameters
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "usage: release <vX.X.X | minor | patch> [--no-preview|-np]" && exit 1
# Test parameters are valid
[[ ! "$1" =~ ^(v[0-9]\.[0-9]\.?[0-9]?|minor|patch)$ ]] && echo -e "Wrong parameter(s)!\nusage: release <vX.X.X | minor | patch> [--no-preview|-np]" && exit 2
# Make sure to fetch all remote before proceeding
GF=$(git fetch 2> /dev/null)
[[ ! "$?" = 0 ]] && echo -e "Git permission denied!\nusage: release <vX.X.X | minor | patch> [--no-preview|-np]" && exit 3
# Make sure local and remote are identical
GD=$(git diff --quiet 2> /dev/null)
[[ ! "$?" = 0 ]] && echo -e "Git local different than remote!\nusage: release <vX.X.X | minor | patch> [--no-preview|-np]" && exit 3
# Get Current Version
CV=$(gh release view --json tagName | jq -r '.tagName')
PARTS=($(echo $CV | tr '.' ' '))
# Build next version
if [ "$NV" == "minor" ]; then
elif [ "$NV" == "patch" ]; then
# Collect notes (see
LOG=$(git log $CV..HEAD --oneline --no-decorate | sed 's/^/- /')
TITLE="### $NV / $(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
echo -e "Last version was $CV, will release version $NV (notes below)...\n"
echo -e "$NOTES"
if [ "$NP" != "--no-preview" ] && [ "$NP" != "-np" ]; then
# Preview mode
echo "Preview mode (append '-np' or '-no-preview' to release) ..."
# Release and fetch back
echo gh release create $NV --title "$NV" --notes "$NOTES"
echo git pull --rebase
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